package; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; // Data from the chart import; import; // Data from the event schema import; import; import; /** * This class represents a handler for camera zoom events. * * Example: Zoom to 1.3x: * ``` * { * 'e': 'ZoomCamera', * 'v': 1.3 * } * ``` * * Example: Zoom to 1.3x * ``` * { * 'e': 'FocusCamera', * 'v': { * 'char': 2, * 'y': -10, * } * } * ``` * * Example: Focus on (100, 100): * ``` * { * 'e': 'FocusCamera', * 'v': { * 'char': -1, * 'x': 100, * 'y': 100, * } * } * ``` */ class ZoomCameraSongEvent extends SongEvent { public function new() { super('ZoomCamera'); } public override function handleEvent(data:SongEventData):Void { // Does nothing if there is no PlayState camera or stage. if (PlayState.instance == null) return; var zoom:Null<Float> = data.getFloat('zoom'); if (zoom == null) zoom = 1.0; var duration:Null<Float> = data.getFloat('duration'); if (duration == null) duration = 4.0; var ease:Null<String> = data.getString('ease'); if (ease == null) ease = 'linear'; // If it's a string, check the value. switch (ease) { case 'INSTANT': // Set the zoom. Use defaultCameraZoom to prevent breaking camera bops. PlayState.instance.defaultCameraZoom = zoom * FlxCamera.defaultZoom; default: var easeFunction:Null<Float->Float> = Reflect.field(FlxEase, ease); if (easeFunction == null) { trace('Invalid ease function: $ease'); return; } FlxTween.tween(PlayState.instance, {defaultCameraZoom: zoom * FlxCamera.defaultZoom}, (Conductor.instance.stepLengthMs * duration / 1000), {ease: easeFunction}); } } public override function getTitle():String { return 'Zoom Camera'; } /** * ``` * { * 'zoom': FLOAT, // Target zoom level. * 'duration': FLOAT, // Optional duration in steps * 'ease': ENUM, // Optional easing function * } * @return SongEventSchema */ public override function getEventSchema():SongEventSchema { return new SongEventSchema([ { name: 'zoom', title: 'Zoom Level', defaultValue: 1.0, step: 0.1, type: SongEventFieldType.FLOAT, units: 'x' }, { name: 'duration', title: 'Duration', defaultValue: 4.0, step: 0.5, type: SongEventFieldType.FLOAT, units: 'steps' }, { name: 'ease', title: 'Easing Type', defaultValue: 'linear', type: SongEventFieldType.ENUM, keys: [ 'Linear' => 'linear', 'Instant' => 'INSTANT', 'Quad In' => 'quadIn', 'Quad Out' => 'quadOut', 'Quad In/Out' => 'quadInOut', 'Cube In' => 'cubeIn', 'Cube Out' => 'cubeOut', 'Cube In/Out' => 'cubeInOut', 'Quart In' => 'quartIn', 'Quart Out' => 'quartOut', 'Quart In/Out' => 'quartInOut', 'Quint In' => 'quintIn', 'Quint Out' => 'quintOut', 'Quint In/Out' => 'quintInOut', 'Smooth Step In' => 'smoothStepIn', 'Smooth Step Out' => 'smoothStepOut', 'Smooth Step In/Out' => 'smoothStepInOut', 'Sine In' => 'sineIn', 'Sine Out' => 'sineOut', 'Sine In/Out' => 'sineInOut', 'Elastic In' => 'elasticIn', 'Elastic Out' => 'elasticOut', 'Elastic In/Out' => 'elasticInOut', ] } ]); } }