package funkin.ui.debug.charting.toolboxes; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.debug.charting.commands.ChangeStartingBPMCommand; import funkin.ui.debug.charting.util.ChartEditorDropdowns; import haxe.ui.components.Button; import haxe.ui.components.CheckBox; import haxe.ui.components.DropDown; import haxe.ui.components.HorizontalSlider; import haxe.ui.components.Label; import haxe.ui.components.NumberStepper; import haxe.ui.components.Slider; import haxe.ui.core.Component; import; import haxe.ui.components.TextField; import haxe.ui.containers.Box; import haxe.ui.containers.HBox; import haxe.ui.containers.Frame; import; import; import haxe.ui.containers.Grid; import haxe.ui.components.DropDown; import haxe.ui.containers.Frame; /** * The toolbox which allows modifying information like Song Title, Scroll Speed, Characters/Stages, and starting BPM. */ // @:nullSafety // TODO: Fix null safety when used with HaxeUI build macros. @:access(funkin.ui.debug.charting.ChartEditorState) @:build("assets/exclude/data/ui/chart-editor/toolboxes/event-data.xml")) class ChartEditorEventDataToolbox extends ChartEditorBaseToolbox { var toolboxEventsEventKind:DropDown; var toolboxEventsDataFrame:Frame; var toolboxEventsDataGrid:Grid; var _initializing:Bool = true; public function new(chartEditorState2:ChartEditorState) { super(chartEditorState2); initialize(); this.onDialogClosed = onClose; this._initializing = false; } function onClose(event:UIEvent) { chartEditorState.menubarItemToggleToolboxEventData.selected = false; } function initialize():Void { toolboxEventsEventKind.dataSource = new ArrayDataSource(); var songEvents:Array = SongEventRegistry.listEvents(); for (event in songEvents) { toolboxEventsEventKind.dataSource.add({text: event.getTitle(), value:}); } toolboxEventsEventKind.onChange = function(event:UIEvent) { var eventType:String =; trace('ChartEditorToolboxHandler.buildToolboxEventDataLayout() - Event type changed: $eventType'); // Edit the event data to place. chartEditorState.eventKindToPlace = eventType; var schema:SongEventSchema = SongEventRegistry.getEventSchema(eventType); if (schema == null) { trace('ChartEditorToolboxHandler.buildToolboxEventDataLayout() - Unknown event kind: $eventType'); return; } buildEventDataFormFromSchema(toolboxEventsDataGrid, schema); if (!_initializing && chartEditorState.currentEventSelection.length > 0) { // Edit the event data of any selected events. for (event in chartEditorState.currentEventSelection) { event.eventKind = chartEditorState.eventKindToPlace; event.value = chartEditorState.eventDataToPlace; } chartEditorState.saveDataDirty = true; chartEditorState.noteDisplayDirty = true; chartEditorState.notePreviewDirty = true; } } toolboxEventsEventKind.value = chartEditorState.eventKindToPlace; } public override function refresh():Void { super.refresh(); toolboxEventsEventKind.value = chartEditorState.eventKindToPlace; for (pair in chartEditorState.eventDataToPlace.keyValueIterator()) { var fieldId:String = pair.key; var value:Null = pair.value; var field:Component = toolboxEventsDataGrid.findComponent(fieldId); if (field == null) { throw 'ChartEditorToolboxHandler.refresh() - Field "${fieldId}" does not exist in the event data form.'; } else { switch (field) { case Std.isOfType(_, NumberStepper) => true: var numberStepper:NumberStepper = cast field; numberStepper.value = value; case Std.isOfType(_, CheckBox) => true: var checkBox:CheckBox = cast field; checkBox.selected = value; case Std.isOfType(_, DropDown) => true: var dropDown:DropDown = cast field; dropDown.value = value; case Std.isOfType(_, TextField) => true: var textField:TextField = cast field; textField.text = value; default: throw 'ChartEditorToolboxHandler.refresh() - Field "${fieldId}" is of unknown type "${Type.getClassName(Type.getClass(field))}".'; } } } } function buildEventDataFormFromSchema(target:Box, schema:SongEventSchema):Void { trace(schema); // Clear the frame. target.removeAllComponents(); chartEditorState.eventDataToPlace = {}; for (field in schema) { if (field == null) continue; // Add a label for the data field. var label:Label = new Label(); label.text = field.title; label.verticalAlign = "center"; target.addComponent(label); // Add an input field for the data field. var input:Component; switch (field.type) { case INTEGER: var numberStepper:NumberStepper = new NumberStepper(); =; numberStepper.step = field.step ?? 1.0; numberStepper.min = field.min ?? 0.0; numberStepper.max = field.max ?? 10.0; if (field.defaultValue != null) numberStepper.value = field.defaultValue; input = numberStepper; case FLOAT: var numberStepper:NumberStepper = new NumberStepper(); =; numberStepper.step = field.step ?? 0.1; if (field.min != null) numberStepper.min = field.min; if (field.max != null) numberStepper.max = field.max; if (field.defaultValue != null) numberStepper.value = field.defaultValue; input = numberStepper; case BOOL: var checkBox:CheckBox = new CheckBox(); =; if (field.defaultValue != null) checkBox.selected = field.defaultValue; input = checkBox; case ENUM: var dropDown:DropDown = new DropDown(); =; dropDown.width = 200.0; dropDown.dataSource = new ArrayDataSource(); if (field.keys == null) throw 'Field "${}" is of Enum type but has no keys.'; // Add entries to the dropdown. for (optionName in field.keys.keys()) { var optionValue:Null = field.keys.get(optionName); trace('$optionName : $optionValue'); dropDown.dataSource.add({value: optionValue, text: optionName}); } dropDown.value = field.defaultValue; input = dropDown; case STRING: input = new TextField(); =; if (field.defaultValue != null) input.text = field.defaultValue; default: // Unknown type. Display a label that proclaims the type so we can debug it. input = new Label(); =; input.text = field.type; } // Putting in a box so we can add a unit label easily if there is one. var inputBox:HBox = new HBox(); inputBox.addComponent(input); // Add a unit label if applicable. if (field.units != null && field.units != "") { var units:Label = new Label(); units.text = field.units; units.verticalAlign = "center"; inputBox.addComponent(units); } target.addComponent(inputBox); // Update the value of the event data. input.onChange = function(event:UIEvent) { var value =; if (field.type == ENUM) { value =; } else if (field.type == BOOL) { var chk:CheckBox = cast; value = cast(chk.selected, Null); // Need to cast to nullable bool or the compiler will get mad. } trace('ChartEditorToolboxHandler.buildEventDataFormFromSchema() - ${} = ${value}'); // Edit the event data to place. if (value == null) { chartEditorState.eventDataToPlace.remove(; } else { chartEditorState.eventDataToPlace.set(, value); } // Edit the event data of any existing events. if (!_initializing && chartEditorState.currentEventSelection.length > 0) { for (event in chartEditorState.currentEventSelection) { event.eventKind = chartEditorState.eventKindToPlace; event.value = chartEditorState.eventDataToPlace; } chartEditorState.saveDataDirty = true; chartEditorState.noteDisplayDirty = true; chartEditorState.notePreviewDirty = true; } } } } public static function build(chartEditorState:ChartEditorState):ChartEditorEventDataToolbox { return new ChartEditorEventDataToolbox(chartEditorState); } }