package; import Controls.Control; import flash.text.TextField; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxGame; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxState; import flixel.addons.display.FlxGridOverlay; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import; import; import; import flixel.input.touch.FlxTouch; import flixel.math.FlxAngle; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import freeplayStuff.BGScrollingText; import freeplayStuff.DJBoyfriend; import freeplayStuff.FreeplayScore; import freeplayStuff.SongMenuItem; import; import lime.utils.Assets; import shaderslmfao.AngleMask; import shaderslmfao.StrokeShader; using StringTools; class FreeplayState extends MusicBeatSubstate { var songs:Array = []; // var selector:FlxText; var curSelected:Int = 0; var curDifficulty:Int = 1; var fp:FreeplayScore; var lerpScore:Float = 0; var intendedScore:Int = 0; var grpDifficulties:FlxSpriteGroup; var coolColors:Array = [ 0xff9271fd, 0xff9271fd, 0xff223344, 0xFF941653, 0xFFfc96d7, 0xFFa0d1ff, 0xffff78bf, 0xfff6b604 ]; private var grpSongs:FlxTypedGroup; private var grpCapsules:FlxTypedGroup; private var curPlaying:Bool = false; private var iconArray:Array = []; override function create() { FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; #if discord_rpc // Updating Discord Rich Presence DiscordClient.changePresence("In the Menus", null); #end var isDebug:Bool = false; #if debug isDebug = true; addSong('Test', 1, 'bf-pixel'); #end var initSonglist = CoolUtil.coolTextFile(Paths.txt('freeplaySonglist')); for (i in 0...initSonglist.length) { songs.push(new SongMetadata(initSonglist[i], 1, 'gf')); } if ( != null) { if (! FlxG.sound.playMusic('freakyMenu')); } if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[2] || isDebug) addWeek(['Bopeebo', 'Fresh', 'Dadbattle'], 1, ['dad']); if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[2] || isDebug) addWeek(['Spookeez', 'South', 'Monster'], 2, ['spooky', 'spooky', 'monster']); if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[3] || isDebug) addWeek(['Pico', 'Philly', 'Blammed'], 3, ['pico']); if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[4] || isDebug) addWeek(['Satin-Panties', 'High', 'Milf'], 4, ['mom']); if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[5] || isDebug) addWeek(['Cocoa', 'Eggnog', 'Winter-Horrorland'], 5, ['parents-christmas', 'parents-christmas', 'monster-christmas']); if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[6] || isDebug) addWeek(['Senpai', 'Roses', 'Thorns'], 6, ['senpai', 'senpai', 'spirit']); if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[7] || isDebug) addWeek(['Ugh', 'Guns', 'Stress'], 7, ['tankman']); addWeek(["Darnell", "lit-up", "2hot"], 8, ['darnell']); addWeek(["bro"], 1, ['gf']); // LOAD MUSIC // LOAD CHARACTERS trace(FlxG.width); trace(; trace(; trace(FlxCamera.defaultZoom); trace(FlxG.initialZoom); var pinkBack:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/pinkBack')); pinkBack.color = 0xFFffd4e9; // sets it to pink! pinkBack.x -= pinkBack.width; FlxTween.tween(pinkBack, {x: 0}, 0.6, {ease: FlxEase.quartOut}); add(pinkBack); var orangeBackShit:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(84, FlxG.height * 0.68).makeGraphic(, 50, 0xFFffd400); add(orangeBackShit); var alsoOrangeLOL:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, orangeBackShit.y).makeGraphic(100,, 0xFFffd400); add(alsoOrangeLOL); FlxSpriteUtil.alphaMaskFlxSprite(orangeBackShit, pinkBack, orangeBackShit); orangeBackShit.visible = false; alsoOrangeLOL.visible = false; var grpTxtScrolls:FlxGroup = new FlxGroup(); add(grpTxtScrolls); grpTxtScrolls.visible = false; var moreWays:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 200, "HOT BLOODED IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE", FlxG.width); moreWays.funnyColor = 0xFFfff383; moreWays.speed = 4; grpTxtScrolls.add(moreWays); var funnyScroll:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 250, "BOYFRIEND", FlxG.width / 2); funnyScroll.funnyColor = 0xFFff9963; funnyScroll.speed = -1; grpTxtScrolls.add(funnyScroll); var txtNuts:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 300, "PROTECT YO NUTS", FlxG.width / 2); grpTxtScrolls.add(txtNuts); var funnyScroll2:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 340, "BOYFRIEND", FlxG.width / 2); funnyScroll2.funnyColor = 0xFFff9963; funnyScroll2.speed = -1.2; grpTxtScrolls.add(funnyScroll2); var moreWays2:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 400, "HOT BLOODED IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE", FlxG.width); moreWays2.funnyColor = 0xFFfff383; moreWays2.speed = 4.4; grpTxtScrolls.add(moreWays2); var funnyScroll3:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, orangeBackShit.y, "BOYFRIEND", FlxG.width / 2); funnyScroll3.funnyColor = 0xFFff9963; funnyScroll3.speed = -0.8; grpTxtScrolls.add(funnyScroll3); var dj:DJBoyfriend = new DJBoyfriend(0, -100); add(dj); var bgDad:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(pinkBack.width * 0.75, 0).loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/freeplayBGdad')); bgDad.setGraphicSize(0, FlxG.height); bgDad.updateHitbox(); bgDad.shader = new AngleMask(); bgDad.visible = false; var blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(FlxG.width).makeGraphic(,, FlxColor.BLACK); add(blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD); // used to mask the text lol! add(bgDad); FlxTween.tween(blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD, {x: pinkBack.width * 0.75}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.quintOut}); blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD.shader = bgDad.shader; grpSongs = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpSongs); grpCapsules = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpCapsules); grpDifficulties = new FlxSpriteGroup(-300, 100); add(grpDifficulties); grpDifficulties.add(new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/freeplayEasy'))); grpDifficulties.add(new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/freeplayNorm'))); grpDifficulties.add(new FlxSprite().loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/freeplayHard'))); { spr.visible = false; });[curDifficulty].visible = true; var overhangStuff:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 64, FlxColor.BLACK); overhangStuff.y -= overhangStuff.height; add(overhangStuff); FlxTween.tween(overhangStuff, {y: 0}, 0.3, {ease: FlxEase.quartOut}); var fnfFreeplay:FlxText = new FlxText(0, 12, 0, "FREEPLAY", 48); fnfFreeplay.font = "VCR OSD Mono"; fnfFreeplay.visible = false; var sillyStroke = new StrokeShader(0xFFFFFFFF, 2, 2); fnfFreeplay.shader = sillyStroke; add(fnfFreeplay); fp = new FreeplayScore(420, 40, 100); fp.visible = false; add(fp); dj.animHITsignal.add(function() { FlxTween.tween(grpDifficulties, {x: 90}, 0.6, {ease: FlxEase.quartOut}); add(new DifficultySelector(20, grpDifficulties.y, false, controls)); add(new DifficultySelector(325, grpDifficulties.y, true, controls)); var animShit:ComboCounter = new ComboCounter(100, 300, 1000000); // add(animShit); new FlxTimer().start(1 / 24, function(handShit) { fnfFreeplay.visible = true; fp.visible = true; fp.updateScore(, 1000)); new FlxTimer().start(1.5 / 24, function(bold) { sillyStroke.width = 0; sillyStroke.height = 0; }); }); pinkBack.color = 0xFFffd863; // fnfFreeplay.visible = true; bgDad.visible = true; orangeBackShit.visible = true; alsoOrangeLOL.visible = true; grpTxtScrolls.visible = true; }); for (i in 0...songs.length) { var funnyMenu:SongMenuItem = new SongMenuItem(FlxG.width, (i * 150) + 160, songs[i].songName); funnyMenu.targetPos.x = funnyMenu.x; funnyMenu.ID = i; funnyMenu.alpha = 0.5; funnyMenu.songText.visible = false; fp.updateScore(0); new FlxTimer().start((1 / 24) * i, function(doShit) { funnyMenu.doJumpIn = true; }); new FlxTimer().start((0.09 * i) + 0.85, function(lerpTmr) { funnyMenu.doLerp = true; }); new FlxTimer().start(((0.20 * i) / (1 + i)) + 0.75, function(swagShi) { funnyMenu.songText.visible = true; funnyMenu.alpha = 1; }); grpCapsules.add(funnyMenu); var songText:Alphabet = new Alphabet(0, (70 * i) + 30, songs[i].songName, true, false); songText.x += 100; songText.isMenuItem = true; songText.targetY = i; // grpSongs.add(songText); var icon:HealthIcon = new HealthIcon(songs[i].songCharacter); icon.sprTracker = songText; // using a FlxGroup is too much fuss! iconArray.push(icon); // add(icon); // songText.x += 40; // DONT PUT X IN THE FIRST PARAMETER OF new ALPHABET() !! // songText.screenCenter(X); } changeSelection(); changeDiff(); // FlxG.sound.playMusic('title'), 0); //, 0, 0.8); // selector = new FlxText(); // selector.size = 40; // selector.text = ">"; // add(selector); var swag:Alphabet = new Alphabet(1, 0, "swag"); // JUST DOIN THIS SHIT FOR TESTING!!! /* var md:String = Markdown.markdownToHtml(Assets.getText('')); var texFel:TextField = new TextField(); texFel.width = FlxG.width; texFel.height = FlxG.height; // texFel. texFel.htmlText = md; FlxG.stage.addChild(texFel); trace(md); */ var funnyCam = new FlxCamera(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height); funnyCam.bgColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT; FlxG.cameras.add(funnyCam); forEach(function(bs) { bs.cameras = [funnyCam]; }); super.create(); } public function addSong(songName:String, weekNum:Int, songCharacter:String) { songs.push(new SongMetadata(songName, weekNum, songCharacter)); } public function addWeek(songs:Array, weekNum:Int, ?songCharacters:Array) { if (songCharacters == null) songCharacters = ['bf']; var num:Int = 0; for (song in songs) { addSong(song, weekNum, songCharacters[num]); if (songCharacters.length != 1) num++; } } var touchY:Float = 0; var touchX:Float = 0; var dxTouch:Float = 0; var dyTouch:Float = 0; var velTouch:Float = 0; var veloctiyLoopShit:Float = 0; var touchTimer:Float = 0; var initTouchPos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(); override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if ( != null) { if ( < 0.7) { += 0.5 * FlxG.elapsed; } } lerpScore = CoolUtil.coolLerp(lerpScore, intendedScore, 0.2); fp.scoreShit =; var upP = controls.UI_UP_P; var downP = controls.UI_DOWN_P; var accepted = controls.ACCEPT; if (FlxG.onMobile) { for (touch in FlxG.touches.list) { if (touch.justPressed) { initTouchPos.set(touch.screenX, touch.screenY); } if (touch.pressed) { var dx = initTouchPos.x - touch.screenX; var dy = initTouchPos.y - touch.screenY; var angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx); var length = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);"LENGTH", length);"ANGLE", Math.round(FlxAngle.asDegrees(angle))); trace("ANGLE", Math.round(FlxAngle.asDegrees(angle))); } /* switch (inputID) { case FlxObject.UP: return case FlxObject.DOWN: } */ } if (FlxG.touches.getFirst() != null) { if (touchTimer >= 1.5) accepted = true; touchTimer += FlxG.elapsed; var touch:FlxTouch = FlxG.touches.getFirst(); velTouch = Math.abs((touch.screenY - dyTouch)) / 50; dyTouch = touch.screenY - touchY; dxTouch = touch.screenX - touchX; if (touch.justPressed) { touchY = touch.screenY; dyTouch = 0; velTouch = 0; touchX = touch.screenX; dxTouch = 0; } if (Math.abs(dxTouch) >= 100) { touchX = touch.screenX; if (dxTouch != 0) dxTouch < 0 ? changeDiff(1) : changeDiff(-1); } if (Math.abs(dyTouch) >= 100) { touchY = touch.screenY; if (dyTouch != 0) dyTouch < 0 ? changeSelection(1) : changeSelection(-1); // changeSelection(1); } } else { touchTimer = 0; /* if (velTouch >= 0) { trace(velTouch); velTouch -= FlxG.elapsed; veloctiyLoopShit += velTouch; trace("VEL LOOP: " + veloctiyLoopShit); if (veloctiyLoopShit >= 30) { veloctiyLoopShit = 0; changeSelection(1); } // trace(velTouch); }*/ } } #if mobile for (touch in FlxG.touches.list) { if (touch.justPressed) { // accepted = true; } } #end if (upP) changeSelection(-1); if (downP) changeSelection(1); if (FlxG.mouse.wheel != 0) changeSelection(-Math.round(FlxG.mouse.wheel / 4)); if (controls.UI_LEFT_P) changeDiff(-1); if (controls.UI_RIGHT_P) changeDiff(1); if (controls.BACK) {'cancelMenu')); close(); // FlxG.switchState(new MainMenuState()); } if (accepted) { // if (Assets.exists()) var poop:String = songs[curSelected].songName.toLowerCase(); // does not work properly, always just accidentally sets it to normal anyways! /* if (!Assets.exists(Paths.json(songs[curSelected].songName + '/' + poop))) { // defaults to normal if HARD / EASY doesn't exist // does not account if NORMAL doesn't exist! FlxG.log.warn("CURRENT DIFFICULTY IS NOT CHARTED, DEFAULTING TO NORMAL!"); poop = Highscore.formatSong(songs[curSelected].songName.toLowerCase(), 1); curDifficulty = 1; }*/ PlayState.SONG = SongLoad.loadFromJson(poop, songs[curSelected].songName.toLowerCase()); PlayState.isStoryMode = false; PlayState.storyDifficulty = curDifficulty; // SongLoad.curDiff = Highscore.formatSong() SongLoad.curDiff = switch (curDifficulty) { case 0: 'easy'; case 1: 'normal'; case 2: 'hard'; default: 'normal'; }; PlayState.storyWeek = songs[curSelected].week; trace(' CUR WEEK ' + PlayState.storyWeek); LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new PlayState()); } } override function switchTo(nextState:FlxState):Bool { clearDaCache(songs[curSelected].songName); return super.switchTo(nextState); } function changeDiff(change:Int = 0) { touchTimer = 0; curDifficulty += change; if (curDifficulty < 0) curDifficulty = 2; if (curDifficulty > 2) curDifficulty = 0; // intendedScore = Highscore.getScore(songs[curSelected].songName, curDifficulty); intendedScore =, 100000); PlayState.storyDifficulty = curDifficulty; { spr.visible = false; }); var curShit:FlxSprite =[curDifficulty]; curShit.visible = true; curShit.offset.y += 5; new FlxTimer().start(1 / 24, function(swag) { curShit.updateHitbox(); }); } // Clears the cache of songs, frees up memory, they' ll have to be loaded in later tho function clearDaCache(actualSongTho:String) function clearDaCache(actualSongTho:String) { for (song in songs) { if (song.songName != actualSongTho) { trace('trying to remove: ' + song.songName); // openfl.Assets.cache.clear(Paths.inst(song.songName)); } } } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0) { // fp.updateScore(12345); NGio.logEvent('Fresh'); // NGio.logEvent('Fresh');'scrollMenu'), 0.4); curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = songs.length - 1; if (curSelected >= songs.length) curSelected = 0; // selector.y = (70 * curSelected) + 30; // intendedScore = Highscore.getScore(songs[curSelected].songName, curDifficulty); intendedScore =, 1000000); // lerpScore = 0; #if PRELOAD_ALL // FlxG.sound.playMusic(Paths.inst(songs[curSelected].songName), 0); #end var bullShit:Int = 0; for (i in 0...iconArray.length) { iconArray[i].alpha = 0.6; } iconArray[curSelected].alpha = 1; for (index => capsule in grpCapsules.members) { capsule.selected = false; capsule.targetPos.y = ((index - curSelected) * 150) + 160; capsule.targetPos.x = 270 + (60 * (Math.sin(index - curSelected))); // capsule.targetPos.x = 320 + (40 * (index - curSelected)); if (index < curSelected) capsule.targetPos.y -= 100; // another 100 for good measure } grpCapsules.members[curSelected].selected = true; } } class DifficultySelector extends FlxSprite { var controls:Controls; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, flipped:Bool, controls:Controls) { super(x, y); this.controls = controls; frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('freeplay/freeplaySelector'); animation.addByPrefix('shine', "arrow pointer loop", 24);'shine'); flipX = flipped; } override function update(elapsed:Float) { if (flipX && controls.UI_RIGHT_P) moveShitDown(); if (!flipX && controls.UI_LEFT_P) moveShitDown(); super.update(elapsed); } function moveShitDown() { offset.y -= 5; new FlxTimer().start(2 / 24, function(tmr) { updateHitbox(); }); } } class SongMetadata { public var songName:String = ""; public var week:Int = 0; public var songCharacter:String = ""; public function new(song:String, week:Int, songCharacter:String) { this.songName = song; this.week = week; this.songCharacter = songCharacter; } }