package funkin.ui.debug.charting.toolboxes; import haxe.ui.components.DropDown; import haxe.ui.components.TextField; import haxe.ui.components.Label; import haxe.ui.components.NumberStepper; import haxe.ui.containers.Grid; import haxe.ui.core.Component; import; import funkin.ui.debug.charting.util.ChartEditorDropdowns; import; import; import; import; /** * The toolbox which allows modifying information like Note Kind. */ @:access(funkin.ui.debug.charting.ChartEditorState) @:build("assets/exclude/data/ui/chart-editor/toolboxes/note-data.xml")) class ChartEditorNoteDataToolbox extends ChartEditorBaseToolbox { // 100 is the height used in note-data.xml static final DIALOG_HEIGHT:Int = 100; // toolboxNotesGrid.height + 45 // this is what i found out by printing this.height and grid.height // and then seeing that this.height is 100 and grid.height is 55 static final HEIGHT_OFFSET:Int = 45; // minimizing creates a gray bar the bottom, which would obscure the components, // which is why we use an extra offset of 20 static final MINIMIZE_FIX:Int = 20; var toolboxNotesGrid:Grid; var toolboxNotesNoteKind:DropDown; var toolboxNotesCustomKind:TextField; var toolboxNotesParams:Array = []; var _initializing:Bool = true; public function new(chartEditorState2:ChartEditorState) { super(chartEditorState2); initialize(); this.onDialogClosed = onClose; this._initializing = false; } function onClose(event:UIEvent) { chartEditorState.menubarItemToggleToolboxNoteData.selected = false; } function initialize():Void { toolboxNotesNoteKind.onChange = function(event:UIEvent) { var noteKind:Null = event?.data?.id ?? null; if (noteKind == '') noteKind = null; trace('ChartEditorToolboxHandler.buildToolboxNoteDataLayout() - Note kind changed: $noteKind'); // Edit the note data to place. if (noteKind == '~CUSTOM~') { showCustom(); toolboxNotesCustomKind.value = chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace; } else { hideCustom(); chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace = noteKind; toolboxNotesCustomKind.value = chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace; } createNoteKindParams(noteKind); if (!_initializing && chartEditorState.currentNoteSelection.length > 0) { for (note in chartEditorState.currentNoteSelection) { // Edit the note data of any selected notes. note.kind = chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace; note.params = ChartEditorState.cloneNoteParams(chartEditorState.noteParamsToPlace); // update note sprites for (noteSprite in chartEditorState.renderedNotes.members) { if (noteSprite.noteData == note) { noteSprite.noteStyle = NoteKindManager.getNoteStyleId(note.kind) ?? chartEditorState.currentSongNoteStyle; break; } } // update hold note sprites for (holdNoteSprite in chartEditorState.renderedHoldNotes.members) { if (holdNoteSprite.noteData == note) { holdNoteSprite.noteStyle = NoteKindManager.getNoteStyleId(note.kind) ?? chartEditorState.currentSongNoteStyle; break; } } } chartEditorState.saveDataDirty = true; chartEditorState.noteDisplayDirty = true; chartEditorState.notePreviewDirty = true; } }; var startingValueNoteKind = ChartEditorDropdowns.populateDropdownWithNoteKinds(toolboxNotesNoteKind, ''); toolboxNotesNoteKind.value = startingValueNoteKind; toolboxNotesCustomKind.onChange = function(event:UIEvent) { var customKind:Null = event?.target?.text; chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace = customKind; if (chartEditorState.currentEventSelection.length > 0) { // Edit the note data of any selected notes. for (note in chartEditorState.currentNoteSelection) { note.kind = chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace; } chartEditorState.saveDataDirty = true; chartEditorState.noteDisplayDirty = true; chartEditorState.notePreviewDirty = true; } }; toolboxNotesCustomKind.value = chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace; } public override function refresh():Void { super.refresh(); toolboxNotesNoteKind.value = ChartEditorDropdowns.lookupNoteKind(chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace); toolboxNotesCustomKind.value = chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace; createNoteKindParams(chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace); } function showCustom():Void { toolboxNotesCustomKindLabel.hidden = false; toolboxNotesCustomKind.hidden = false; } function hideCustom():Void { toolboxNotesCustomKindLabel.hidden = true; toolboxNotesCustomKind.hidden = true; } function createNoteKindParams(noteKind:Null):Void { clearNoteKindParams(); var setParamsToPlace:Bool = false; if (!_initializing) { for (note in chartEditorState.currentNoteSelection) { if (note.kind == chartEditorState.noteKindToPlace) { chartEditorState.noteParamsToPlace = ChartEditorState.cloneNoteParams(note.params); setParamsToPlace = true; break; } } } var noteKindParams:Array = NoteKindManager.getParams(noteKind); for (i in 0...noteKindParams.length) { var param:NoteKindParam = noteKindParams[i]; var paramLabel:Label = new Label(); paramLabel.value = param.description; paramLabel.verticalAlign = "center"; paramLabel.horizontalAlign = "right"; var paramComponent:Component = null; switch (param.type) { case NoteKindParamType.INT | NoteKindParamType.FLOAT: var paramStepper:NumberStepper = new NumberStepper(); paramStepper.value = (setParamsToPlace ? chartEditorState.noteParamsToPlace[i].value : ?? 0.0; paramStepper.percentWidth = 100; paramStepper.step = ?? 1; // this check should be unnecessary but for some reason // even when these are null it will set it to 0 if ( != null) { paramStepper.min =; } if ( != null) { paramStepper.max =; } if ( != null) { paramStepper.precision =; } paramComponent = paramStepper; case NoteKindParamType.STRING: var paramTextField:TextField = new TextField(); paramTextField.value = (setParamsToPlace ? chartEditorState.noteParamsToPlace[i].value : ?? ''; paramTextField.percentWidth = 100; paramComponent = paramTextField; } if (paramComponent == null) { continue; } paramComponent.onChange = function(event:UIEvent) { chartEditorState.noteParamsToPlace[i].value = paramComponent.value; for (note in chartEditorState.currentNoteSelection) { if (note.params.length != noteKindParams.length) { break; } if (note.params[i].name == { note.params[i].value = paramComponent.value; } } } addNoteKindParam(paramLabel, paramComponent); } if (!setParamsToPlace) { var noteParamData:Array = []; for (i in 0...noteKindParams.length) { noteParamData.push(new NoteParamData(noteKindParams[i].name, toolboxNotesParams[i].component.value)); } chartEditorState.noteParamsToPlace = noteParamData; } } function addNoteKindParam(label:Label, component:Component):Void { toolboxNotesParams.push({label: label, component: component}); toolboxNotesGrid.addComponent(label); toolboxNotesGrid.addComponent(component); this.height = Math.max(DIALOG_HEIGHT, DIALOG_HEIGHT - 30 + toolboxNotesParams.length * 30); } function clearNoteKindParams():Void { for (param in toolboxNotesParams) { toolboxNotesGrid.removeComponent(param.component); toolboxNotesGrid.removeComponent(param.label); } toolboxNotesParams = []; this.height = DIALOG_HEIGHT; } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); // current dialog is minimized, dont change the height if (this.minimized) { return; } var heightToSet:Int =, (toolboxNotesGrid?.height ?? 50) + HEIGHT_OFFSET)) + MINIMIZE_FIX; if (this.height != heightToSet) { this.height = heightToSet; } } public static function build(chartEditorState:ChartEditorState):ChartEditorNoteDataToolbox { return new ChartEditorNoteDataToolbox(chartEditorState); } } typedef ToolboxNoteKindParam = { var label:Label; var component:Component; }