name: setup-haxeshit description: "sets up haxe shit, using HMM!" inputs: haxe: description: 'Version of haxe to install' required: true default: '4.3.4' hxcpp-cache: description: 'Whether to use a shared hxcpp compile cache' required: true default: 'true' hxcpp-cache-path: description: 'Path to create hxcpp cache in' required: true default: ${{ runner.temp }}/hxcpp_cache targets: description: 'Targets we plan to compile to. Installs native dependencies needed.' required: true runs: using: "composite" steps: - name: Setup timers shell: bash run: | echo "TIMER_HAXE=$(date +%s)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" - name: Install Haxe uses: funkincrew/ci-haxe@v3.1.0 with: haxe-version: ${{ inputs.haxe }} - name: Install native dependencies if: ${{ runner.os == 'Linux' }} shell: bash run: | ls -lah /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ apt-get update apt-get install -y \ g++ \ libx11-dev libxi-dev libxext-dev libxinerama-dev libxrandr-dev \ libgl-dev libgl1-mesa-dev \ libasound2-dev ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ || true - name: Install linux-specific dependencies if: ${{ runner.os == 'Linux' && contains(inputs.targets, 'linux') }} shell: bash run: | apt-get install -y libvlc-dev libvlccore-dev - name: Config haxelib shell: bash run: | echo "TIMER_HAXELIB=$(date +%s)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" haxelib --debug --never install haxelib 4.1.0 --global haxelib --debug --never deleterepo || true haxelib --debug --never newrepo echo "HAXEPATH=$(haxelib config)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" haxelib --debug --never git haxelib master haxelib --debug --global install hmm echo "TIMER_DEPS=$(date +%s)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" - name: Restore cached dependencies id: cache-hmm uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: .haxelib key: haxe-hmm-${{ runner.os }}-${{ hashFiles('**/hmm.json') }} - if: ${{ steps.cache-hmm.outputs.cache-hit != 'true' }} name: Install dependencies shell: bash run: | git config --list --show-origin --show-scope haxelib --debug --global run hmm install echo "TIMER_DONE=$(date +%s)" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" # by default use a shared hxcpp cache - if: ${{ inputs.hxcpp-cache == 'true' }} name: Restore hxcpp cache uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{ inputs.hxcpp-cache-path }} key: haxe-hxcpp-${{ runner.os }}-${{ github.ref_name }}-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: haxe-hxcpp-${{ runner.os }}-${{ github.ref_name }} # export env for it to reuse in builds - if: ${{ inputs.hxcpp-cache == 'true' }} name: Persist env for hxcpp cache shell: bash run: | echo "HXCPP_COMPILE_CACHE=${{ inputs.hxcpp-cache-path }}" >> "$GITHUB_ENV" echo 'HXCPP_CACHE_MB="4096"' >> "$GITHUB_ENV" # if it's explicitly disabled, still cache export/ since that then contains the builds - if: ${{ inputs.hxcpp-cache != 'true' }} name: Restore export cache uses: actions/cache@v4 with: path: ${{ inputs.hxcpp-cache-path }} key: haxe-export-${{ runner.os }}-${{ github.ref_name }}-${{ github.sha }} restore-keys: haxe-export-${{ runner.os }}-${{ github.ref_name }} - name: Print debug info shell: bash run: | cat << EOF runner: kernel: $(uname -a) haxe: version: $(haxe -version) which: $(which haxe) haxepath: $HAXEPATH took: $((TIMER_HAXELIB - TIMER_HAXE))s haxelib: version: $(haxelib version) which: $(which haxelib) local: config: $(haxelib config) path: $(haxelib path haxelib || true) global config: $(haxelib config --global) path: $(haxelib path haxelib --global || true) system version: $(haxelib --system version) local: config: $(haxelib --system config) global: config: $(haxelib --system config --global) took: $((TIMER_DEPS - TIMER_HAXELIB))s deps: took: $((TIMER_DONE - TIMER_DEPS))s hxcpp_cache: | $(haxelib run hxcpp cache list || true) EOF