package funkin.ui.debug.latency; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.FlxSubState; import; import; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatSubState; import flixel.sound.FlxSound; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import; import; import funkin.ui.debug.latency.CoolStatsGraph; import; import funkin.input.PreciseInputManager; import; import; import; import; import; import haxe.Timer; import flixel.FlxCamera; class LatencyState extends MusicBeatSubState { var visualOffsetText:FlxText; var offsetText:FlxText; var noteGrp:Array; var strumLine:Strumline; var blocks:FlxTypedGroup; var songPosVis:FlxSprite; var songVisFollowVideo:FlxSprite; var songVisFollowAudio:FlxSprite; var beatTrail:FlxSprite; var diffGrp:FlxTypedGroup; var offsetsPerBeat:Array> = []; var swagSong:FlxSound; var previousVolume:Float; var stateCamera:FlxCamera; /** * A local conductor instance for this testing class, in-case we are in a PlayState * because I'm too lazy to set the old variables for conductor stuff ! */ var localConductor:Conductor; // stores values of what the previous persistent draw/update stuff was, example if opened // from pause menu, we want to NOT draw persistently, but then resume drawing once closed var prevPersistentDraw:Bool; var prevPersistentUpdate:Bool; override function create() { super.create(); prevPersistentDraw = FlxG.state.persistentDraw; prevPersistentUpdate = FlxG.state.persistentUpdate; FlxG.state.persistentDraw = false; FlxG.state.persistentUpdate = false; localConductor = new Conductor(); conductorInUse = localConductor; stateCamera = new FlxCamera(0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height); stateCamera.bgColor = FlxColor.BLACK; FlxG.cameras.add(stateCamera); var bg:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, FlxG.height, FlxColor.BLACK); add(bg); if ( != null) { previousVolume =; = 0; // only want to mute the volume, incase we are coming from pause menu } else previousVolume = 1; // defaults to 1 if no music is playing 🤔 also fuck it, emoji in code comment swagSong = new FlxSound(); swagSong.loadEmbedded(Paths.sound('soundTest'), true); swagSong.looped = true;; FlxG.sound.list.add(swagSong); PreciseInputManager.instance.onInputPressed.add(preciseInputPressed); PreciseInputManager.instance.onInputReleased.add(preciseInputReleased); localConductor.forceBPM(60); noteGrp = []; diffGrp = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(diffGrp); for (beat in 0...Math.floor(swagSong.length / (localConductor.stepLengthMs * 2))) { var beatTick:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(songPosToX(beat * (localConductor.stepLengthMs * 2)), FlxG.height - 15); beatTick.makeGraphic(2, 15); beatTick.alpha = 0.3; add(beatTick); var offsetTxt:FlxText = new FlxText(songPosToX(beat * (localConductor.stepLengthMs * 2)), FlxG.height - 26, 0, "swag"); offsetTxt.alpha = 0.5; diffGrp.add(offsetTxt); offsetsPerBeat.push(null); } songVisFollowAudio = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height - 20).makeGraphic(2, 20, FlxColor.YELLOW); add(songVisFollowAudio); songVisFollowVideo = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height - 20).makeGraphic(2, 20, FlxColor.BLUE); add(songVisFollowVideo); songPosVis = new FlxSprite(0, FlxG.height - 20).makeGraphic(2, 20, FlxColor.RED); add(songPosVis); beatTrail = new FlxSprite(0, songPosVis.y).makeGraphic(2, 20, FlxColor.PURPLE); beatTrail.alpha = 0.7; add(beatTrail); blocks = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(blocks); for (i in 0...8) { var block = new FlxSprite(2, ((FlxG.height / 8) + 2) * i).makeGraphic( / 8), / 8) - 4)); block.alpha = 0.1; blocks.add(block); } var strumlineBG:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(); add(strumlineBG); strumLine = new Strumline(NoteStyleRegistry.instance.fetchDefault(), true); strumLine.conductorInUse = localConductor; strumLine.screenCenter(); add(strumLine); strumlineBG.x = strumLine.x; strumlineBG.makeGraphic(, FlxG.height, 0xFFFFFFFF); strumlineBG.alpha = 0.1; visualOffsetText = new FlxText(); visualOffsetText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 20); visualOffsetText.x = (FlxG.height / 8) + 10; visualOffsetText.y = 10; visualOffsetText.fieldWidth = strumLine.x - visualOffsetText.x - 10; add(visualOffsetText); offsetText = new FlxText(); offsetText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 20); offsetText.x = strumLine.x + strumLine.width + 10; offsetText.y = 10; offsetText.fieldWidth = FlxG.width - offsetText.x - 10; add(offsetText); var helpText:FlxText = new FlxText(); helpText.setFormat(Paths.font("vcr.ttf"), 20); helpText.text = "Press ESC to return to main menu"; helpText.x = FlxG.width - helpText.width; helpText.y = FlxG.height - helpText.height - 2; add(helpText); regenNoteData(); } function preciseInputPressed(event:PreciseInputEvent) { generateBeatStuff(event); strumLine.pressKey(event.noteDirection); strumLine.playPress(event.noteDirection); } function preciseInputReleased(event:PreciseInputEvent) { strumLine.playStatic(event.noteDirection); strumLine.releaseKey(event.noteDirection); } override public function close():Void { PreciseInputManager.instance.onInputPressed.remove(preciseInputPressed); PreciseInputManager.instance.onInputReleased.remove(preciseInputReleased); = previousVolume; swagSong.stop(); FlxG.sound.list.remove(swagSong); FlxG.cameras.remove(stateCamera); FlxG.state.persistentDraw = prevPersistentDraw; FlxG.state.persistentUpdate = prevPersistentUpdate; super.close(); } function regenNoteData() { for (i in 0...32) { var note:SongNoteData = new SongNoteData((localConductor.stepLengthMs * 2) * i, 1); noteGrp.push(note); } strumLine.applyNoteData(noteGrp); } override function stepHit():Bool { if (localConductor.currentStep % 4 == 2) { blocks.members[((localConductor.currentBeat % 8) + 1) % 8].alpha = 0.5; } return super.stepHit(); } override function beatHit():Bool { if (localConductor.currentBeat % 8 == 0) blocks.forEach(blok -> { blok.alpha = 0.1; }); blocks.members[localConductor.currentBeat % 8].alpha = 1; // block.visible = !block.visible; return super.beatHit(); } override function update(elapsed:Float) { /* trace("1: " + swagSong.frfrTime); @:privateAccess trace(; */ localConductor.update(swagSong.time, false, true); // localConductor.songPosition += (Timer.stamp() * 1000) -; songPosVis.x = songPosToX(localConductor.songPosition); songVisFollowAudio.x = songPosToX(localConductor.songPosition - localConductor.audioVisualOffset); songVisFollowVideo.x = songPosToX(localConductor.songPosition - localConductor.inputOffset); visualOffsetText.text = "Visual Offset: " + localConductor.audioVisualOffset + "ms"; visualOffsetText.text += "\n\nYou can press SPACE+Left/Right to change this value."; visualOffsetText.text += "\n\nYou can hold SHIFT to step 1ms at a time"; offsetText.text = "INPUT Offset (Left/Right to change): " + localConductor.inputOffset + "ms"; offsetText.text += "\n\nYou can hold SHIFT to step 1ms at a time"; var avgOffsetInput:Float = 0; var loopInd:Int = 0; for (offsetThing in offsetsPerBeat) { if (offsetThing == null) continue; avgOffsetInput += offsetThing; loopInd++; } avgOffsetInput /= loopInd; offsetText.text += "\n\nEstimated average input offset needed: " + avgOffsetInput; var multiply:Int = 10; if (FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT) multiply = 1; if (FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL || FlxG.keys.pressed.SPACE) { if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT) { localConductor.audioVisualOffset += 1 * multiply; } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT) { localConductor.audioVisualOffset -= 1 * multiply; } } else { if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.RIGHT) { localConductor.inputOffset += 1 * multiply; } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.LEFT) { localConductor.inputOffset -= 1 * multiply; } } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.ESCAPE) { close(); } super.update(elapsed); } function generateBeatStuff(event:PreciseInputEvent) { // localConductor.update(swagSong.getTimeWithDiff()); var inputLatencyMs:Float = haxe.Int64.toInt(PreciseInputManager.getCurrentTimestamp() - event.timestamp) / 1000.0 / 1000.0; // trace("input latency: " + inputLatencyMs + "ms"); // trace("cur timestamp: " + PreciseInputManager.getCurrentTimestamp() + "ns"); // trace("event timestamp: " + event.timestamp + "ns"); // trace("songtime: " + localConductor.getTimeWithDiff(swagSong) + "ms"); var closestBeat:Int = Math.round(localConductor.getTimeWithDiff(swagSong) / (localConductor.stepLengthMs * 2)) % diffGrp.members.length; var getDiff:Float = localConductor.getTimeWithDiff(swagSong) - (closestBeat * (localConductor.stepLengthMs * 2)); // getDiff -= localConductor.inputOffset; getDiff -= inputLatencyMs; getDiff -= localConductor.audioVisualOffset; // lil fix for end of song if (closestBeat == 0 && getDiff >= localConductor.stepLengthMs * 2) getDiff -= swagSong.length; beatTrail.x = songPosVis.x; diffGrp.members[closestBeat].text = getDiff + "ms"; offsetsPerBeat[closestBeat] = Math.round(getDiff); } function songPosToX(pos:Float):Float { return FlxMath.remapToRange(pos, 0, swagSong.length, 0, FlxG.width); } } class HomemadeMusic extends FlxSound { public var prevTimestamp:Int = 0; public function new() { super(); } var prevTime:Float = 0; override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (prevTime != time) { prevTime = time; prevTimestamp = * 1000); } } public function getTimeWithDiff():Float { return time + ( * 1000) - prevTimestamp); } }