package funkin.ui.freeplay; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; import; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; class LetterSort extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FlxSprite> { public var letters:Array<FreeplayLetter> = []; // starts at 2, cuz that's the middle letter on start (accounting for fav and #, it should begin at ALL filter) var curSelection:Int = 2; public var changeSelectionCallback:String->Void; var leftArrow:FlxSprite; var rightArrow:FlxSprite; var grpSeperators:Array<FlxSprite> = []; public var inputEnabled:Bool = true; public function new(x, y) { super(x, y); leftArrow = new FlxSprite(-20, 15).loadGraphic(Paths.image("freeplay/miniArrow")); //"arrow"); leftArrow.flipX = true; add(leftArrow); for (i in 0...5) { var letter:FreeplayLetter = new FreeplayLetter(i * 80, 0, i); letter.x += 50; letter.y += 50; // letter.visible = false; add(letter); letters.push(letter); if (i != 2) letter.scale.x = letter.scale.y = 0.8; var darkness:Float = Math.abs(i - 2) / 6; letter.color = letter.color.getDarkened(darkness); // don't put the last seperator if (i == 4) continue; var sep:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite((i * 80) + 60, 20).loadGraphic(Paths.image("freeplay/seperator")); //"seperator"); sep.color = letter.color.getDarkened(darkness); add(sep); grpSeperators.push(sep); } rightArrow = new FlxSprite(380, 15).loadGraphic(Paths.image("freeplay/miniArrow")); //"arrow"); add(rightArrow); changeSelection(0); } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (inputEnabled) { if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.E) changeSelection(1); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.Q) changeSelection(-1); } } public function changeSelection(diff:Int = 0):Void { doLetterChangeAnims(diff); var multiPosOrNeg:Float = diff > 0 ? 1 : -1; // if we're moving left (diff < 0), we want control of the right arrow, and vice versa var arrowToMove:FlxSprite = diff < 0 ? leftArrow : rightArrow; arrowToMove.offset.x = 3 * multiPosOrNeg; new FlxTimer().start(2 / 24, function(_) { arrowToMove.offset.x = 0; }); } /** * Buncho timers and stuff to move the letters and seperators * Seperated out so we can call it again on letters with songs within them * @param diff */ function doLetterChangeAnims(diff:Int):Void { var ezTimer:Int->FlxSprite->Float->Void = function(frameNum:Int, spr:FlxSprite, offsetNum:Float) { new FlxTimer().start(frameNum / 24, function(_) { spr.offset.x = offsetNum; }); }; var positions:Array<Float> = [-10, -22, 2, 0]; // if we're moving left, we want to move the positions the same amount, but negative direciton var multiPosOrNeg:Float = diff > 0 ? 1 : -1; for (sep in grpSeperators) { ezTimer(0, sep, positions[0] * multiPosOrNeg); ezTimer(1, sep, positions[1] * multiPosOrNeg); ezTimer(2, sep, positions[2] * multiPosOrNeg); ezTimer(3, sep, positions[3] * multiPosOrNeg); } for (index => letter in letters) { letter.offset.x = positions[0] * multiPosOrNeg; new FlxTimer().start(1 / 24, function(_) { letter.offset.x = positions[1] * multiPosOrNeg; if (index == 0) letter.visible = false; }); new FlxTimer().start(2 / 24, function(_) { letter.offset.x = positions[2] * multiPosOrNeg; if (index == 0.) letter.visible = true; }); if (index == 2) { ezTimer(3, letter, 0); // letter.offset.x = 0; continue; } ezTimer(3, letter, positions[3] * multiPosOrNeg); } curSelection += diff; if (curSelection < 0) curSelection = letters[0].regexLetters.length - 1; if (curSelection >= letters[0].regexLetters.length) curSelection = 0; for (letter in letters) letter.changeLetter(diff, curSelection); if (changeSelectionCallback != null) changeSelectionCallback(letters[2].regexLetters[letters[2].curLetter]); // bullshit and long lol! } } /** * The actual FlxAtlasSprite for the letters, with their animation code stuff and regex stuff */ class FreeplayLetter extends FlxAtlasSprite { /** * A preformatted array of letter strings, for use when doing regex * ex: ['A-B', 'C-D', 'E-H', 'I-L' ...] */ public var regexLetters:Array<String> = []; /** * A preformatted array of the letters, for use when accessing symbol animation info * ex: ['AB', 'CD', 'EH', 'IL' ...] */ public var animLetters:Array<String> = []; /** * The current letter in the regexLetters array this FreeplayLetter is on */ public var curLetter:Int = 0; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, ?letterInd:Int) { super(x, y, Paths.animateAtlas("freeplay/sortedLetters")); // this is used for the regex // /^[OR].*/gi doesn't work for showing the song Pico, so now it's // /^[O-R].*/gi ant it works for displaying Pico // // we split by underscores, simply for nice lil convinience var alphabet:String = 'A-B_C-D_E-H_I-L_M-N_O-R_S_T_U-Z'; regexLetters = alphabet.split('_'); regexLetters.insert(0, 'ALL'); regexLetters.insert(0, 'fav'); regexLetters.insert(0, '#'); // the symbols from flash don't have dashes, so we clean this up for use with animations // (we don't need to re-export, rule of thumb is to accomodate files named in flash from dave // until we get him programming classes (and since i cant find the .fla file....)) animLetters = -> animLetter.replace('-', '')); if (letterInd != null) {[letterInd] + " move"); this.anim.pause(); curLetter = letterInd; } } /** * Changes the letter graphic/anim, used in the LetterSort class above * @param diff -1 or 1, to go left or right in the animation array * @param curSelection what the current letter selection is, to play the bouncing anim if it matches the current letter */ public function changeLetter(diff:Int = 0, ?curSelection:Int):Void { curLetter += diff; if (curLetter < 0) curLetter = regexLetters.length - 1; if (curLetter >= regexLetters.length) curLetter = 0; var animName:String = animLetters[curLetter] + ' move'; switch (animLetters[curLetter]) { case "IL": animName = "IL move"; case "s": animName = "S move"; case "t": animName = "T move"; }; if (curSelection != curLetter) { this.anim.pause(); } // updateHitbox(); } }