package; import flixel.util.FlxSignal.FlxTypedSignal; import flxanimate.FlxAnimate; import flxanimate.FlxAnimate.Settings; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; /** * A sprite which provides convenience functions for rendering a texture atlas with animations. */ class FlxAtlasSprite extends FlxAnimate { static final SETTINGS:Settings = { // ?ButtonSettings:Map, FrameRate: 24.0, Reversed: false, // ?OnComplete:Void -> Void, ShowPivot: #if debug false #else false #end, Antialiasing: true, ScrollFactor: null, // Offset: new FlxPoint(0, 0), // This is just FlxSprite.offset }; /** * Signal dispatched when an animation finishes playing. */ public var onAnimationFinish:FlxTypedSignalVoid> = new FlxTypedSignalVoid>(); var currentAnimation:String; var canPlayOtherAnims:Bool = true; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, path:String, ?settings:Settings) { if (settings == null) settings = SETTINGS; super(x, y, path, settings); if (this.anim.curInstance == null) { throw 'FlxAtlasSprite not initialized properly. Are you sure the path (${path}) exists?'; } onAnimationFinish.add(cleanupAnimation); // This defaults the sprite to play the first animation in the atlas, // then pauses it. This ensures symbols are intialized properly.''); this.anim.pause(); } /** * @return A list of all the animations this sprite has available. */ public function listAnimations():Array { if (this.anim == null) return []; return this.anim.getFrameLabels(); // return [""]; } /** * @param id A string ID of the animation. * @return Whether the animation was found on this sprite. */ public function hasAnimation(id:String):Bool { return getLabelIndex(id) != -1; } /** * @return The current animation being played. */ public function getCurrentAnimation():String { return this.currentAnimation; } /** * Plays an animation. * @param id A string ID of the animation to play. * @param restart Whether to restart the animation if it is already playing. * @param ignoreOther Whether to ignore all other animation inputs, until this one is done playing */ public function playAnimation(id:String, restart:Bool = false, ignoreOther:Bool = false, ?loop:Bool = false):Void { if (loop == null) loop = false; // Skip if not allowed to play animations. if ((!canPlayOtherAnims && !ignoreOther)) return; if (id == null || id == '') id = this.currentAnimation; if (this.currentAnimation == id && !restart) { if (anim.isPlaying) { // Skip if animation is already playing. return; } else { // Resume animation if it's paused.'', false, false); } } // Skip if the animation doesn't exist if (!hasAnimation(id)) { trace('Animation ' + id + ' not found'); return; } anim.callback = function(_, frame:Int) { if (frame == (anim.getFrameLabel(id).duration - 1) + anim.getFrameLabel(id).index) { if (loop) playAnimation(id, true, false, true); else onAnimationFinish.dispatch(id); } }; // Prevent other animations from playing if `ignoreOther` is true. if (ignoreOther) canPlayOtherAnims = false; // Move to the first frame of the animation. goToFrameLabel(id); this.currentAnimation = id; } override public function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); } /** * Stops the current animation. */ public function stopAnimation():Void { if (this.currentAnimation == null) return; this.anim.removeAllCallbacksFrom(getNextFrameLabel(this.currentAnimation)); goToFrameIndex(0); } function addFrameCallback(label:String, callback:Void->Void):Void { var frameLabel = this.anim.getFrameLabel(label); frameLabel.add(callback); } function goToFrameLabel(label:String):Void { this.anim.goToFrameLabel(label); } function getNextFrameLabel(label:String):String { return listAnimations()[(getLabelIndex(label) + 1) % listAnimations().length]; } function getLabelIndex(label:String):Int { return listAnimations().indexOf(label); } function goToFrameIndex(index:Int):Void { this.anim.curFrame = index; } public function cleanupAnimation(_:String):Void { canPlayOtherAnims = true; this.currentAnimation = null; this.anim.stop(); } }