package funkin.ui.debug.charting; import; import; import; using Lambda; /** * Actions in the chart editor are backed by the Command pattern * (see Bob Nystrom's book "Game Programming Patterns" for more info) * * To make a function compatible with the undo/redo history, create a new class * that implements ChartEditorCommand, then call `ChartEditorState.performCommand(new Command())` */ interface ChartEditorCommand { /** * Calling this function should perform the action that this command represents. * @param state The ChartEditorState to perform the action on. */ public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void; /** * Calling this function should perform the inverse of the action that this command represents, * effectively undoing the action. * @param state The ChartEditorState to undo the action on. */ public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void; /** * Get a short description of the action (for the UI). * For example, return `Add Left Note` to display `Undo Add Left Note` in the menu. */ public function toString():String; } class AddNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var notes:Array; private var appendToSelection:Bool; public function new(notes:Array, appendToSelection:Bool = false) { this.notes = notes; this.appendToSelection = appendToSelection; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { for (note in notes) { state.currentSongChartNoteData.push(note); } if (appendToSelection) { state.currentSelection = state.currentSelection.concat(notes); } else { state.currentSelection = notes; } state.playSound(Paths.sound('funnyNoise/funnyNoise-08')); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSongChartNoteData = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSongChartNoteData, notes); state.currentSelection = []; state.playSound(Paths.sound('funnyNoise/funnyNoise-01')); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function toString():String { if (notes.length == 1) { var dir:String = notes[0].getDirectionName(); return 'Add $dir Note'; } return 'Add ${notes.length} Notes'; } } class RemoveNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var notes:Array; public function new(notes:Array) { this.notes = notes; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSongChartNoteData = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSongChartNoteData, notes); state.currentSelection = []; state.playSound(Paths.sound('funnyNoise/funnyNoise-01')); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { for (note in notes) { state.currentSongChartNoteData.push(note); } state.currentSelection = notes; state.playSound(Paths.sound('funnyNoise/funnyNoise-08')); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function toString():String { if (notes.length == 1 && notes[0] != null) { var dir:String = notes[0].getDirectionName(); return 'Remove $dir Note'; } return 'Remove ${notes.length} Notes'; } } class SwitchDifficultyCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var prevDifficulty:String; private var newDifficulty:String; private var prevVariation:String; private var newVariation:String; public function new(prevDifficulty:String, newDifficulty:String, prevVariation:String, newVariation:String) { this.prevDifficulty = prevDifficulty; this.newDifficulty = newDifficulty; this.prevVariation = prevVariation; this.newVariation = newVariation; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.selectedVariation = newVariation != null ? newVariation : prevVariation; state.selectedDifficulty = newDifficulty != null ? newDifficulty : prevDifficulty; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.selectedVariation = prevVariation != null ? prevVariation : newVariation; state.selectedDifficulty = prevDifficulty != null ? prevDifficulty : newDifficulty; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function toString():String { return 'Switch Difficulty'; } } /** * Adds one or more notes to the selection. */ class SelectNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var notes:Array; public function new(notes:Array) { this.notes = notes; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { for (note in this.notes) { state.currentSelection.push(note); } state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSelection, this.notes); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function toString():String { if (notes.length == 1) { var dir:String = notes[0].getDirectionName(); return 'Select $dir Note'; } return 'Select ${notes.length} Notes'; } } class DeselectNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var notes:Array; public function new(notes:Array) { this.notes = notes; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSelection, this.notes); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { for (note in this.notes) { state.currentSelection.push(note); } state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function toString():String { if (notes.length == 1) { var dir:String = notes[0].getDirectionName(); return 'Deselect $dir Note'; } return 'Deselect ${notes.length} Notes'; } } /** * Sets the selection rather than appends it. * Deselects any notes that are not in the new selection. */ class SetNoteSelectionCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var notes:Array; private var previousSelection:Array; public function new(notes:Array, ?previousSelection:Array) { this.notes = notes; this.previousSelection = previousSelection == null ? [] : previousSelection; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = notes; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = previousSelection; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function toString():String { return 'Select ${notes.length} Notes'; } } class SelectAllNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var previousSelection:Array; public function new(?previousSelection:Array) { this.previousSelection = previousSelection == null ? [] : previousSelection; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = state.currentSongChartNoteData; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = previousSelection; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function toString():String { return 'Select All Notes'; } } class InvertSelectedNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var previousSelection:Array; public function new(?previousSelection:Array) { this.previousSelection = previousSelection == null ? [] : previousSelection; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSongChartNoteData, previousSelection); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = previousSelection; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function toString():String { return 'Invert Selected Notes'; } } class DeselectAllNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var previousSelection:Array; public function new(?previousSelection:Array) { this.previousSelection = previousSelection == null ? [] : previousSelection; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = []; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSelection = previousSelection; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; } public function toString():String { return 'Deselect All Notes'; } } class CutNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var notes:Array; public function new(notes:Array) { this.notes = notes; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { // Copy the notes. SongDataUtils.writeNotesToClipboard(SongDataUtils.buildClipboard(notes)); // Delete the notes. state.currentSongChartNoteData = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSongChartNoteData, notes); state.currentSelection = []; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSongChartNoteData = state.currentSongChartNoteData.concat(notes); state.currentSelection = notes; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function toString():String { var len:Int = notes.length; return 'Cut $len Notes to Clipboard'; } } class FlipNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var notes:Array; private var flippedNotes:Array; public function new(notes:Array) { this.notes = notes; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { // Delete the notes. state.currentSongChartNoteData = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSongChartNoteData, notes); // Add the flipped notes. flippedNotes = SongDataUtils.flipNotes(notes); state.currentSongChartNoteData = state.currentSongChartNoteData.concat(flippedNotes); state.currentSelection = flippedNotes; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSongChartNoteData = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSongChartNoteData, flippedNotes); state.currentSongChartNoteData = state.currentSongChartNoteData.concat(notes); state.currentSelection = notes; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function toString():String { var len:Int = notes.length; return 'Flip $len Notes'; } } class PasteNotesCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var targetTimestamp:Float; // Notes we added with this command, for undo. private var addedNotes:Array; public function new(targetTimestamp:Float) { this.targetTimestamp = targetTimestamp; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { var currentClipboard:Array = SongDataUtils.readNotesFromClipboard(); addedNotes = SongDataUtils.offsetSongNoteData(currentClipboard,; state.currentSongChartNoteData = state.currentSongChartNoteData.concat(addedNotes); state.currentSelection = addedNotes.copy(); state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSongChartNoteData = SongDataUtils.subtractNotes(state.currentSongChartNoteData, addedNotes); state.currentSelection = []; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function toString():String { var currentClipboard:Array = SongDataUtils.readNotesFromClipboard(); return 'Paste ${currentClipboard.length} Notes from Clipboard'; } } class AddEventsCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var events:Array; private var appendToSelection:Bool; public function new(events:Array, ?appendToSelection:Bool = false) { = events; this.appendToSelection = appendToSelection; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSongChartEventData = state.currentSongChartEventData.concat(events); // TODO: Allow selecting events. // state.currentSelection = events; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { state.currentSongChartEventData = SongDataUtils.subtractEvents(state.currentSongChartEventData, events); state.currentSelection = []; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function toString():String { var len:Int = events.length; return 'Add $len Events'; } } class ExtendNoteLengthCommand implements ChartEditorCommand { private var note:SongNoteData; private var oldLength:Float; private var newLength:Float; public function new(note:SongNoteData, newLength:Float) { this.note = note; this.oldLength = note.length; this.newLength = newLength; } public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void { note.length = newLength; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void { note.length = oldLength; state.noteDisplayDirty = true; state.notePreviewDirty = true; state.sortChartData(); } public function toString():String { return 'Extend Note Length'; } }