package funkin.ui.story; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.mainmenu.MainMenuState; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatState; import funkin.ui.transition.LoadingState; import funkin.ui.transition.StickerSubState; import funkin.util.MathUtil; import openfl.utils.Assets; class StoryMenuState extends MusicBeatState { static final DEFAULT_BACKGROUND_COLOR:FlxColor = FlxColor.fromString('#F9CF51'); static final BACKGROUND_HEIGHT:Int = 400; var currentDifficultyId:String = 'normal'; var currentLevelId:String = 'tutorial'; var currentLevel:Level; var isLevelUnlocked:Bool; var currentLevelTitle:LevelTitle; var highScore:Int = 42069420; var highScoreLerp:Int = 12345678; var exitingMenu:Bool = false; var selectedLevel:Bool = false; var displayingModdedLevels:Bool = false; // // RENDER OBJECTS // /** * The title of the level at the top. */ var levelTitleText:FlxText; /** * The score text at the top. */ var scoreText:FlxText; /** * The mode text at the top-middle. */ var modeText:FlxText; /** * The list of songs on the left. */ var tracklistText:FlxText; /** * The titles of the levels in the middle. */ var levelTitles:FlxTypedGroup; /** * The props in the center. */ var levelProps:FlxTypedGroup; /** * The background behind the props. */ var levelBackground:FlxSprite; /** * The left arrow of the difficulty selector. */ var leftDifficultyArrow:FlxSprite; /** * The right arrow of the difficulty selector. */ var rightDifficultyArrow:FlxSprite; /** * The text of the difficulty selector. */ var difficultySprite:FlxSprite; var difficultySprites:Map; var stickerSubState:StickerSubState; static var rememberedLevelId:Null = null; static var rememberedDifficulty:Null = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; public function new(?stickers:StickerSubState = null) { super(); if (stickers != null) { stickerSubState = stickers; } } override function create():Void { super.create(); difficultySprites = new Map(); transIn = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn; transOut = FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut; playMenuMusic(); if (stickerSubState != null) { this.persistentUpdate = true; this.persistentDraw = true; openSubState(stickerSubState); stickerSubState.degenStickers(); } persistentUpdate = persistentDraw = true; rememberSelection(); updateData(); // Explicitly define the background color. this.bgColor = FlxColor.BLACK; levelTitles = new FlxTypedGroup(); levelTitles.zIndex = 15; add(levelTitles); updateBackground(); var black:FunkinSprite = new FunkinSprite(levelBackground.x, 0).makeSolidColor(FlxG.width, + levelBackground.y), FlxColor.BLACK); black.zIndex = levelBackground.zIndex - 1; add(black); levelProps = new FlxTypedGroup(); levelProps.zIndex = 1000; add(levelProps); updateProps(); tracklistText = new FlxText(FlxG.width * 0.05, levelBackground.x + levelBackground.height + 100, 0, "Tracks", 32); tracklistText.setFormat('VCR OSD Mono', 32); tracklistText.alignment = CENTER; tracklistText.color = 0xFFE55777; add(tracklistText); scoreText = new FlxText(10, 10, 0, 'HIGH SCORE: 42069420'); scoreText.setFormat('VCR OSD Mono', 32); scoreText.zIndex = 1000; add(scoreText); modeText = new FlxText(10, 10, 0, 'Base Game Levels [TAB to switch]'); modeText.setFormat('VCR OSD Mono', 32); modeText.screenCenter(X); modeText.visible = hasModdedLevels(); modeText.zIndex = 1000; add(modeText); levelTitleText = new FlxText(FlxG.width * 0.7, 10, 0, 'LEVEL 1'); levelTitleText.setFormat('VCR OSD Mono', 32, FlxColor.WHITE, RIGHT); levelTitleText.alpha = 0.7; levelTitleText.zIndex = 1000; add(levelTitleText); buildLevelTitles(); leftDifficultyArrow = new FlxSprite(levelTitles.members[0].x + levelTitles.members[0].width + 10, levelTitles.members[0].y + 10); leftDifficultyArrow.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('storymenu/ui/arrows'); leftDifficultyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'leftIdle0'); leftDifficultyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('press', 'leftConfirm0');'idle'); add(leftDifficultyArrow); buildDifficultySprite(Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY); buildDifficultySprite(); rightDifficultyArrow = new FlxSprite(difficultySprite.x + difficultySprite.width + 10, leftDifficultyArrow.y); rightDifficultyArrow.frames = leftDifficultyArrow.frames; rightDifficultyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'rightIdle0'); rightDifficultyArrow.animation.addByPrefix('press', 'rightConfirm0');'idle'); add(rightDifficultyArrow); add(difficultySprite); updateText(); changeDifficulty(); changeLevel(); refresh(); #if discord_rpc // Updating Discord Rich Presence DiscordClient.changePresence('In the Menus', null); #end } function rememberSelection():Void { if (rememberedLevelId != null) { currentLevelId = rememberedLevelId; } if (rememberedDifficulty != null) { currentDifficultyId = rememberedDifficulty; } } function playMenuMusic():Void { FunkinSound.playMusic('freakyMenu', { overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: false }); } function updateData():Void { currentLevel = LevelRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(currentLevelId); isLevelUnlocked = currentLevel == null ? false : currentLevel.isUnlocked(); } function buildDifficultySprite(?diff:String):Void { if (diff == null) diff = currentDifficultyId; remove(difficultySprite); difficultySprite = difficultySprites.get(diff); if (difficultySprite == null) { difficultySprite = new FlxSprite(leftDifficultyArrow.x + leftDifficultyArrow.width + 10, leftDifficultyArrow.y); if (Assets.exists(Paths.file('images/storymenu/difficulties/${diff}.xml'))) { difficultySprite.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('storymenu/difficulties/${diff}'); difficultySprite.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'idle0', 24, true); if (Preferences.flashingLights)'idle'); } else { difficultySprite.loadGraphic(Paths.image('storymenu/difficulties/${diff}')); } difficultySprites.set(diff, difficultySprite); difficultySprite.x += (difficultySprites.get(Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY).width - difficultySprite.width) / 2; } difficultySprite.alpha = 0; difficultySprite.y = leftDifficultyArrow.y - 15; var targetY:Float = leftDifficultyArrow.y + 10; targetY -= (difficultySprite.height - difficultySprites.get(Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY).height) / 2; FlxTween.tween(difficultySprite, {y: targetY, alpha: 1}, 0.07); add(difficultySprite); } function buildLevelTitles():Void { levelTitles.clear(); var levelIds:Array = displayingModdedLevels ? LevelRegistry.instance.listModdedLevelIds() : LevelRegistry.instance.listBaseGameLevelIds(); if (levelIds.length == 0) levelIds = ['tutorial']; // Make sure there's at least one level to display. for (levelIndex in 0...levelIds.length) { var levelId:String = levelIds[levelIndex]; var level:Level = LevelRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(levelId); if (level == null) continue; var levelTitleItem:LevelTitle = new LevelTitle(0, + levelBackground.height + 10), level); levelTitleItem.targetY = ((levelTitleItem.height + 20) * levelIndex); levelTitleItem.screenCenter(X); levelTitles.add(levelTitleItem); } } function switchMode(moddedLevels:Bool):Void { displayingModdedLevels = moddedLevels; buildLevelTitles(); changeLevel(999999); // Jump past the end of the list to the beginning. changeDifficulty(0); } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { Conductor.instance.update(); highScoreLerp =, highScore, elapsed, 0.5)); scoreText.text = 'LEVEL SCORE: ${Math.round(highScoreLerp)}'; modeText.text = displayingModdedLevels ? 'Mods [TAB to switch]' : 'Base Game [TAB to switch]'; modeText.screenCenter(X); levelTitleText.text = currentLevel.getTitle(); levelTitleText.x = FlxG.width - (levelTitleText.width + 10); // Right align. handleKeyPresses(); super.update(elapsed); } function handleKeyPresses():Void { if (!exitingMenu) { if (!selectedLevel) { if (controls.UI_UP_P) { changeLevel(-1); changeDifficulty(0); } if (controls.UI_DOWN_P) { changeLevel(1); changeDifficulty(0); } if (controls.UI_RIGHT) {'press'); } else {'idle'); } if (controls.UI_LEFT) {'press'); } else {'idle'); } if (controls.UI_RIGHT_P) { changeDifficulty(1); } if (controls.UI_LEFT_P) { changeDifficulty(-1); } if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.TAB && modeText.visible) { switchMode(!displayingModdedLevels); } } if (controls.ACCEPT) { selectLevel(); } } if (controls.BACK && !exitingMenu && !selectedLevel) { FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('cancelMenu')); exitingMenu = true; FlxG.switchState(() -> new MainMenuState()); } } function hasModdedLevels():Bool { return false; // return LevelRegistry.instance.listModdedLevelIds().length > 0; } /** * Changes the selected level. * @param change +1 (down), -1 (up) */ function changeLevel(change:Int = 0):Void { var levelList:Array = displayingModdedLevels ? LevelRegistry.instance.listModdedLevelIds() : LevelRegistry.instance.listBaseGameLevelIds(); if (levelList.length == 0) levelList = ['tutorial']; var currentIndex:Int = levelList.indexOf(currentLevelId); currentIndex += change; // Wrap around if (currentIndex < 0) currentIndex = levelList.length - 1; if (currentIndex >= levelList.length) currentIndex = 0; var previousLevelId:String = currentLevelId; currentLevelId = levelList[currentIndex]; rememberedLevelId = currentLevelId; updateData(); for (index in 0...levelTitles.members.length) { var item:LevelTitle = levelTitles.members[index]; item.targetY = (index - currentIndex) * 125 + 480; if (index == currentIndex) { currentLevelTitle = item; item.alpha = 1.0; } else { item.alpha = 0.6; } } updateText(); updateBackground(previousLevelId); updateProps(); refresh(); } /** * Changes the selected difficulty. * @param change +1 (right) to increase difficulty, -1 (left) to decrease difficulty */ function changeDifficulty(change:Int = 0):Void { // "For now, NO erect in story mode" -Dave var difficultyList:Array = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY_LIST; // Use this line to displays all difficulties // var difficultyList:Array = currentLevel.getDifficulties(); var currentIndex:Int = difficultyList.indexOf(currentDifficultyId); currentIndex += change; // Wrap around if (currentIndex < 0) currentIndex = difficultyList.length - 1; if (currentIndex >= difficultyList.length) currentIndex = 0; var hasChanged:Bool = currentDifficultyId != difficultyList[currentIndex]; currentDifficultyId = difficultyList[currentIndex]; rememberedDifficulty = currentDifficultyId; if (difficultyList.length <= 1) { leftDifficultyArrow.visible = false; rightDifficultyArrow.visible = false; } else { leftDifficultyArrow.visible = true; rightDifficultyArrow.visible = true; } if (hasChanged) { buildDifficultySprite(); // Disable the funny music thing for now. // funnyMusicThing(); } } final FADE_OUT_TIME:Float = 1.5; function funnyMusicThing():Void { if (currentDifficultyId == "nightmare") {, 0.0); } else {, 1.0); } } public override function dispatchEvent(event:ScriptEvent):Void { // super.dispatchEvent(event) dispatches event to module scripts. super.dispatchEvent(event); if (levelProps?.members != null && levelProps.members.length > 0) { // Dispatch event to props. for (prop in levelProps.members) { ScriptEventDispatcher.callEvent(prop, event); } } } function selectLevel():Void { if (!currentLevel.isUnlocked()) { FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('cancelMenu')); return; } if (selectedLevel) return; selectedLevel = true; FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('confirmMenu')); currentLevelTitle.isFlashing = true; for (prop in levelProps.members) { prop.playConfirm(); } Paths.setCurrentLevel(; PlayStatePlaylist.playlistSongIds = currentLevel.getSongs(); PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode = true; PlayStatePlaylist.campaignScore = 0; var targetSongId:String = PlayStatePlaylist.playlistSongIds.shift(); var targetSong:Song = SongRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(targetSongId); PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId =; PlayStatePlaylist.campaignTitle = currentLevel.getTitle(); PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty = currentDifficultyId; Highscore.talliesLevel = new funkin.Highscore.Tallies(); new FlxTimer().start(1, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = false; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = false; var targetVariation:String = targetSong.getFirstValidVariation(PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty); LoadingState.loadPlayState( { targetSong: targetSong, targetDifficulty: PlayStatePlaylist.campaignDifficulty, targetVariation: targetVariation }, true); }); } function updateBackground(?previousLevelId:String = ''):Void { if (levelBackground == null || previousLevelId == '') { // Build a new background and display it immediately. levelBackground = currentLevel.buildBackground(); levelBackground.x = 0; levelBackground.y = 56; levelBackground.zIndex = 100; levelBackground.alpha = 1.0; // Not hidden. add(levelBackground); } else { var previousLevel = LevelRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(previousLevelId); if (currentLevel.isBackgroundSimple() && previousLevel.isBackgroundSimple()) { var previousColor:FlxColor = previousLevel.getBackgroundColor(); var currentColor:FlxColor = currentLevel.getBackgroundColor(); if (previousColor != currentColor) { // Both the previous and current level were simple backgrounds. // Fade between colors directly, rather than fading one background out and another in. // cancels potential tween in progress, and tweens from there FlxTween.cancelTweensOf(levelBackground); FlxTween.color(levelBackground, 0.9, levelBackground.color, currentColor, {ease: FlxEase.quartOut}); } else { // Do no fade at all if the colors aren't different. } } else { // Either the previous or current level has a complex background. // We need to fade the old background out and the new one in. // Reference the old background and fade it out. var oldBackground:FlxSprite = levelBackground; FlxTween.tween(oldBackground, {alpha: 0.0}, 0.6, { ease: FlxEase.linear, onComplete: function(_) { remove(oldBackground); } }); // Build a new background and fade it in. levelBackground = currentLevel.buildBackground(); levelBackground.x = 0; levelBackground.y = 56; levelBackground.alpha = 0.0; // Hidden to start. levelBackground.zIndex = 100; add(levelBackground); FlxTween.tween(levelBackground, {alpha: 1.0}, 0.6, { ease: FlxEase.linear }); } } } function updateProps():Void { for (ind => prop in currentLevel.buildProps(levelProps.members)) { prop.zIndex = 1000; if (levelProps.members[ind] != prop) levelProps.replace(levelProps.members[ind], prop) ?? levelProps.add(prop); } refresh(); } function updateText():Void { tracklistText.text = 'TRACKS\n\n'; tracklistText.text += currentLevel.getSongDisplayNames(currentDifficultyId).join('\n'); tracklistText.screenCenter(X); tracklistText.x -= FlxG.width * 0.35; var levelScore:Null = Save.instance.getLevelScore(currentLevelId, currentDifficultyId); highScore = levelScore?.score ?? 0; // levelScore.accuracy } }