package; import funkin.ui.PreferencesMenu; import funkin.Note.NoteColor; import funkin.Note.NoteDir; import funkin.Note.NoteType; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import funkin.util.Constants; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import; /** * A group controlling the individual notes of the strumline for a given player. */ class Strumline extends FlxTypedGroup { public var offset(default, set):FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(0, 0); function set_offset(value:FlxPoint):FlxPoint { this.offset = value; updatePositions(); return value; } /** * The style of the strumline. * Options are normal and pixel. */ var style:StrumlineStyle; /** * The player this strumline belongs to. * 0 is Player 1, etc. */ var playerId:Int; /** * The number of notes in the strumline. */ var size:Int; public function new(playerId:Int = 0, style:StrumlineStyle = NORMAL, size:Int = 4) { super(0); this.playerId = playerId; = style; this.size = size; generateStrumline(); } function generateStrumline():Void { for (index in 0...size) { createStrumlineArrow(index); } } function createStrumlineArrow(index:Int):Void { var arrow:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(0, 0); arrow.ID = index; // Color changing for arrows is a WIP. /* var colorSwapShader:ColorSwap = new ColorSwap(); colorSwapShader.update(Note.arrowColors[i]); arrow.shader = colorSwapShader; */ switch (style) { case NORMAL: createNormalNote(arrow); case PIXEL: createPixelNote(arrow); } arrow.updateHitbox(); arrow.scrollFactor.set();'static'); applyFadeIn(arrow); add(arrow); } /** * Apply a small animation which moves the arrow down and fades it in. * Only plays at the start of Free Play songs I guess? * @param arrow The arrow to animate. * @param index The index of the arrow in the strumline. */ function applyFadeIn(arrow:FlxSprite):Void { if (!PlayState.isStoryMode) { arrow.y -= 10; arrow.alpha = 0; FlxTween.tween(arrow, {y: arrow.y + 10, alpha: 1}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.circOut, startDelay: 0.5 + (0.2 * arrow.ID)}); } } /** * Applies the default note style to an arrow. * @param arrow The arrow to apply the style to. * @param index The index of the arrow in the strumline. */ function createNormalNote(arrow:FlxSprite):Void { arrow.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('NOTE_assets'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('green', 'arrowUP'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('blue', 'arrowDOWN'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('purple', 'arrowLEFT'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('red', 'arrowRIGHT'); arrow.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); arrow.antialiasing = true; arrow.x += Note.swagWidth * arrow.ID; switch (Math.abs(arrow.ID)) { case 0: arrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 1'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'left press', 24, false); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'left confirm', 24, false); case 1: arrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 2'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'down press', 24, false); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'down confirm', 24, false); case 2: arrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 4'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'up press', 24, false); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'up confirm', 24, false); case 3: arrow.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'arrow static instance 3'); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('pressed', 'right press', 24, false); arrow.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'right confirm', 24, false); } } /** * Applies the pixel note style to an arrow. * @param arrow The arrow to apply the style to. * @param index The index of the arrow in the strumline. */ function createPixelNote(arrow:FlxSprite):Void { arrow.loadGraphic(Paths.image('weeb/pixelUI/arrows-pixels'), true, 17, 17); arrow.animation.add('purplel', [4]); arrow.animation.add('blue', [5]); arrow.animation.add('green', [6]); arrow.animation.add('red', [7]); arrow.setGraphicSize( * Constants.PIXEL_ART_SCALE)); arrow.updateHitbox(); // Forcibly disable anti-aliasing on pixel graphics to stop blur. arrow.antialiasing = false; arrow.x += Note.swagWidth * arrow.ID; // TODO: Seems weird that these are hardcoded... switch (Math.abs(arrow.ID)) { case 0: arrow.animation.add('static', [0]); arrow.animation.add('pressed', [4, 8], 12, false); arrow.animation.add('confirm', [12, 16], 24, false); case 1: arrow.animation.add('static', [1]); arrow.animation.add('pressed', [5, 9], 12, false); arrow.animation.add('confirm', [13, 17], 24, false); case 2: arrow.animation.add('static', [2]); arrow.animation.add('pressed', [6, 10], 12, false); arrow.animation.add('confirm', [14, 18], 12, false); case 3: arrow.animation.add('static', [3]); arrow.animation.add('pressed', [7, 11], 12, false); arrow.animation.add('confirm', [15, 19], 24, false); } } function updatePositions() { for (arrow in members) { arrow.x = Note.swagWidth * arrow.ID; arrow.x += offset.x; arrow.y = 0; arrow.y += offset.y; } } /** * Retrieves the arrow at the given position in the strumline. * @param index The index to retrieve. * @return The corresponding FlxSprite. */ public inline function getArrow(value:Int):FlxSprite { // members maintains the order that the arrows were added. return this.members[value]; } public inline function getArrowByNoteType(value:NoteType):FlxSprite { return getArrow(; } public inline function getArrowByNoteDir(value:NoteDir):FlxSprite { return getArrow(; } public inline function getArrowByNoteColor(value:NoteColor):FlxSprite { return getArrow(; } public static inline function getYPos():Int { return PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll') ? (FlxG.height - 150) : 50; } } /** * TODO: Unhardcode this and make it part of the note style system. */ enum StrumlineStyle { NORMAL; PIXEL; }