package funkin; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionSprite.GraphicTransTileDiamond; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import flixel.addons.transition.TransitionData; import; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.math.FlxRect; import flixel.system.debug.log.LogStyle; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import funkin.modding.module.ModuleHandler; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.PreferencesMenu; import funkin.util.WindowUtil; import funkin.util.macro.MacroUtil; import openfl.display.BitmapData; #if colyseus import io.colyseus.Client; import io.colyseus.Room; #end #if discord_rpc import Discord.DiscordClient; #end /** * Initializes the game state using custom defines. * Only used in Debug builds. */ class InitState extends FlxTransitionableState { override public function create():Void { trace('This is a debug build, loading InitState...'); #if android = []; #end #if newgrounds NGio.init(); #end #if discord_rpc DiscordClient.initialize(); Application.current.onExit.add(function(exitCode) { DiscordClient.shutdown(); }); #end // ==== flixel shit ==== // // This big obnoxious white button is for MOBILE, so that you can press it // easily with your finger when debug bullshit pops up during testing lol! FlxG.debugger.addButton(LEFT, new BitmapData(200, 200), function() { FlxG.debugger.visible = false; }); FlxG.debugger.addButton(CENTER, new BitmapData(20, 20, true, 0xFFCC2233), function() { if (FlxG.vcr.paused) { FlxG.vcr.resume(); for (snd in FlxG.sound.list) snd.resume();; } else { FlxG.vcr.pause(); for (snd in FlxG.sound.list) snd.pause();; } }); FlxG.debugger.addButton(CENTER, new BitmapData(20, 20, true, 0xFF2222CC), function() {; for (snd in FlxG.sound.list) { snd.pause(); snd.time += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; }; += FlxG.elapsed * 1000; }); FlxG.sound.muteKeys = [ZERO]; = 60; // FlxG.stage.window.borderless = true; // FlxG.stage.window.mouseLock = true; var diamond:FlxGraphic = FlxGraphic.fromClass(GraphicTransTileDiamond); diamond.persist = true; diamond.destroyOnNoUse = false; FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransIn = new TransitionData(FADE, FlxColor.BLACK, 1, new FlxPoint(0, -1), {asset: diamond, width: 32, height: 32}, new FlxRect(-200, -200, FlxG.width * 1.4, FlxG.height * 1.4)); FlxTransitionableState.defaultTransOut = new TransitionData(FADE, FlxColor.BLACK, 0.7, new FlxPoint(0, 1), {asset: diamond, width: 32, height: 32}, new FlxRect(-200, -200, FlxG.width * 1.4, FlxG.height * 1.4)); // ===== save shit ===== //'funkin', 'ninjamuffin99'); // // IF/WHEN MY PR GOES THRU AND IT GETS INTO MAIN FLIXEL, DELETE THIS CHUNKOF CODE, AND THEN UNCOMMENT THE LINE BELOW // FlxG.sound.loadSavedPrefs(); if ( != null) FlxG.sound.volume =; if ( != null) FlxG.sound.muted =; // Make errors and warnings less annoying. LogStyle.ERROR.openConsole = false; LogStyle.ERROR.errorSound = null; LogStyle.WARNING.openConsole = false; LogStyle.WARNING.errorSound = null; //; // FlxG.sound.loadSavedPrefs(); WindowUtil.initWindowEvents(); PreferencesMenu.initPrefs(); PlayerSettings.init(); Highscore.load(); if ( != null) { // FIX LATER!!! // WEEK UNLOCK PROGRESSION!! // StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked =; if (StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked.length < 4) StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked.insert(0, true); // QUICK PATCH OOPS! if (!StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[0]) StoryMenuState.weekUnlocked[0] = true; } if ( != null) VideoState.seenVideo =; // ===== fuck outta here ===== // // FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; SongEventHandler.registerBaseEventCallbacks(); // TODO: Register custom event callbacks here SongDataParser.loadSongCache(); StageDataParser.loadStageCache(); CharacterDataParser.loadCharacterCache(); ModuleHandler.buildModuleCallbacks(); ModuleHandler.loadModuleCache(); FlxG.debugger.toggleKeys = [F2]; #if song var song = getSong(); var weeks = [ ['bopeebo', 'fresh', 'dadbattle'], ['spookeez', 'south', 'monster'], ['spooky', 'spooky', 'monster'], ['pico', 'philly', 'blammed'], ['satin-panties', 'high', 'milf'], ['cocoa', 'eggnog', 'winter-horrorland'], ['senpai', 'roses', 'thorns'], ['ugh', 'guns', 'stress'] ]; var week = 0; for (i in 0...weeks.length) { if (weeks[i].contains(song)) { week = i + 1; break; } } if (week == 0) throw 'Invalid -D song=$song'; startSong(week, song, false); #elseif week var week = getWeek(); var songs = [ 'bopeebo', 'spookeez', 'spooky', 'pico', 'satin-panties', 'cocoa', 'senpai', 'ugh' ]; if (week <= 0 || week >= songs.length) throw "invalid -D week=" + week; startSong(week, songs[week - 1], true); #elseif FREEPLAY FlxG.switchState(new FreeplayState()); #elseif ANIMATE FlxG.switchState(new funkin.animate.dotstuff.DotStuffTestStage()); #elseif CHARTING FlxG.switchState(new ChartingState()); #elseif STAGEBUILD FlxG.switchState(new StageBuilderState()); #elseif FIGHT FlxG.switchState(new PicoFight()); #elseif ANIMDEBUG FlxG.switchState(new funkin.ui.animDebugShit.DebugBoundingState()); #elseif LATENCY FlxG.switchState(new LatencyState()); #elseif NETTEST FlxG.switchState(new netTest.NetTest()); #else FlxG.sound.cache('freakyMenu')); FlxG.switchState(new TitleState()); #end } function startSong(week, song, isStoryMode) { var dif = getDif(); PlayState.currentSong = SongLoad.loadFromJson(song, song); PlayState.currentSong_NEW = SongDataParser.fetchSong(song); PlayState.isStoryMode = isStoryMode; PlayState.storyDifficulty = dif; PlayState.storyDifficulty_NEW = switch (dif) { case 0: 'easy'; case 1: 'normal'; case 2: 'hard'; default: 'normal'; }; SongLoad.curDiff = PlayState.storyDifficulty_NEW; PlayState.storyWeek = week; LoadingState.loadAndSwitchState(new PlayState()); } } function getWeek() return Std.parseInt(MacroUtil.getDefine("week")); function getSong() return MacroUtil.getDefine("song"); function getDif() return Std.parseInt(MacroUtil.getDefine("dif", "1"));