package; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.input.FlxInput; import flixel.input.actions.FlxAction; import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInput; import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInputAnalog.FlxActionInputAnalogClickAndDragMouseMotion; import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionInputDigital; import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionManager; import flixel.input.actions.FlxActionSet; import; import flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadButton; import flixel.input.gamepad.FlxGamepadInputID; import flixel.input.keyboard.FlxKey; import flixel.input.mouse.FlxMouseButton.FlxMouseButtonID; import flixel.math.FlxAngle; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import flixel.ui.FlxVirtualPad; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import lime.ui.Haptic; /** * Since, in many cases multiple actions should use similar keys, we don't want the * rebinding UI to list every action. ActionBinders are what the user percieves as * an input so, for instance, they can't set jump-press and jump-release to different keys. */ enum Control { // List notes in order from left to right on gameplay screen. NOTE_LEFT; NOTE_DOWN; NOTE_UP; NOTE_RIGHT; UI_UP; UI_LEFT; UI_RIGHT; UI_DOWN; RESET; ACCEPT; BACK; PAUSE; #if CAN_CHEAT CHEAT; #end } @:enum abstract Action(String) to String from String { var UI_UP = "ui_up"; var UI_LEFT = "ui_left"; var UI_RIGHT = "ui_right"; var UI_DOWN = "ui_down"; var UI_UP_P = "ui_up-press"; var UI_LEFT_P = "ui_left-press"; var UI_RIGHT_P = "ui_right-press"; var UI_DOWN_P = "ui_down-press"; var UI_UP_R = "ui_up-release"; var UI_LEFT_R = "ui_left-release"; var UI_RIGHT_R = "ui_right-release"; var UI_DOWN_R = "ui_down-release"; var NOTE_UP = "note_up"; var NOTE_LEFT = "note_left"; var NOTE_RIGHT = "note_right"; var NOTE_DOWN = "note_down"; var NOTE_UP_P = "note_up-press"; var NOTE_LEFT_P = "note_left-press"; var NOTE_RIGHT_P = "note_right-press"; var NOTE_DOWN_P = "note_down-press"; var NOTE_UP_R = "note_up-release"; var NOTE_LEFT_R = "note_left-release"; var NOTE_RIGHT_R = "note_right-release"; var NOTE_DOWN_R = "note_down-release"; var ACCEPT = "accept"; var BACK = "back"; var PAUSE = "pause"; var RESET = "reset"; #if CAN_CHEAT var CHEAT = "cheat"; #end } enum Device { Keys; Gamepad(id:Int); } enum KeyboardScheme { Solo; Duo(first:Bool); None; Custom; } /** * A list of actions that a player would invoke via some input device. * Uses FlxActions to funnel various inputs to a single action. */ class Controls extends FlxActionSet { var _ui_up = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_UP); var _ui_left = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_LEFT); var _ui_right = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_RIGHT); var _ui_down = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_DOWN); var _ui_upP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_UP_P); var _ui_leftP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_LEFT_P); var _ui_rightP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_RIGHT_P); var _ui_downP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_DOWN_P); var _ui_upR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_UP_R); var _ui_leftR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_LEFT_R); var _ui_rightR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_RIGHT_R); var _ui_downR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.UI_DOWN_R); var _note_up = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_UP); var _note_left = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_LEFT); var _note_right = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_RIGHT); var _note_down = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_DOWN); var _note_upP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_UP_P); var _note_leftP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_LEFT_P); var _note_rightP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_RIGHT_P); var _note_downP = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_DOWN_P); var _note_upR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_UP_R); var _note_leftR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_LEFT_R); var _note_rightR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_RIGHT_R); var _note_downR = new FlxActionDigital(Action.NOTE_DOWN_R); var _accept = new FlxActionDigital(Action.ACCEPT); var _back = new FlxActionDigital(Action.BACK); var _pause = new FlxActionDigital(Action.PAUSE); var _reset = new FlxActionDigital(Action.RESET); #if CAN_CHEAT var _cheat = new FlxActionDigital(Action.CHEAT); #end var byName:Map<String, FlxActionDigital> = new Map<String, FlxActionDigital>(); public var gamepadsAdded:Array<Int> = []; public var keyboardScheme = KeyboardScheme.None; public var UI_UP(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_UP() return _ui_up.check(); public var UI_LEFT(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_LEFT() return _ui_left.check(); public var UI_RIGHT(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_RIGHT() return _ui_right.check(); public var UI_DOWN(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_DOWN() return _ui_down.check(); public var UI_UP_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_UP_P() return _ui_upP.check(); public var UI_LEFT_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_LEFT_P() return _ui_leftP.check(); public var UI_RIGHT_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_RIGHT_P() return _ui_rightP.check(); public var UI_DOWN_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_DOWN_P() return _ui_downP.check(); public var UI_UP_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_UP_R() return _ui_upR.check(); public var UI_LEFT_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_LEFT_R() return _ui_leftR.check(); public var UI_RIGHT_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_RIGHT_R() return _ui_rightR.check(); public var UI_DOWN_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_UI_DOWN_R() return _ui_downR.check(); public var NOTE_UP(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_UP() return _note_up.check(); public var NOTE_LEFT(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_LEFT() return _note_left.check(); public var NOTE_RIGHT(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_RIGHT() return _note_right.check(); public var NOTE_DOWN(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_DOWN() return _note_down.check(); public var NOTE_UP_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_UP_P() return _note_upP.check(); public var NOTE_LEFT_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_LEFT_P() return _note_leftP.check(); public var NOTE_RIGHT_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_RIGHT_P() return _note_rightP.check(); public var NOTE_DOWN_P(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_DOWN_P() return _note_downP.check(); public var NOTE_UP_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_UP_R() return _note_upR.check(); public var NOTE_LEFT_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_LEFT_R() return _note_leftR.check(); public var NOTE_RIGHT_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_RIGHT_R() return _note_rightR.check(); public var NOTE_DOWN_R(get, never):Bool; inline function get_NOTE_DOWN_R() return _note_downR.check(); public var ACCEPT(get, never):Bool; inline function get_ACCEPT() return _accept.check(); public var BACK(get, never):Bool; inline function get_BACK() return _back.check(); public var PAUSE(get, never):Bool; inline function get_PAUSE() return _pause.check(); public var RESET(get, never):Bool; inline function get_RESET() return _reset.check(); #if CAN_CHEAT public var CHEAT(get, never):Bool; inline function get_CHEAT() return _cheat.check(); #end public function new(name, scheme:KeyboardScheme = null) { super(name); add(_ui_up); add(_ui_left); add(_ui_right); add(_ui_down); add(_ui_upP); add(_ui_leftP); add(_ui_rightP); add(_ui_downP); add(_ui_upR); add(_ui_leftR); add(_ui_rightR); add(_ui_downR); add(_note_up); add(_note_left); add(_note_right); add(_note_down); add(_note_upP); add(_note_leftP); add(_note_rightP); add(_note_downP); add(_note_upR); add(_note_leftR); add(_note_rightR); add(_note_downR); add(_accept); add(_back); add(_pause); add(_reset); #if CAN_CHEAT add(_cheat); #end for (action in digitalActions) byName[] = action; if (scheme == null) scheme = None; setKeyboardScheme(scheme, false); } override function update() { super.update(); } // inline public function checkByName(name:Action):Bool { #if debug if (!byName.exists(name)) throw 'Invalid name: $name'; #end return byName[name].check(); } public function getDialogueName(action:FlxActionDigital):String { var input = action.inputs[0]; return switch input.device { case KEYBOARD: return '[${(input.inputID : FlxKey)}]'; case GAMEPAD: return '(${(input.inputID : FlxGamepadInputID)})'; case device: throw 'unhandled device: $device'; } } public function getDialogueNameFromToken(token:String):String { return getDialogueName(getActionFromControl(Control.createByName(token.toUpperCase()))); } function getActionFromControl(control:Control):FlxActionDigital { return switch (control) { case UI_UP: _ui_up; case UI_DOWN: _ui_down; case UI_LEFT: _ui_left; case UI_RIGHT: _ui_right; case NOTE_UP: _note_up; case NOTE_DOWN: _note_down; case NOTE_LEFT: _note_left; case NOTE_RIGHT: _note_right; case ACCEPT: _accept; case BACK: _back; case PAUSE: _pause; case RESET: _reset; #if CAN_CHEAT case CHEAT: _cheat; #end } } static function init():Void { var actions = new FlxActionManager(); FlxG.inputs.add(actions); } /** * Calls a function passing each action bound by the specified control * @param control * @param func * @return ->Void) */ function forEachBound(control:Control, func:FlxActionDigital->FlxInputState->Void) { switch (control) { case UI_UP: func(_ui_up, PRESSED); func(_ui_upP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_ui_upR, JUST_RELEASED); case UI_LEFT: func(_ui_left, PRESSED); func(_ui_leftP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_ui_leftR, JUST_RELEASED); case UI_RIGHT: func(_ui_right, PRESSED); func(_ui_rightP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_ui_rightR, JUST_RELEASED); case UI_DOWN: func(_ui_down, PRESSED); func(_ui_downP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_ui_downR, JUST_RELEASED); case NOTE_UP: func(_note_up, PRESSED); func(_note_upP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_note_upR, JUST_RELEASED); case NOTE_LEFT: func(_note_left, PRESSED); func(_note_leftP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_note_leftR, JUST_RELEASED); case NOTE_RIGHT: func(_note_right, PRESSED); func(_note_rightP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_note_rightR, JUST_RELEASED); case NOTE_DOWN: func(_note_down, PRESSED); func(_note_downP, JUST_PRESSED); func(_note_downR, JUST_RELEASED); case ACCEPT: func(_accept, JUST_PRESSED); case BACK: func(_back, JUST_PRESSED); case PAUSE: func(_pause, JUST_PRESSED); case RESET: func(_reset, JUST_PRESSED); #if CAN_CHEAT case CHEAT: func(_cheat, JUST_PRESSED); #end } } public function replaceBinding(control:Control, device:Device, toAdd:Int, toRemove:Int) { if (toAdd == toRemove) return; switch (device) { case Keys: forEachBound(control, function(action, _) replaceKey(action, toAdd, toRemove)); case Gamepad(id): forEachBound(control, function(action, _) replaceButton(action, id, toAdd, toRemove)); } } function replaceKey(action:FlxActionDigital, toAdd:Int, toRemove:Int) { for (i in 0...action.inputs.length) { var input = action.inputs[i]; if (input.device == KEYBOARD && input.inputID == toRemove) { @:privateAccess action.inputs[i].inputID = toAdd; } } } function replaceButton(action:FlxActionDigital, deviceID:Int, toAdd:Int, toRemove:Int) { for (i in 0...action.inputs.length) { var input = action.inputs[i]; if (isGamepad(input, deviceID) && input.inputID == toRemove) { @:privateAccess action.inputs[i].inputID = toAdd; } } } public function copyFrom(controls:Controls, ?device:Device) { for (name in controls.byName.keys()) { var action = controls.byName[name]; for (input in action.inputs) { if (device == null || isDevice(input, device)) byName[name].add(cast input); } } switch (device) { case null: // add all for (gamepad in controls.gamepadsAdded) if (gamepadsAdded.indexOf(gamepad) == -1) gamepadsAdded.push(gamepad); mergeKeyboardScheme(controls.keyboardScheme); case Gamepad(id): gamepadsAdded.push(id); case Keys: mergeKeyboardScheme(controls.keyboardScheme); } } inline public function copyTo(controls:Controls, ?device:Device) { controls.copyFrom(this, device); } function mergeKeyboardScheme(scheme:KeyboardScheme):Void { if (scheme != None) { switch (keyboardScheme) { case None: keyboardScheme = scheme; default: keyboardScheme = Custom; } } } /** * Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. * If binder is a literal you can inline this */ public function bindKeys(control:Control, keys:Array<FlxKey>) { forEachBound(control, function(action, state) addKeys(action, keys, state)); } public function bindSwipe(control:Control, swipeDir:Int = FlxObject.UP, ?swpLength:Float = 90) { forEachBound(control, function(action, press) action.add(new FlxActionInputDigitalMobileSwipeGameplay(swipeDir, press, swpLength))); } /** * Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. * If binder is a literal you can inline this */ public function unbindKeys(control:Control, keys:Array<FlxKey>) { forEachBound(control, function(action, _) removeKeys(action, keys)); } inline static function addKeys(action:FlxActionDigital, keys:Array<FlxKey>, state:FlxInputState) { for (key in keys) action.addKey(key, state); } static function removeKeys(action:FlxActionDigital, keys:Array<FlxKey>) { var i = action.inputs.length; while (i-- > 0) { var input = action.inputs[i]; if (input.device == KEYBOARD && keys.indexOf(cast input.inputID) != -1) action.remove(input); } } public function setKeyboardScheme(scheme:KeyboardScheme, reset = true) { if (reset) removeKeyboard(); keyboardScheme = scheme; switch (scheme) { case Solo: bindKeys(Control.UI_UP, [W, FlxKey.UP]); bindKeys(Control.UI_DOWN, [S, FlxKey.DOWN]); bindKeys(Control.UI_LEFT, [A, FlxKey.LEFT]); bindKeys(Control.UI_RIGHT, [D, FlxKey.RIGHT]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_UP, [W, FlxKey.UP]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_DOWN, [S, FlxKey.DOWN]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_LEFT, [A, FlxKey.LEFT]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_RIGHT, [D, FlxKey.RIGHT]); bindKeys(Control.ACCEPT, [Z, SPACE, ENTER]); bindKeys(Control.BACK, [X, BACKSPACE, ESCAPE]); bindKeys(Control.PAUSE, [P, ENTER, ESCAPE]); bindKeys(Control.RESET, [R]); case Duo(true): bindKeys(Control.UI_UP, [W]); bindKeys(Control.UI_DOWN, [S]); bindKeys(Control.UI_LEFT, [A]); bindKeys(Control.UI_RIGHT, [D]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_UP, [W]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_DOWN, [S]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_LEFT, [A]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_RIGHT, [D]); bindKeys(Control.ACCEPT, [G, Z]); bindKeys(Control.BACK, [H, X]); bindKeys(Control.PAUSE, [ONE]); bindKeys(Control.RESET, [R]); case Duo(false): bindKeys(Control.UI_UP, [FlxKey.UP]); bindKeys(Control.UI_DOWN, [FlxKey.DOWN]); bindKeys(Control.UI_LEFT, [FlxKey.LEFT]); bindKeys(Control.UI_RIGHT, [FlxKey.RIGHT]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_UP, [FlxKey.UP]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_DOWN, [FlxKey.DOWN]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_LEFT, [FlxKey.LEFT]); bindKeys(Control.NOTE_RIGHT, [FlxKey.RIGHT]); bindKeys(Control.ACCEPT, [O]); bindKeys(Control.BACK, [P]); bindKeys(Control.PAUSE, [ENTER]); bindKeys(Control.RESET, [BACKSPACE]); case None: // nothing case Custom: // nothing } bindMobileLol(); } function bindMobileLol() { #if FLX_TOUCH // MAKE BETTER TOUCH BIND CODE bindSwipe(Control.NOTE_UP, FlxObject.UP, 40); bindSwipe(Control.NOTE_DOWN, FlxObject.DOWN, 40); bindSwipe(Control.NOTE_LEFT, FlxObject.LEFT, 40); bindSwipe(Control.NOTE_RIGHT, FlxObject.RIGHT, 40); // feels more like drag when up/down are inversed bindSwipe(Control.UI_UP, FlxObject.DOWN); bindSwipe(Control.UI_DOWN, FlxObject.UP); bindSwipe(Control.UI_LEFT, FlxObject.LEFT); bindSwipe(Control.UI_RIGHT, FlxObject.RIGHT); #end #if android forEachBound(Control.BACK, function(action, pres) { action.add(new FlxActionInputDigitalAndroid(FlxAndroidKey.BACK, JUST_PRESSED)); }); #end } function removeKeyboard() { for (action in this.digitalActions) { var i = action.inputs.length; while (i-- > 0) { var input = action.inputs[i]; if (input.device == KEYBOARD) action.remove(input); } } } public function addGamepadWithSaveData(id:Int, ?padData:Dynamic):Void { gamepadsAdded.push(id); fromSaveData(padData, Gamepad(id)); } inline function addGamepadLiteral(id:Int, ?buttonMap:Map<Control, Array<FlxGamepadInputID>>):Void { gamepadsAdded.push(id); for (control in buttonMap.keys()) bindButtons(control, id, buttonMap[control]); } public function removeGamepad(deviceID:Int = FlxInputDeviceID.ALL):Void { for (action in this.digitalActions) { var i = action.inputs.length; while (i-- > 0) { var input = action.inputs[i]; if (isGamepad(input, deviceID)) action.remove(input); } } gamepadsAdded.remove(deviceID); } public function addDefaultGamepad(id):Void { addGamepadLiteral(id, [ Control.ACCEPT => [#if switch B #else A #end], Control.BACK => [#if switch A #else B #end, FlxGamepadInputID.BACK], Control.UI_UP => [DPAD_UP, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP], Control.UI_DOWN => [DPAD_DOWN, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN], Control.UI_LEFT => [DPAD_LEFT, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT], Control.UI_RIGHT => [DPAD_RIGHT, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT], // don't swap A/B or X/Y for switch on these. A is always the bottom face button Control.NOTE_UP => [DPAD_UP, Y, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP, RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_UP], Control.NOTE_DOWN => [DPAD_DOWN, A, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN, RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_DOWN], Control.NOTE_LEFT => [DPAD_LEFT, X, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT, RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_LEFT], Control.NOTE_RIGHT => [DPAD_RIGHT, B, LEFT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT, RIGHT_STICK_DIGITAL_RIGHT], Control.PAUSE => [START], Control.RESET => [RIGHT_SHOULDER] #if CAN_CHEAT, Control.CHEAT => [X] #end ]); } /** * Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. * If binder is a literal you can inline this */ public function bindButtons(control:Control, id, buttons) { forEachBound(control, function(action, state) addButtons(action, buttons, state, id)); } public function touchShit(control:Control, id) { forEachBound(control, function(action, state) { // action }); } /** * Sets all actions that pertain to the binder to trigger when the supplied keys are used. * If binder is a literal you can inline this */ public function unbindButtons(control:Control, gamepadID:Int, buttons) { forEachBound(control, function(action, _) removeButtons(action, gamepadID, buttons)); } inline static function addButtons(action:FlxActionDigital, buttons:Array<FlxGamepadInputID>, state, id) { for (button in buttons) action.addGamepad(button, state, id); } static function removeButtons(action:FlxActionDigital, gamepadID:Int, buttons:Array<FlxGamepadInputID>) { var i = action.inputs.length; while (i-- > 0) { var input = action.inputs[i]; if (isGamepad(input, gamepadID) && buttons.indexOf(cast input.inputID) != -1) action.remove(input); } } public function getInputsFor(control:Control, device:Device, ?list:Array<Int>):Array<Int> { if (list == null) list = []; switch (device) { case Keys: for (input in getActionFromControl(control).inputs) { if (input.device == KEYBOARD) list.push(input.inputID); } case Gamepad(id): for (input in getActionFromControl(control).inputs) { if (isGamepad(input, id)) list.push(input.inputID); } } return list; } public function removeDevice(device:Device) { switch (device) { case Keys: setKeyboardScheme(None); case Gamepad(id): removeGamepad(id); } } public function fromSaveData(data:Dynamic, device:Device) { for (control in Control.createAll()) { var inputs:Array<Int> = Reflect.field(data, control.getName()); if (inputs != null) { switch (device) { case Keys: bindKeys(control, inputs.copy()); case Gamepad(id): bindButtons(control, id, inputs.copy()); } } } } public function createSaveData(device:Device):Dynamic { var isEmpty = true; var data = {}; for (control in Control.createAll()) { var inputs = getInputsFor(control, device); isEmpty = isEmpty && inputs.length == 0; Reflect.setField(data, control.getName(), inputs); } return isEmpty ? null : data; } static function isDevice(input:FlxActionInput, device:Device) { return switch device { case Keys: input.device == KEYBOARD; case Gamepad(id): isGamepad(input, id); } } inline static function isGamepad(input:FlxActionInput, deviceID:Int) { return input.device == GAMEPAD && (deviceID == FlxInputDeviceID.ALL || input.deviceID == deviceID); } } typedef SaveInputLists = { ?keys:Array<Int>, ?pad:Array<Int> }; typedef Swipes = { ?initTouchPos:FlxPoint, ?touchAngle:Float, ?touchLength:Float, ?curTouchPos:FlxPoint }; class FlxActionInputDigitalMobileSwipeGameplay extends FlxActionInputDigital { var touchMap:Map<Int, Swipes> = new Map(); var vibrationSteps:Int = 5; var curStep:Int = 5; var activateLength:Float = 90; var hapticPressure:Int = 100; public function new(swipeDir:Int = FlxObject.ANY, Trigger:FlxInputState, ?swipeLength:Float = 90) { super(OTHER, swipeDir, Trigger); activateLength = swipeLength; } // fix right swipe // make so cant double swipe during gameplay // hold notes? override function update():Void { super.update(); #if FLX_TOUCH for (touch in FlxG.touches.list) { if (touch.justPressed) { var pos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(touch.screenX, touch.screenY); var pos2:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(touch.screenX, touch.screenY); var swp:Swipes = { initTouchPos: pos, curTouchPos: pos2, touchAngle: 0, touchLength: 0 }; touchMap[touch.touchPointID] = swp; curStep = 1; Haptic.vibrate(40, 70); } if (touch.pressed) { var daSwipe = touchMap[touch.touchPointID]; daSwipe.curTouchPos.set(touch.screenX, touch.screenY); var dx = daSwipe.initTouchPos.x - touch.screenX; var dy = daSwipe.initTouchPos.y - touch.screenY; daSwipe.touchAngle = Math.atan2(dy, dx); daSwipe.touchLength = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);"LENGTH", daSwipe.touchLength);"ANGLE", FlxAngle.asDegrees(daSwipe.touchAngle)); if (daSwipe.touchLength >= (activateLength / vibrationSteps) * curStep) { curStep += 1; // Haptic.vibrate( / (curStep * 1.5)), 50); } } if (touch.justReleased) { touchMap.remove(touch.touchPointID); } /* switch (inputID) { case FlxObject.UP: return case FlxObject.DOWN: } */ } #end } override public function check(Action:FlxAction):Bool { for (swp in touchMap) { var degAngle = FlxAngle.asDegrees(swp.touchAngle); switch (trigger) { case JUST_PRESSED: if (swp.touchLength >= activateLength) { switch (inputID) { case FlxObject.UP: if (degAngle >= 45 && degAngle <= 90 + 45) return properTouch(swp); case FlxObject.DOWN: if (-degAngle >= 45 && -degAngle <= 90 + 45) return properTouch(swp); case FlxObject.LEFT: if (degAngle <= 45 && -degAngle <= 45) return properTouch(swp); case FlxObject.RIGHT: if (degAngle >= 90 + 45 && degAngle <= -90 + -45) return properTouch(swp); } } default: } } return false; } function properTouch(swipe:Swipes):Bool { curStep = 1; Haptic.vibrate(100, 30); swipe.initTouchPos.set(swipe.curTouchPos.x, swipe.curTouchPos.y); return true; } } // Maybe this can be committed to main HaxeFlixel repo? #if android class FlxActionInputDigitalAndroid extends FlxActionInputDigital { /** * Android buttons action input * @param androidKeyID Key identifier (FlxAndroidKey.BACK, FlxAndroidKey.MENU... those are the only 2 android specific ones) * @param Trigger What state triggers this action (PRESSED, JUST_PRESSED, RELEASED, JUST_RELEASED) */ public function new(androidKeyID:FlxAndroidKey, Trigger:FlxInputState) { super(FlxInputDevice.OTHER, androidKeyID, Trigger); } override public function check(Action:FlxAction):Bool { return switch (trigger) { #if android case PRESSED:, PRESSED) ||, PRESSED); case RELEASED:, RELEASED) ||, JUST_RELEASED); case JUST_PRESSED:, JUST_PRESSED); case JUST_RELEASED:, JUST_RELEASED); #end default: false; } } } #end