package; import; import flixel.system.FlxSound; /** * A group of FlxSounds which can be controlled as a whole. * * Add sounds to the group using `add()`, and then control them * as a whole using the properties and methods of this class. * * It is assumed that all the sounds will play at the same time, * and have the same duration. */ class FlxAudioGroup extends FlxTypedGroup { /** * The position in time of the sounds in the group. * Measured in milliseconds. */ public var time(get, set):Float; function get_time():Float { if (getFirstAlive() != null) return getFirstAlive().time; else return 0; } function set_time(time:Float):Float { forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { // account for different offsets per sound? sound.time = time; }); return time; } /** * The volume of the sounds in the group. */ public var volume(get, set):Float; function get_volume():Float { if (getFirstAlive() != null) return getFirstAlive().volume; else return 1.0; } function set_volume(volume:Float):Float { forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { sound.volume = volume; }); return volume; } /** * The pitch of the sounds in the group, as a multiplier of 1.0x. * `2.0` would play the audio twice as fast with a higher pitch, * and `0.5` would play the audio at half speed with a lower pitch. */ public var pitch(get, set):Float; function get_pitch():Float { #if FLX_PITCH if (getFirstAlive() != null) return getFirstAlive().pitch; else #end return 1; } function set_pitch(val:Float):Float { #if FLX_PITCH trace('Setting audio pitch to ' + val); forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { sound.pitch = val; }); #end return val; } /** * Whether members of the group should be destroyed when they finish playing. */ public var autoDestroyMembers(default, set):Bool = false; function set_autoDestroyMembers(value:Bool):Bool { autoDestroyMembers = value; forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { sound.autoDestroy = value; }); return value; } /** * Add a sound to the group. */ public override function add(sound:FlxSound):FlxSound { var result:FlxSound = super.add(sound); if (result == null) return; // Apply parameters to the new sound. result.autoDestroy = this.autoDestroyMembers; result.pitch = this.pitch; result.volume = this.volume; // We have to play, then pause the sound to set the time, // else the sound will restart immediately when played., 0.0); result.pause(); result.time = this.time; } /** * Pause all the sounds in the group. */ public function pause() { forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { sound.pause(); }); } /** * Play all the sounds in the group. */ public function play(forceRestart:Bool = false, startTime:Float = 0.0, ?endTime:Float) { forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) {, startTime, endTime); }); } /** * Resume all the sounds in the group. */ public function resume() { forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { sound.resume(); }); } /** * Stop all the sounds in the group. */ public function stop() { forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { sound.stop(); }); } public override function clear():Void { this.stop(); super.clear(); } /** * Calculates the deviation of the sounds in the group from the target time. * * @param targetTime The time to compare the sounds to. * If null, the current time of the first sound in the group is used. * @return The largest deviation of the sounds in the group from the target time. */ public function calcDeviation(?targetTime:Float):Float { var deviation:Float = 0; forEachAlive(function(sound:FlxSound) { if (targetTime == null) targetTime = sound.time; else { var diff:Float = sound.time - targetTime; if (Math.abs(diff) > Math.abs(deviation)) deviation = diff; } }); return deviation; } }