package funkin.ui.credits; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; /** * The state used to display the credits scroll. * AAA studios often fail to credit properly, and we're better than them! */ class CreditsState extends MusicBeatState { /** * The height the credits should start at. * Make this an instanced variable so it gets set by the constructor. */ final STARTING_HEIGHT = FlxG.height; /** * The padding on each side of the screen. */ static final SCREEN_PAD = 24; /** * The width of the screen the credits should maximally fill up. * Make this an instanced variable so it gets set by the constructor. */ final FULL_WIDTH = FlxG.width - (SCREEN_PAD * 2); /** * The font to use to display the text. * To use a font from the `assets` folder, use `Paths.font(...)`. * Choose something that will render Unicode properly. */ static final CREDITS_FONT = 'Arial'; /** * The size of the font. */ static final CREDITS_FONT_SIZE = 48; static final CREDITS_HEADER_FONT_SIZE = 72; /** * The color of the text itself. */ static final CREDITS_FONT_COLOR = FlxColor.WHITE; /** * The color of the text's outline. */ static final CREDITS_FONT_STROKE_COLOR = FlxColor.BLACK; /** * The speed the credits scroll at, in pixels per second. */ static final CREDITS_SCROLL_BASE_SPEED = 25.0; /** * The speed the credits scroll at while the button is held, in pixels per second. */ static final CREDITS_SCROLL_FAST_SPEED = CREDITS_SCROLL_BASE_SPEED * 4.0; /** * The actual sprites and text used to display the credits. */ var creditsGroup:FlxSpriteGroup; var scrollPaused:Bool = false; public function new() { super(); } public override function create():Void { super.create(); // Background var bg = new FlxSprite(Paths.image('menuDesat')); bg.scrollFactor.x = 0; bg.scrollFactor.y = 0; bg.setGraphicSize(; bg.updateHitbox(); bg.x = 0; bg.y = 0; bg.visible = true; bg.color = 0xFFB57EDC; // Lavender add(bg); // TODO: Once we need to display Kickstarter backers, // make this use a recycled pool so we don't kill peformance. creditsGroup = new FlxSpriteGroup(); creditsGroup.x = SCREEN_PAD; creditsGroup.y = STARTING_HEIGHT; buildCreditsGroup(); add(creditsGroup); // Music FunkinSound.playMusic('freeplayRandom', { startingVolume: 0.0, overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: true, loop: true });, 0, 0.8); } function buildCreditsGroup():Void { var y = 0; for (role in CreditsDataHandler.CREDITS_DATA.roles) { creditsGroup.add(buildCreditsLine(role.roleName, y, true, CreditsSide.Center)); y += CREDITS_HEADER_FONT_SIZE; for (member in role.members) { creditsGroup.add(buildCreditsLine(member.fullName, y, false, CreditsSide.Center)); y += CREDITS_FONT_SIZE; } // Padding between each role. y += CREDITS_FONT_SIZE * 2; } } function buildCreditsLine(text:String, yPos:Float, header:Bool, side:CreditsSide = CreditsSide.Center):FlxText { // CreditsSide.Center: Full screen width // CreditsSide.Left: Left half of screen // CreditsSide.Right: Right half of screen var xPos = (side == CreditsSide.Right) ? (FULL_WIDTH / 2) : 0; var width = (side == CreditsSide.Center) ? FULL_WIDTH : (FULL_WIDTH / 2); var size = header ? CREDITS_HEADER_FONT_SIZE : CREDITS_FONT_SIZE; var creditsLine:FlxText = new FlxText(xPos, yPos, width, text); creditsLine.setFormat(CREDITS_FONT, size, CREDITS_FONT_COLOR, FlxTextAlign.CENTER, FlxTextBorderStyle.OUTLINE, CREDITS_FONT_STROKE_COLOR, true); return creditsLine; } public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (!scrollPaused) { // TODO: Replace with whatever the special note button is. if (controls.ACCEPT || FlxG.keys.pressed.SPACE) { // Move the whole group. creditsGroup.y -= CREDITS_SCROLL_FAST_SPEED * elapsed; } else { // Move the whole group. creditsGroup.y -= CREDITS_SCROLL_BASE_SPEED * elapsed; } } if (controls.BACK || hasEnded()) { exit(); } else if (controls.PAUSE) { scrollPaused = !scrollPaused; } } function hasEnded():Bool { return creditsGroup.y < -creditsGroup.height; } function exit():Void { FlxG.switchState(new funkin.ui.mainmenu.MainMenuState()); } public override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); } } enum CreditsSide { Left; Center; Right; }