package; import; import; import; import flixel.util.FlxColor; class WaveformSprite extends MeshRender { static final DEFAULT_COLOR:FlxColor = FlxColor.WHITE; static final DEFAULT_DURATION:Float = 5.0; static final DEFAULT_ORIENTATION:WaveformOrientation = HORIZONTAL; static final DEFAULT_X:Float = 0.0; static final DEFAULT_Y:Float = 0.0; static final DEFAULT_WIDTH:Float = 100.0; static final DEFAULT_HEIGHT:Float = 100.0; static final DEFAULT_DURATION:Float = 5.0; /** * Set this to true to tell the waveform to rebuild itself. * Do this any time the data or drawable area of the waveform changes. * This often (but not always) needs to be done every frame. */ var isWaveformDirty:Bool = true; public var waveformData:WaveformData; function set_waveformData(value:WaveformData):WaveformData { waveformData = value; isWaveformDirty = true; return waveformData; } /** * The color to render the waveform with. */ public var waveformColor(default, set):FlxColor; function set_waveformColor(value:FlxColor):FlxColor { waveformColor = value; // We don't need to dirty the waveform geometry, just rebuild the texture. rebuildGraphic(); return waveformColor; } public var orientation(default, set):WaveformOrientation; function set_orientation(value:WaveformOrientation):WaveformOrientation { orientation = value; isWaveformDirty = true; return orientation; } /** * Time, in seconds, at which the waveform starts. */ public var time(default, set):Float; function set_time(value:Float) { time = value; isWaveformDirty = true; return time; } /** * The duration, in seconds, that the waveform represents. * The section of waveform from `time` to `time + duration` and `width` are used to determine how many samples each pixel represents. */ public var duration(default, set):Float; function set_duration(value:Float) { duration = value; isWaveformDirty = true; return duration; } /** * Set the physical size of the waveform with `this.height = value`. */ override function set_height(value:Float):Float { isWaveformDirty = true; return super.set_height(value); } /** * Set the physical size of the waveform with `this.width = value`. */ override function set_width(value:Float):Float { isWaveformDirty = true; return super.set_width(value); } public function new(waveformData:WaveformData, ?orientation:WaveformOrientation, ?color:FlxColor, ?duration:Float) { super(DEFAULT_X, DEFAULT_Y, DEFAULT_COLOR); this.waveformColor = color ?? DEFAULT_COLOR; this.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; this.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; this.waveformData = waveformData; this.orientation = orientation ?? DEFAULT_ORIENTATION; this.time = 0.0; this.duration = duration ?? DEFAULT_DURATION; } public override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); if (isWaveformDirty) { // Recalculate the waveform vertices. drawWaveform(); isWaveformDirty = false; } } function rebuildGraphic():Void { // The waveform is rendered using a single colored pixel as a texture. // If you want something more elaborate, make sure to modify `build_vertex` below to use the UVs you want. makeGraphic(1, 1, this.waveformColor); } /** * @param offsetX Horizontal offset to draw the waveform at, in samples. */ function drawWaveform():Void { // For each sample in the waveform... // Add a MAX vertex and a MIN vertex. // If previous MAX/MIN is empty, store. // If previous MAX/MIN is not empty, draw a quad using current and previous MAX/MIN. Then store current MAX/MIN. // Continue until end of waveform. this.clear(); // Center point of the waveform. When horizontal this is half the height, when vertical this is half the width. var waveformCenterPos:Int = orientation == HORIZONTAL ? / 2) : / 2); var oneSecondInIndices:Int = waveformData.secondsToIndex(1); var startTime:Float = time; var endTime:Float = time + duration; var startIndex:Int = waveformData.secondsToIndex(startTime); var endIndex:Int = waveformData.secondsToIndex(endTime); var pixelsPerIndex:Float = (orientation == HORIZONTAL ? this.width : this.height) / (endIndex - startIndex); var indexesPerPixel:Float = 1 / pixelsPerIndex; var topLeftVertexIndex:Int = -1; var topRightVertexIndex:Int = -1; var bottomLeftVertexIndex:Int = -1; var bottomRightVertexIndex:Int = -1; if (clipRect != null) { topLeftVertexIndex = this.build_vertex(clipRect.x, clipRect.y); topRightVertexIndex = this.build_vertex(clipRect.x + clipRect.width, clipRect.y); bottomLeftVertexIndex = this.build_vertex(clipRect.x, clipRect.y + clipRect.height); bottomRightVertexIndex = this.build_vertex(clipRect.x + clipRect.width, clipRect.y + clipRect.height); } if (pixelsPerIndex >= 1.0) { // Each index is at least one pixel wide, so we render each index. var prevVertexTopIndex:Int = -1; var prevVertexBottomIndex:Int = -1; for (i in startIndex...endIndex) { var pixelPos:Int = - startIndex) * pixelsPerIndex); var isOutsideClipRectHorizontal:Bool = (clipRect != null) && (pixelPos < clipRect.x || pixelPos > (clipRect.x + clipRect.width)); var isOutsideClipRectVertical:Bool = (clipRect != null) && (pixelPos < clipRect.y || pixelPos > (clipRect.y + clipRect.height)); var isOutsideClipRect:Bool = orientation == HORIZONTAL ? isOutsideClipRectHorizontal : isOutsideClipRectVertical; // This index is outside the clipRect, so we can just skip rendering it. Fantastic! if (isOutsideClipRect) continue; var vertexTopY:Int = - ( * (orientation == HORIZONTAL ? this.height : this.width) / 2)); var vertexBottomY:Int = + ( * (orientation == HORIZONTAL ? this.height : this.width) / 2)); var vertexTopIndex:Int = -1; var vertexBottomIndex:Int = -1; if (clipRect != null) { if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { vertexTopIndex = buildClippedVertex(pixelPos, vertexTopY, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); vertexBottomIndex = buildClippedVertex(pixelPos, vertexBottomY, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); } else { vertexTopIndex = buildClippedVertex(vertexTopY, pixelPos, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); vertexBottomIndex = buildClippedVertex(vertexBottomY, pixelPos, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); } } else { if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { vertexTopIndex = this.build_vertex(pixelPos, vertexTopY); vertexBottomIndex = this.build_vertex(pixelPos, vertexBottomY); } else { vertexTopIndex = this.build_vertex(vertexTopY, pixelPos); vertexBottomIndex = this.build_vertex(vertexBottomY, pixelPos); } } // Don't render if we don't have a previous different set of vertices to create a quad from. if (prevVertexTopIndex != -1 && prevVertexBottomIndex != -1 && prevVertexTopIndex != vertexTopIndex && prevVertexBottomIndex != vertexBottomIndex) { switch (orientation) // the line of code that makes you gay { case HORIZONTAL: this.add_quad(prevVertexTopIndex, vertexTopIndex, vertexBottomIndex, prevVertexBottomIndex); case VERTICAL: this.add_quad(prevVertexBottomIndex, prevVertexTopIndex, vertexTopIndex, vertexBottomIndex); } } prevVertexTopIndex = vertexTopIndex; prevVertexBottomIndex = vertexBottomIndex; } } else { // Indexes are less than one pixel wide, so for each pixel we render the maximum of the samples that fall within it. var prevVertexTopIndex:Int = -1; var prevVertexBottomIndex:Int = -1; var waveformLengthPixels:Int = orientation == HORIZONTAL ? :; for (i in 0...waveformLengthPixels) { // Wrap around the whole range calculation, not just indexesPerPixel, otherwise you get weird issues with zooming. var rangeStart:Int = * indexesPerPixel + startIndex); var rangeEnd:Int = + 1) * indexesPerPixel + startIndex); var pixelPos:Int = i; var isOutsideClipRectHorizontal:Bool = (clipRect != null) && (pixelPos < clipRect.x || pixelPos > (clipRect.x + clipRect.width)); var isOutsideClipRectVertical:Bool = (clipRect != null) && (pixelPos < clipRect.y || pixelPos > (clipRect.y + clipRect.height)); var isOutsideClipRect:Bool = orientation == HORIZONTAL ? isOutsideClipRectHorizontal : isOutsideClipRectVertical; // This index is outside the clipRect, so we can just skip rendering it. Fantastic! if (isOutsideClipRect) continue; var vertexTopY:Int = - (, rangeEnd) * (orientation == HORIZONTAL ? this.height : this.width) / 2)); var vertexBottomY:Int = + (, rangeEnd) * (orientation == HORIZONTAL ? this.height : this.width) / 2)); var vertexTopIndex:Int = -1; var vertexBottomIndex:Int = -1; if (clipRect != null) { if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { vertexTopIndex = buildClippedVertex(pixelPos, vertexTopY, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); vertexBottomIndex = buildClippedVertex(pixelPos, vertexBottomY, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); } else { vertexTopIndex = buildClippedVertex(vertexTopY, pixelPos, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); vertexBottomIndex = buildClippedVertex(vertexBottomY, pixelPos, topLeftVertexIndex, topRightVertexIndex, bottomLeftVertexIndex, bottomRightVertexIndex); } } else { if (orientation == HORIZONTAL) { vertexTopIndex = this.build_vertex(pixelPos, vertexTopY); vertexBottomIndex = this.build_vertex(pixelPos, vertexBottomY); } else { vertexTopIndex = this.build_vertex(vertexTopY, pixelPos); vertexBottomIndex = this.build_vertex(vertexBottomY, pixelPos); } } if (prevVertexTopIndex != -1 && prevVertexBottomIndex != -1) { switch (orientation) { case HORIZONTAL: this.add_quad(prevVertexTopIndex, vertexTopIndex, vertexBottomIndex, prevVertexBottomIndex); case VERTICAL: this.add_quad(prevVertexBottomIndex, prevVertexTopIndex, vertexTopIndex, vertexBottomIndex); } } prevVertexTopIndex = vertexTopIndex; prevVertexBottomIndex = vertexBottomIndex; } } trace('Rendering waveform of ${duration} seconds with ${this.vertex_count} vertices.'); } function buildClippedVertex(x:Int, y:Int, topLeftVertexIndex:Int, topRightVertexIndex:Int, bottomLeftVertexIndex:Int, bottomRightVertexIndex:Int):Int { var shouldClipXLeft = x < clipRect.x; var shouldClipXRight = x > (clipRect.x + clipRect.width); var shouldClipYTop = y < clipRect.y; var shouldClipYBottom = y > (clipRect.y + clipRect.height); // If the vertex is fully outside the clipRect, use a pre-existing vertex. // Else, if the vertex is outside the clipRect on one axis, create a new vertex constrained on that axis. // Else, create a whole new vertex. if (shouldClipXLeft && shouldClipYTop) { return topLeftVertexIndex; } else if (shouldClipXRight && shouldClipYTop) { return topRightVertexIndex; } else if (shouldClipXLeft && shouldClipYBottom) { return bottomLeftVertexIndex; } else if (shouldClipXRight && shouldClipYBottom) { return bottomRightVertexIndex; } else if (shouldClipXLeft) { return this.build_vertex(clipRect.x, y); } else if (shouldClipXRight) { return this.build_vertex(clipRect.x + clipRect.width, y); } else if (shouldClipYTop) { return this.build_vertex(x, clipRect.y); } else if (shouldClipYBottom) { return this.build_vertex(x, clipRect.y + clipRect.height); } else { return this.build_vertex(x, y); } } public static function buildFromWaveformData(data:WaveformData, ?orientation:WaveformOrientation, ?color:FlxColor, ?duration:Float) { return new WaveformSprite(data, orientation, color, duration); } public static function buildFromFunkinSound(sound:FunkinSound, ?orientation:WaveformOrientation, ?color:FlxColor, ?duration:Float) { // TODO: Build waveform data from FunkinSound. var data = null; return buildFromWaveformData(data, orientation, color, duration); } } enum WaveformOrientation { HORIZONTAL; VERTICAL; }