package; import; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; /** * The actual receptor that you see on screen. */ class StrumlineNote extends FlxSprite { public var isPlayer(default, null):Bool; public var direction(default, set):NoteDirection; var confirmHoldTimer:Float = -1; static final CONFIRM_HOLD_TIME:Float = 0.1; public function updatePosition(parentNote:NoteSprite) { this.x = parentNote.x; this.x += parentNote.width / 2; this.x -= this.width / 2; this.y = parentNote.y; this.y += parentNote.height / 2; } function set_direction(value:NoteDirection):NoteDirection { this.direction = value; setup(); return this.direction; } public function new(isPlayer:Bool, direction:NoteDirection) { super(0, 0); this.isPlayer = isPlayer; this.direction = direction; this.animation.callback = onAnimationFrame; this.animation.finishCallback = onAnimationFinished; // Must be true for animations to play. = true; } function onAnimationFrame(name:String, frameNumber:Int, frameIndex:Int):Void {} function onAnimationFinished(name:String):Void { // Run a timer before we stop playing the confirm animation. // On opponent, this prevent issues with hold notes. // On player, this allows holding the confirm key to fall back to press. if (name == 'confirm') { confirmHoldTimer = 0; } } override function update(elapsed:Float) { super.update(elapsed); centerOrigin(); if (confirmHoldTimer >= 0) { confirmHoldTimer += elapsed; // Ensure the opponent stops holding the key after a certain amount of time. if (confirmHoldTimer >= CONFIRM_HOLD_TIME) { confirmHoldTimer = -1; playStatic(); } } } function setup():Void { this.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('noteStrumline'); switch (this.direction) { case NoteDirection.LEFT: this.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'staticLeft0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('press', 'pressLeft0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'confirmLeft0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm-hold', 'confirmHoldLeft0', 24, true, false, false); case NoteDirection.DOWN: this.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'staticDown0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('press', 'pressDown0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'confirmDown0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm-hold', 'confirmHoldDown0', 24, true, false, false); case NoteDirection.UP: this.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'staticUp0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('press', 'pressUp0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'confirmUp0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm-hold', 'confirmHoldUp0', 24, true, false, false); case NoteDirection.RIGHT: this.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'staticRight0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('press', 'pressRight0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm', 'confirmRight0', 24, false, false, false); this.animation.addByPrefix('confirm-hold', 'confirmHoldRight0', 24, true, false, false); } this.setGraphicSize( * 1.55)); this.updateHitbox(); this.playStatic(); } public function playAnimation(name:String = 'static', force:Bool = false, reversed:Bool = false, startFrame:Int = 0):Void {, force, reversed, startFrame); centerOffsets(); centerOrigin(); } public function playStatic():Void { = false; this.playAnimation('static', true); } public function playPress():Void { = true; this.playAnimation('press', true); } public function playConfirm():Void { = true; this.playAnimation('confirm', true); } public function isConfirm():Bool { return getCurrentAnimation().startsWith('confirm'); } public function holdConfirm():Void { = true; if (getCurrentAnimation() == "confirm-hold") { return; } else if (getCurrentAnimation() == "confirm") { if (isAnimationFinished()) { this.confirmHoldTimer = -1; this.playAnimation('confirm-hold', false, false); } } else { this.playAnimation('confirm', false, false); } } /** * Returns the name of the animation that is currently playing. * If no animation is playing (usually this means the sprite is BROKEN!), * returns an empty string to prevent NPEs. */ public function getCurrentAnimation():String { if (this.animation == null || this.animation.curAnim == null) return ""; return; } public function isAnimationFinished():Bool { return this.animation.finished; } static final DEFAULT_OFFSET:Int = 13; /** * Adjusts the position of the sprite's graphic relative to the hitbox. */ function fixOffsets():Void { // Automatically center the bounding box within the graphic. this.centerOffsets(); if (getCurrentAnimation() == "confirm") { // Move the graphic down and to the right to compensate for // the "glow" effect on the strumline note. this.offset.x -= DEFAULT_OFFSET; this.offset.y -= DEFAULT_OFFSET; } else { this.centerOrigin(); } } }