package io.newgrounds.objects; class Session extends Object { /** If true, the session_id is expired. Use App.startSession to get a new one.*/ public var expired(default, null):Bool; /** A unique session identifier */ public var id(default, null):String; /** If the session has no associated user but is not expired, this property will provide a URL that can be used to sign the user in. */ public var passportUrl(default, null):String; /** If true, the user would like you to remember their session id. */ public var remember(default, null):Bool; /** If the user has not signed in, or granted access to your app, this will be null */ public var user(default, null):User; //TODO:desciption public var status(get, never):SessionStatus; public function new(core:NGLite, data:Dynamic = null) { super(core, data); } override public function parse(data:Dynamic):Void { id =; expired = data.expired; passportUrl = data.passport_url; remember = data.remember; // --- KEEP THE SAME INSTANCE if (user == null) user = data.user; // TODO?: update original user instance with new data. (probly not) super.parse(data); } public function get_status():SessionStatus { if (expired || id == null || id == "") return SessionStatus.SESSION_EXPIRED; if (user != null && != null && != "") return SessionStatus.USER_LOADED; return SessionStatus.REQUEST_LOGIN; } public function expire():Void { expired = true; id = null; user = null; } } @:enum abstract SessionStatus(String) { var SESSION_EXPIRED = "session-expired"; var REQUEST_LOGIN = "request-login"; var USER_LOADED = "user-loaded"; }