package funkin.ui.freeplay; import flixel.addons.transition.FlxTransitionableState; import flixel.addons.ui.FlxInputText; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxSprite; import; import; import; import flixel.input.touch.FlxTouch; import flixel.math.FlxAngle; import flixel.math.FlxPoint; import; import flixel.text.FlxText; import flixel.tweens.FlxEase; import flixel.tweens.FlxTween; import flixel.util.FlxColor; import flixel.util.FlxSpriteUtil; import flixel.util.FlxTimer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import funkin.input.Controls; import; import; import; import; import funkin.ui.AtlasText; import funkin.ui.mainmenu.MainMenuState; import funkin.ui.MusicBeatSubState; import funkin.ui.transition.LoadingState; import funkin.ui.transition.StickerSubState; import funkin.util.MathUtil; import lime.utils.Assets; /** * Parameters used to initialize the FreeplayState. */ typedef FreeplayStateParams = { ?character:String, }; /** * The state for the freeplay menu, allowing the player to select any song to play. */ class FreeplayState extends MusicBeatSubState { // // Params // /** * The current character for this FreeplayState. * You can't change this without transitioning to a new FreeplayState. */ final currentCharacter:String; /** * For the audio preview, the duration of the fade-in effect. */ public static final FADE_IN_DURATION:Float = 0.5; /** * For the audio preview, the duration of the fade-out effect. */ public static final FADE_OUT_DURATION:Float = 0.25; /** * For the audio preview, the volume at which the fade-in starts. */ public static final FADE_IN_START_VOLUME:Float = 0.25; /** * For the audio preview, the volume at which the fade-in ends. */ public static final FADE_IN_END_VOLUME:Float = 1.0; /** * For the audio preview, the volume at which the fade-out starts. */ public static final FADE_OUT_END_VOLUME:Float = 0.0; var songs:Array> = []; var diffIdsCurrent:Array = []; var diffIdsTotal:Array = []; var curSelected:Int = 0; var currentDifficulty:String = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; var fp:FreeplayScore; var txtCompletion:AtlasText; var lerpCompletion:Float = 0; var intendedCompletion:Float = 0; var lerpScore:Float = 0; var intendedScore:Int = 0; var grpDifficulties:FlxTypedSpriteGroup; var coolColors:Array = [ 0xFF9271FD, 0xFF9271FD, 0xFF223344, 0xFF941653, 0xFFFC96D7, 0xFFA0D1FF, 0xFFFF78BF, 0xFFF6B604 ]; var grpSongs:FlxTypedGroup; var grpCapsules:FlxTypedGroup; var curCapsule:SongMenuItem; var curPlaying:Bool = false; var displayedVariations:Array; var dj:DJBoyfriend; var ostName:FlxText; var albumRoll:AlbumRoll; var letterSort:LetterSort; var exitMovers:ExitMoverData = new Map(); var stickerSubState:StickerSubState; public static var rememberedDifficulty:Null = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; public static var rememberedSongId:Null = 'tutorial'; public function new(?params:FreeplayStateParams, ?stickers:StickerSubState) { currentCharacter = params?.character ?? Constants.DEFAULT_CHARACTER; if (stickers != null) { stickerSubState = stickers; } super(FlxColor.TRANSPARENT); } override function create():Void { super.create(); FlxG.state.persistentUpdate = false; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; if (stickerSubState != null) { this.persistentUpdate = true; this.persistentDraw = true; openSubState(stickerSubState); stickerSubState.degenStickers(); } #if discord_rpc // Updating Discord Rich Presence DiscordClient.changePresence('In the Menus', null); #end var isDebug:Bool = false; #if debug isDebug = true; #end FunkinSound.playMusic('freakyMenu', { overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: false }); // Add a null entry that represents the RANDOM option songs.push(null); // TODO: This makes custom variations disappear from Freeplay. Figure out a better solution later. // Default character (BF) shows default and Erect variations. Pico shows only Pico variations. displayedVariations = (currentCharacter == 'bf') ? [Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION, 'erect'] : [currentCharacter]; // programmatically adds the songs via LevelRegistry and SongRegistry for (levelId in LevelRegistry.instance.listSortedLevelIds()) { for (songId in LevelRegistry.instance.parseEntryData(levelId).songs) { var song:Song = SongRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(songId); // Only display songs which actually have available charts for the current character. var availableDifficultiesForSong:Array = song.listDifficulties(displayedVariations, false); if (availableDifficultiesForSong.length == 0) continue; songs.push(new FreeplaySongData(levelId, songId, song, displayedVariations)); for (difficulty in availableDifficultiesForSong) { diffIdsTotal.pushUnique(difficulty); } } } // LOAD MUSIC // LOAD CHARACTERS trace(FlxG.width); trace(; trace(; trace(FlxCamera.defaultZoom); var pinkBack:FunkinSprite = FunkinSprite.create('freeplay/pinkBack'); pinkBack.color = 0xFFFFD4E9; // sets it to pink! pinkBack.x -= pinkBack.width; FlxTween.tween(pinkBack, {x: 0}, 0.6, {ease: FlxEase.quartOut}); add(pinkBack); var orangeBackShit:FunkinSprite = new FunkinSprite(84, 440).makeSolidColor(, 75, 0xFFFEDA00); add(orangeBackShit); var alsoOrangeLOL:FunkinSprite = new FunkinSprite(0, orangeBackShit.y).makeSolidColor(100,, 0xFFFFD400); add(alsoOrangeLOL); exitMovers.set([pinkBack, orangeBackShit, alsoOrangeLOL], { x: -pinkBack.width, y: pinkBack.y, speed: 0.4, wait: 0 }); FlxSpriteUtil.alphaMaskFlxSprite(orangeBackShit, pinkBack, orangeBackShit); orangeBackShit.visible = false; alsoOrangeLOL.visible = false; var grpTxtScrolls:FlxGroup = new FlxGroup(); add(grpTxtScrolls); grpTxtScrolls.visible = false; FlxG.debugger.addTrackerProfile(new TrackerProfile(BGScrollingText, ['x', 'y', 'speed', 'size'])); var moreWays:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 160, 'HOT BLOODED IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE', FlxG.width, true, 43); moreWays.funnyColor = 0xFFFFF383; moreWays.speed = 6.8; grpTxtScrolls.add(moreWays); exitMovers.set([moreWays], { x: FlxG.width * 2, speed: 0.4, }); var funnyScroll:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 220, 'BOYFRIEND', FlxG.width / 2, false, 60); funnyScroll.funnyColor = 0xFFFF9963; funnyScroll.speed = -3.8; grpTxtScrolls.add(funnyScroll); exitMovers.set([funnyScroll], { x: -funnyScroll.width * 2, y: funnyScroll.y, speed: 0.4, wait: 0 }); var txtNuts:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 285, 'PROTECT YO NUTS', FlxG.width / 2, true, 43); txtNuts.speed = 3.5; grpTxtScrolls.add(txtNuts); exitMovers.set([txtNuts], { x: FlxG.width * 2, speed: 0.4, }); var funnyScroll2:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 335, 'BOYFRIEND', FlxG.width / 2, false, 60); funnyScroll2.funnyColor = 0xFFFF9963; funnyScroll2.speed = -3.8; grpTxtScrolls.add(funnyScroll2); exitMovers.set([funnyScroll2], { x: -funnyScroll2.width * 2, speed: 0.5, }); var moreWays2:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, 397, 'HOT BLOODED IN MORE WAYS THAN ONE', FlxG.width, true, 43); moreWays2.funnyColor = 0xFFFFF383; moreWays2.speed = 6.8; grpTxtScrolls.add(moreWays2); exitMovers.set([moreWays2], { x: FlxG.width * 2, speed: 0.4 }); var funnyScroll3:BGScrollingText = new BGScrollingText(0, orangeBackShit.y + 10, 'BOYFRIEND', FlxG.width / 2, 60); funnyScroll3.funnyColor = 0xFFFEA400; funnyScroll3.speed = -3.8; grpTxtScrolls.add(funnyScroll3); exitMovers.set([funnyScroll3], { x: -funnyScroll3.width * 2, speed: 0.3 }); dj = new DJBoyfriend(640, 366); exitMovers.set([dj], { x: -dj.width * 1.6, speed: 0.5 }); // TODO: Replace this. if (currentCharacter == 'pico') dj.visible = false; add(dj); var bgDad:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(pinkBack.width * 0.75, 0).loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/freeplayBGdad')); bgDad.setGraphicSize(0, FlxG.height); bgDad.updateHitbox(); bgDad.shader = new AngleMask(); bgDad.visible = false; var blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(FlxG.width).makeGraphic(,, FlxColor.BLACK); add(blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD); // used to mask the text lol! exitMovers.set([blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD, bgDad], { x: FlxG.width * 1.5, speed: 0.4, wait: 0 }); add(bgDad); FlxTween.tween(blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD, {x: pinkBack.width * 0.75}, 0.7, {ease: FlxEase.quintOut}); blackOverlayBullshitLOLXD.shader = bgDad.shader; grpSongs = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpSongs); grpCapsules = new FlxTypedGroup(); add(grpCapsules); grpDifficulties = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup(-300, 80); add(grpDifficulties); exitMovers.set([grpDifficulties], { x: -300, speed: 0.25, wait: 0 }); for (diffId in diffIdsTotal) { var diffSprite:DifficultySprite = new DifficultySprite(diffId); diffSprite.difficultyId = diffId; grpDifficulties.add(diffSprite); } { spr.visible = false; }); for (diffSprite in { if (diffSprite == null) continue; if (diffSprite.difficultyId == currentDifficulty) diffSprite.visible = true; } albumRoll = new AlbumRoll(); albumRoll.albumId = null; add(albumRoll); albumRoll.applyExitMovers(exitMovers); var overhangStuff:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite().makeGraphic(FlxG.width, 64, FlxColor.BLACK); overhangStuff.y -= overhangStuff.height; add(overhangStuff); FlxTween.tween(overhangStuff, {y: 0}, 0.3, {ease: FlxEase.quartOut}); var fnfFreeplay:FlxText = new FlxText(8, 8, 0, 'FREEPLAY', 48); fnfFreeplay.font = 'VCR OSD Mono'; fnfFreeplay.visible = false; ostName = new FlxText(8, 8, FlxG.width - 8 - 8, 'OFFICIAL OST', 48); ostName.font = 'VCR OSD Mono'; ostName.alignment = RIGHT; ostName.visible = false; exitMovers.set([overhangStuff, fnfFreeplay, ostName], { y: -overhangStuff.height, x: 0, speed: 0.2, wait: 0 }); var sillyStroke:StrokeShader = new StrokeShader(0xFFFFFFFF, 2, 2); fnfFreeplay.shader = sillyStroke; ostName.shader = sillyStroke; add(fnfFreeplay); add(ostName); var fnfHighscoreSpr:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(860, 70); fnfHighscoreSpr.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('freeplay/highscore'); fnfHighscoreSpr.animation.addByPrefix('highscore', 'highscore small instance 1', 24, false); fnfHighscoreSpr.visible = false; fnfHighscoreSpr.setGraphicSize(0, * 1)); fnfHighscoreSpr.updateHitbox(); add(fnfHighscoreSpr); new FlxTimer().start(FlxG.random.float(12, 50), function(tmr) {'highscore'); tmr.time = FlxG.random.float(20, 60); }, 0); fp = new FreeplayScore(460, 60, 7, 100); fp.visible = false; add(fp); var clearBoxSprite:FlxSprite = new FlxSprite(1165, 65).loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/clearBox')); clearBoxSprite.visible = false; add(clearBoxSprite); txtCompletion = new AtlasText(1185, 87, '69', AtlasFont.FREEPLAY_CLEAR); txtCompletion.visible = false; add(txtCompletion); letterSort = new LetterSort(400, 75); add(letterSort); letterSort.visible = false; exitMovers.set([letterSort], { y: -100, speed: 0.3 }); letterSort.changeSelectionCallback = (str) -> { switch (str) { case 'fav': generateSongList({filterType: FAVORITE}, true); case 'ALL': generateSongList(null, true); default: generateSongList({filterType: REGEXP, filterData: str}, true); } // We want to land on the first song of the group, rather than random song when changing letter sorts // that is, only if there's more than one song in the group! if (grpCapsules.members.length > 0) { curSelected = 1; changeSelection(); } }; exitMovers.set([fp, txtCompletion, fnfHighscoreSpr, txtCompletion, clearBoxSprite], { x: FlxG.width, speed: 0.3 }); var diffSelLeft:DifficultySelector = new DifficultySelector(20, grpDifficulties.y - 10, false, controls); var diffSelRight:DifficultySelector = new DifficultySelector(325, grpDifficulties.y - 10, true, controls); diffSelLeft.visible = false; diffSelRight.visible = false; add(diffSelLeft); add(diffSelRight); // be careful not to "add()" things in here unless it's to a group that's already added to the state // otherwise it won't be properly attatched to funnyCamera (relavent code should be at the bottom of create()) dj.onIntroDone.add(function() { // when boyfriend hits dat shiii albumRoll.playIntro(); new FlxTimer().start(0.75, function(_) { // albumRoll.showTitle(); }); FlxTween.tween(grpDifficulties, {x: 90}, 0.6, {ease: FlxEase.quartOut}); diffSelLeft.visible = true; diffSelRight.visible = true; letterSort.visible = true; exitMovers.set([diffSelLeft, diffSelRight], { x: -diffSelLeft.width * 2, speed: 0.26 }); new FlxTimer().start(1 / 24, function(handShit) { fnfHighscoreSpr.visible = true; fnfFreeplay.visible = true; ostName.visible = true; fp.visible = true; fp.updateScore(0); clearBoxSprite.visible = true; txtCompletion.visible = true; intendedCompletion = 0; new FlxTimer().start(1.5 / 24, function(bold) { sillyStroke.width = 0; sillyStroke.height = 0; changeSelection(); }); }); pinkBack.color = 0xFFFFD863; bgDad.visible = true; orangeBackShit.visible = true; alsoOrangeLOL.visible = true; grpTxtScrolls.visible = true; }); generateSongList(null, false); // dedicated camera for the state so we don't need to fuk around with camera scrolls from the mainmenu / elsewhere var funnyCam:FunkinCamera = new FunkinCamera('freeplayFunny', 0, 0, FlxG.width, FlxG.height); funnyCam.bgColor = FlxColor.TRANSPARENT; FlxG.cameras.add(funnyCam, false); forEach(function(bs) { bs.cameras = [funnyCam]; }); } var currentFilter:SongFilter = null; var currentFilteredSongs:Array = []; /** * Given the current filter, rebuild the current song list. * * @param filterStuff A filter to apply to the song list (regex, startswith, all, favorite) * @param force Whether the capsules should "jump" back in or not using their animation * @param onlyIfChanged Only apply the filter if the song list has changed */ public function generateSongList(filterStuff:Null, force:Bool = false, onlyIfChanged:Bool = true):Void { var tempSongs:Array = songs; // Remember just the difficulty because it's important for song sorting. if (rememberedDifficulty != null) { currentDifficulty = rememberedDifficulty; } if (filterStuff != null) tempSongs = sortSongs(tempSongs, filterStuff); // Filter further by current selected difficulty. if (currentDifficulty != null) { tempSongs = tempSongs.filter(song -> { if (song == null) return true; // Random return song.songDifficulties.contains(currentDifficulty); }); } if (onlyIfChanged) { // == performs equality by reference if (tempSongs.isEqualUnordered(currentFilteredSongs)) return; } // Only now do we know that the filter is actually changing. // If curSelected is 0, the result will be null and fall back to the rememberedSongId. rememberedSongId = grpCapsules.members[curSelected]?.songData?.songId ?? rememberedSongId; for (cap in grpCapsules.members) { cap.kill(); } currentFilter = filterStuff; currentFilteredSongs = tempSongs; curSelected = 0; var hsvShader:HSVShader = new HSVShader(); var randomCapsule:SongMenuItem = grpCapsules.recycle(SongMenuItem); randomCapsule.init(FlxG.width, 0, null); randomCapsule.onConfirm = function() { capsuleOnConfirmRandom(randomCapsule); }; randomCapsule.y = randomCapsule.intendedY(0) + 10; randomCapsule.targetPos.x = randomCapsule.x; randomCapsule.alpha = 0.5; randomCapsule.songText.visible = false; randomCapsule.favIcon.visible = false; randomCapsule.initJumpIn(0, force); randomCapsule.hsvShader = hsvShader; grpCapsules.add(randomCapsule); for (i in 0...tempSongs.length) { if (tempSongs[i] == null) continue; var funnyMenu:SongMenuItem = grpCapsules.recycle(SongMenuItem); funnyMenu.init(FlxG.width, 0, tempSongs[i]); funnyMenu.onConfirm = function() { capsuleOnConfirmDefault(funnyMenu); }; funnyMenu.y = funnyMenu.intendedY(i + 1) + 10; funnyMenu.targetPos.x = funnyMenu.x; funnyMenu.ID = i; funnyMenu.capsule.alpha = 0.5; funnyMenu.songText.visible = false; funnyMenu.favIcon.visible = tempSongs[i].isFav; funnyMenu.hsvShader = hsvShader; funnyMenu.forcePosition(); grpCapsules.add(funnyMenu); } FlxG.console.registerFunction('changeSelection', changeSelection); rememberSelection(); changeSelection(); changeDiff(0, true); } /** * Filters an array of songs based on a filter * @param songsToFilter What data to use when filtering * @param songFilter The filter to apply * @return Array */ public function sortSongs(songsToFilter:Array, songFilter:SongFilter):Array { switch (songFilter.filterType) { case REGEXP: // filterStuff.filterData has a string with the first letter of the sorting range, and the second one // this creates a filter to return all the songs that start with a letter between those two // if filterData looks like "A-C", the regex should look something like this: ^[A-C].* // to get every song that starts between A and C var filterRegexp:EReg = new EReg('^[' + songFilter.filterData + '].*', 'i'); songsToFilter = songsToFilter.filter(str -> { if (str == null) return true; // Random return filterRegexp.match(str.songName); }); case STARTSWITH: // extra note: this is essentially a "search" songsToFilter = songsToFilter.filter(str -> { if (str == null) return true; // Random return str.songName.toLowerCase().startsWith(songFilter.filterData); }); case ALL: // no filter! case FAVORITE: songsToFilter = songsToFilter.filter(str -> { if (str == null) return true; // Random return str.isFav; }); default: // return all on default } return songsToFilter; } var touchY:Float = 0; var touchX:Float = 0; var dxTouch:Float = 0; var dyTouch:Float = 0; var velTouch:Float = 0; var veloctiyLoopShit:Float = 0; var touchTimer:Float = 0; var initTouchPos:FlxPoint = new FlxPoint(); var spamTimer:Float = 0; var spamming:Bool = false; var busy:Bool = false; // Set to true once the user has pressed enter to select a song. override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.F) { var targetSong = grpCapsules.members[curSelected]?.songData; if (targetSong != null) { var realShit:Int = curSelected; targetSong.isFav = !targetSong.isFav; if (targetSong.isFav) { FlxTween.tween(grpCapsules.members[realShit], {angle: 360}, 0.4, { ease: FlxEase.elasticOut, onComplete: _ -> { grpCapsules.members[realShit].favIcon.visible = true; grpCapsules.members[realShit]'fav'); } }); } else { grpCapsules.members[realShit]'fav', false, true); new FlxTimer().start((1 / 24) * 14, _ -> { grpCapsules.members[realShit].favIcon.visible = false; }); new FlxTimer().start((1 / 24) * 24, _ -> { FlxTween.tween(grpCapsules.members[realShit], {angle: 0}, 0.4, {ease: FlxEase.elasticOut}); }); } } } lerpScore = MathUtil.smoothLerp(lerpScore, intendedScore, elapsed, 0.5); lerpCompletion = MathUtil.smoothLerp(lerpCompletion, intendedCompletion, elapsed, 0.5); if (Math.isNaN(lerpScore)) { lerpScore = intendedScore; } if (Math.isNaN(lerpCompletion)) { lerpCompletion = intendedCompletion; } fp.updateScore(; txtCompletion.text = '${Math.floor(lerpCompletion * 100)}'; // Right align the completion percentage switch (txtCompletion.text.length) { case 3: txtCompletion.offset.x = 10; case 2: txtCompletion.offset.x = 0; case 1: txtCompletion.offset.x = -24; default: txtCompletion.offset.x = 0; } handleInputs(elapsed); } function handleInputs(elapsed:Float):Void { if (busy) return; var upP:Bool = controls.UI_UP_P && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL; var downP:Bool = controls.UI_DOWN_P && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL; var accepted:Bool = controls.ACCEPT && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL; if (FlxG.onMobile) { for (touch in FlxG.touches.list) { if (touch.justPressed) { initTouchPos.set(touch.screenX, touch.screenY); } if (touch.pressed) { var dx:Float = initTouchPos.x - touch.screenX; var dy:Float = initTouchPos.y - touch.screenY; var angle:Float = Math.atan2(dy, dx); var length:Float = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);'LENGTH', length);'ANGLE', Math.round(FlxAngle.asDegrees(angle))); } } if (FlxG.touches.getFirst() != null) { if (touchTimer >= 1.5) accepted = true; touchTimer += elapsed; var touch:FlxTouch = FlxG.touches.getFirst(); velTouch = Math.abs((touch.screenY - dyTouch)) / 50; dyTouch = touch.screenY - touchY; dxTouch = touch.screenX - touchX; if (touch.justPressed) { touchY = touch.screenY; dyTouch = 0; velTouch = 0; touchX = touch.screenX; dxTouch = 0; } if (Math.abs(dxTouch) >= 100) { touchX = touch.screenX; if (dxTouch != 0) dxTouch < 0 ? changeDiff(1) : changeDiff(-1); } if (Math.abs(dyTouch) >= 100) { touchY = touch.screenY; if (dyTouch != 0) dyTouch < 0 ? changeSelection(1) : changeSelection(-1); } } else { touchTimer = 0; } } #if mobile for (touch in FlxG.touches.list) { if (touch.justPressed) { // accepted = true; } } #end if (!FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL && (controls.UI_UP || controls.UI_DOWN)) { if (spamming) { if (spamTimer >= 0.07) { spamTimer = 0; if (controls.UI_UP) { changeSelection(-1); } else { changeSelection(1); } } } else if (spamTimer >= 0.9) { spamming = true; } else if (spamTimer <= 0) { if (controls.UI_UP) { changeSelection(-1); } else { changeSelection(1); } } spamTimer += elapsed; dj.resetAFKTimer(); } else { spamming = false; spamTimer = 0; } if (FlxG.mouse.wheel != 0) { dj.resetAFKTimer(); changeSelection(-Math.round(FlxG.mouse.wheel / 4)); } if (controls.UI_LEFT_P && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL) { dj.resetAFKTimer(); changeDiff(-1); generateSongList(currentFilter, true); } if (controls.UI_RIGHT_P && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL) { dj.resetAFKTimer(); changeDiff(1); generateSongList(currentFilter, true); } if (controls.BACK) { busy = true; FlxTween.globalManager.clear(); FlxTimer.globalManager.clear(); dj.onIntroDone.removeAll(); FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('cancelMenu')); var longestTimer:Float = 0; for (grpSpr in exitMovers.keys()) { var moveData:MoveData = exitMovers.get(grpSpr); for (spr in grpSpr) { if (spr == null) continue; var funnyMoveShit:MoveData = moveData; if (moveData.x == null) funnyMoveShit.x = spr.x; if (moveData.y == null) funnyMoveShit.y = spr.y; if (moveData.speed == null) funnyMoveShit.speed = 0.2; if (moveData.wait == null) funnyMoveShit.wait = 0; FlxTween.tween(spr, {x: funnyMoveShit.x, y: funnyMoveShit.y}, funnyMoveShit.speed, {ease: FlxEase.expoIn}); longestTimer = Math.max(longestTimer, funnyMoveShit.speed + funnyMoveShit.wait); } } for (caps in grpCapsules.members) { caps.doJumpIn = false; caps.doLerp = false; caps.doJumpOut = true; } if (Type.getClass(_parentState) == MainMenuState) { _parentState.persistentUpdate = false; _parentState.persistentDraw = true; } new FlxTimer().start(longestTimer, (_) -> { FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransIn = true; FlxTransitionableState.skipNextTransOut = true; if (Type.getClass(_parentState) == MainMenuState) { FunkinSound.playMusic('freakyMenu', { overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: false }); close(); } else { FlxG.switchState(() -> new MainMenuState()); } }); } if (accepted) { grpCapsules.members[curSelected].onConfirm(); } } public override function destroy():Void { super.destroy(); var daSong:Null = currentFilteredSongs[curSelected]; if (daSong != null) { clearDaCache(daSong.songName); } } function changeDiff(change:Int = 0, force:Bool = false):Void { touchTimer = 0; var currentDifficultyIndex:Int = diffIdsCurrent.indexOf(currentDifficulty); if (currentDifficultyIndex == -1) currentDifficultyIndex = diffIdsCurrent.indexOf(Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY); currentDifficultyIndex += change; if (currentDifficultyIndex < 0) currentDifficultyIndex = diffIdsCurrent.length - 1; if (currentDifficultyIndex >= diffIdsCurrent.length) currentDifficultyIndex = 0; currentDifficulty = diffIdsCurrent[currentDifficultyIndex]; var daSong:Null = grpCapsules.members[curSelected].songData; if (daSong != null) { var songScore:SaveScoreData = Save.instance.getSongScore(grpCapsules.members[curSelected].songData.songId, currentDifficulty); intendedScore = songScore?.score ?? 0; intendedCompletion = songScore?.accuracy ?? 0.0; rememberedDifficulty = currentDifficulty; } else { intendedScore = 0; intendedCompletion = 0.0; } if (intendedCompletion == Math.POSITIVE_INFINITY || intendedCompletion == Math.NEGATIVE_INFINITY || Math.isNaN(intendedCompletion)) { intendedCompletion = 0; } { diffSprite.visible = false; }); for (diffSprite in { if (diffSprite == null) continue; if (diffSprite.difficultyId == currentDifficulty) { if (change != 0) { diffSprite.visible = true; diffSprite.offset.y += 5; diffSprite.alpha = 0.5; new FlxTimer().start(1 / 24, function(swag) { diffSprite.alpha = 1; diffSprite.updateHitbox(); }); } else { diffSprite.visible = true; } } } if (change != 0 || force) { // Update the song capsules to reflect the new difficulty info. for (songCapsule in grpCapsules.members) { if (songCapsule == null) continue; if (songCapsule.songData != null) { songCapsule.songData.currentDifficulty = currentDifficulty; songCapsule.init(null, null, songCapsule.songData); } else { songCapsule.init(null, null, null); } } } // Set the album graphic and play the animation if relevant. var newAlbumId:String = daSong?.albumId; if (albumRoll.albumId != newAlbumId) { albumRoll.albumId = newAlbumId; albumRoll.skipIntro(); } } // Clears the cache of songs, frees up memory, they' ll have to be loaded in later tho function clearDaCache(actualSongTho:String) function clearDaCache(actualSongTho:String):Void { for (song in songs) { if (song == null) continue; if (song.songName != actualSongTho) { trace('trying to remove: ' + song.songName); // openfl.Assets.cache.clear(Paths.inst(song.songName)); } } } function capsuleOnConfirmRandom(randomCapsule:SongMenuItem):Void { trace('RANDOM SELECTED'); busy = true; letterSort.inputEnabled = false; var availableSongCapsules:Array = grpCapsules.members.filter(function(cap:SongMenuItem) { // Dead capsules are ones which were removed from the list when changing filters. return cap.alive && cap.songData != null; }); trace('Available songs: ${ { return cap.songData.songName; })}'); if (availableSongCapsules.length == 0) { trace('No songs available!'); busy = false; letterSort.inputEnabled = true; FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('cancelMenu')); return; } var targetSong:SongMenuItem = FlxG.random.getObject(availableSongCapsules); // Seeing if I can do an animation... curSelected = grpCapsules.members.indexOf(targetSong); changeSelection(0); // Trigger an update. // Act like we hit Confirm on that song. capsuleOnConfirmDefault(targetSong); } function capsuleOnConfirmDefault(cap:SongMenuItem):Void { busy = true; letterSort.inputEnabled = false; PlayStatePlaylist.isStoryMode = false; var targetSong:Song = SongRegistry.instance.fetchEntry(cap.songData.songId); if (targetSong == null) { FlxG.log.warn('WARN: could not find song with id (${cap.songData.songId})'); return; } var targetDifficulty:String = currentDifficulty; var targetVariation:String = targetSong.getFirstValidVariation(targetDifficulty); PlayStatePlaylist.campaignId = cap.songData.levelId; // Visual and audio effects. FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('confirmMenu')); dj.confirm(); new FlxTimer().start(1, function(tmr:FlxTimer) { Paths.setCurrentLevel(cap.songData.levelId); LoadingState.loadPlayState( { targetSong: targetSong, targetDifficulty: targetDifficulty, targetVariation: targetVariation, practiceMode: false, minimalMode: false, #if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION) botPlayMode: FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT, #else botPlayMode: false, #end // TODO: Make these an option! It's currently only accessible via chart editor. // startTimestamp: 0.0, // playbackRate: 0.5, // botPlayMode: true, }, true); }); } function rememberSelection():Void { if (rememberedSongId != null) { curSelected = currentFilteredSongs.findIndex(function(song) { if (song == null) return false; return song.songId == rememberedSongId; }); if (curSelected == -1) curSelected = 0; } if (rememberedDifficulty != null) { currentDifficulty = rememberedDifficulty; } } function changeSelection(change:Int = 0):Void { FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('scrollMenu'), 0.4); var prevSelected:Int = curSelected; curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) curSelected = grpCapsules.countLiving() - 1; if (curSelected >= grpCapsules.countLiving()) curSelected = 0; var daSongCapsule:SongMenuItem = grpCapsules.members[curSelected]; if (daSongCapsule.songData != null) { var songScore:SaveScoreData = Save.instance.getSongScore(daSongCapsule.songData.songId, currentDifficulty); intendedScore = songScore?.score ?? 0; intendedCompletion = songScore?.accuracy ?? 0.0; diffIdsCurrent = daSongCapsule.songData.songDifficulties; rememberedSongId = daSongCapsule.songData.songId; changeDiff(); } else { intendedScore = 0; intendedCompletion = 0.0; diffIdsCurrent = diffIdsTotal; rememberedSongId = null; rememberedDifficulty = null; albumRoll.albumId = null; } for (index => capsule in grpCapsules.members) { index += 1; capsule.selected = index == curSelected + 1; capsule.targetPos.y = capsule.intendedY(index - curSelected); capsule.targetPos.x = 270 + (60 * (Math.sin(index - curSelected))); if (index < curSelected) capsule.targetPos.y -= 100; // another 100 for good measure } if (grpCapsules.countLiving() > 0) { if (curSelected == 0) { FunkinSound.playMusic('freeplayRandom', { startingVolume: 0.0, overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: true });, 0, 0.8); } else { // TODO: Stream the instrumental of the selected song? var didReplace:Bool = FunkinSound.playMusic('freakyMenu', { startingVolume: 0.0, overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: false }); if (didReplace) { FunkinSound.playMusic('freakyMenu', { startingVolume: 0.0, overrideExisting: true, restartTrack: false });, 0, 0.8); } } grpCapsules.members[curSelected].selected = true; } } /** * Build an instance of `FreeplayState` that is above the `MainMenuState`. * @return The MainMenuState with the FreeplayState as a substate. */ public static function build(?params:FreeplayStateParams, ?stickers:StickerSubState):MusicBeatState { var result = new MainMenuState(); result.openSubState(new FreeplayState(params, stickers)); result.persistentUpdate = false; result.persistentDraw = true; return result; } } /** * The difficulty selector arrows to the left and right of the difficulty. */ class DifficultySelector extends FlxSprite { var controls:Controls; var whiteShader:PureColor; public function new(x:Float, y:Float, flipped:Bool, controls:Controls) { super(x, y); this.controls = controls; frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('freeplay/freeplaySelector'); animation.addByPrefix('shine', 'arrow pointer loop', 24);'shine'); whiteShader = new PureColor(FlxColor.WHITE); shader = whiteShader; flipX = flipped; } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { if (flipX && controls.UI_RIGHT_P && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL) moveShitDown(); if (!flipX && controls.UI_LEFT_P && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL) moveShitDown(); super.update(elapsed); } function moveShitDown():Void { offset.y -= 5; whiteShader.colorSet = true; scale.x = scale.y = 0.5; new FlxTimer().start(2 / 24, function(tmr) { scale.x = scale.y = 1; whiteShader.colorSet = false; updateHitbox(); }); } } /** * Structure for the current song filter. */ typedef SongFilter = { var filterType:FilterType; var ?filterData:Dynamic; } /** * Possible types to use for the song filter. */ enum abstract FilterType(String) { /** * Filter to songs which start with a string */ public var STARTSWITH; /** * Filter to songs which match a regular expression */ public var REGEXP; /** * Filter to songs which are favorited */ public var FAVORITE; /** * Filter to all songs */ public var ALL; } /** * Data about a specific song in the freeplay menu. */ class FreeplaySongData { /** * Whether or not the song has been favorited. */ public var isFav:Bool = false; var song:Song; public var levelId(default, null):String = ''; public var songId(default, null):String = ''; public var songDifficulties(default, null):Array = []; public var songName(default, null):String = ''; public var songCharacter(default, null):String = ''; public var songRating(default, null):Int = 0; public var albumId(default, null):Null = null; public var currentDifficulty(default, set):String = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; public var displayedVariations(default, null):Array = [Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION]; function set_currentDifficulty(value:String):String { if (currentDifficulty == value) return value; currentDifficulty = value; updateValues(displayedVariations); return value; } public function new(levelId:String, songId:String, song:Song, ?displayedVariations:Array) { this.levelId = levelId; this.songId = songId; = song; if (displayedVariations != null) this.displayedVariations = displayedVariations; updateValues(displayedVariations); } function updateValues(variations:Array):Void { this.songDifficulties = song.listDifficulties(variations, false, false); if (!this.songDifficulties.contains(currentDifficulty)) currentDifficulty = Constants.DEFAULT_DIFFICULTY; var songDifficulty:SongDifficulty = song.getDifficulty(currentDifficulty, variations); if (songDifficulty == null) return; this.songName = songDifficulty.songName; this.songCharacter = songDifficulty.characters.opponent; this.songRating = songDifficulty.difficultyRating; if (songDifficulty.album == null) { FlxG.log.warn('No album for: ${songDifficulty.songName}'); this.albumId = Constants.DEFAULT_ALBUM_ID; } else { this.albumId = songDifficulty.album; } } } /** * The map storing information about the exit movers. */ typedef ExitMoverData = Map, MoveData>; /** * The data for an exit mover. */ typedef MoveData = { var ?x:Float; var ?y:Float; var ?speed:Float; var ?wait:Float; } /** * The sprite for the difficulty */ class DifficultySprite extends FlxSprite { /** * The difficulty id which this sprite represents. */ public var difficultyId:String; public function new(diffId:String) { super(); difficultyId = diffId; if (Assets.exists(Paths.file('images/freeplay/freeplay${diffId}.xml'))) { this.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('freeplay/freeplay${diffId}'); this.animation.addByPrefix('idle', 'idle0', 24, true); if (Preferences.flashingLights)'idle'); } else { this.loadGraphic(Paths.image('freeplay/freeplay' + diffId)); } } }