package funkin.ui.options; import flixel.FlxCamera; import flixel.FlxObject; import flixel.FlxSprite; import flixel.math.FlxMath; import flixel.effects.FlxFlicker; import; import funkin.ui.AtlasText.AtlasFont; import funkin.ui.options.OptionsState.Page; import; import; class PreferencesMenu extends Page { /** * Wether you can selected a different option */ public static var allowScrolling:Bool = true; var curSelected:Int = 0; var prefs:FlxTypedSpriteGroup; var menuCamera:FlxCamera; var camFollow:FlxObject; public function new() { super(); menuCamera = new FunkinCamera('prefMenu'); FlxG.cameras.add(menuCamera, false); menuCamera.bgColor = 0x0; camera = menuCamera; prefs = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup(); add(prefs); createPrefItems(); camFollow = new FlxObject(FlxG.width / 2, 0, 140, 70); menuCamera.follow(camFollow, null, 0.06); var margin = 160; menuCamera.deadzone.set(0, margin, menuCamera.width, 40); menuCamera.minScrollY = 0; changeSelection(0); } function addPref(pref:PreferenceItem):Void { pref.x = 0; pref.y = 120 * prefs.length; pref.ID = prefs.length; prefs.add(pref); } /** * Create the menu items for each of the preferences. */ function createPrefItems():Void { #if !web var pref:NumberedPreferenceItem = new NumberedPreferenceItem("FPS", "The framerate that the game is running on", Preferences.framerate, function(value:Float):Void { Preferences.framerate =; }); pref.minValue = 60; pref.maxValue = 360; pref.changeRate = 1; pref.changeDelay = 0.05; addPref(pref); #end var pref:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem('Naughtyness', 'Toggle displaying raunchy content', Preferences.naughtyness, function(value:Bool):Void { Preferences.naughtyness = value; }); addPref(pref); var pref:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem('Downscroll', 'Enable to make notes move downwards', Preferences.downscroll, function(value:Bool):Void { Preferences.downscroll = value; }); addPref(pref); var pref:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem('Flashing Lights', 'Disable to dampen flashing effects', Preferences.flashingLights, function(value:Bool):Void { Preferences.flashingLights = value; }); addPref(pref); var pref:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem('Camera Zooming on Beat', 'Disable to stop the camera bouncing to the song', Preferences.zoomCamera, function(value:Bool):Void { Preferences.zoomCamera = value; }); addPref(pref); var pref:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem('Debug Display', 'Enable to show FPS and other debug stats', Preferences.debugDisplay, function(value:Bool):Void { Preferences.debugDisplay = value; }); addPref(pref); var pref:CheckboxPreferenceItem = new CheckboxPreferenceItem('Auto Pause', 'Automatically pause the game when it loses focus', Preferences.autoPause, function(value:Bool):Void { Preferences.autoPause = value; }); addPref(pref); } function changeSelection(change:Int):Void { curSelected += change; if (curSelected < 0) { curSelected = prefs.length - 1; } else if (curSelected >= prefs.length) { curSelected = 0; } for (pref in prefs) { if (pref.ID == curSelected) { pref.onSelect(true); camFollow.y = pref.y; } else { pref.onSelect(false); } } } override function update(elapsed:Float):Void { super.update(elapsed); if (controls.UI_DOWN_P && allowScrolling) { FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('scrollMenu')); changeSelection(1); } else if (controls.UI_UP_P && allowScrolling) { FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('scrollMenu')); changeSelection(-1); } var selectedPref:PreferenceItem = prefs.members[curSelected]; selectedPref?.handleInput(elapsed); } } class PreferenceItem extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup { public var name:String = ""; public var description:String = ""; public function handleInput(elapsed:Float):Void {} public function onSelect(isSelected:Bool):Void {} } class NumberedPreferenceItem extends PreferenceItem { public var onChange:Float->Void; public var changeRate:Float = 1.0; public var changeDelay:Float = 0.1; public var minValue(default, set):Null; function set_minValue(value:Float):Float { minValue = value; currentValue = currentValue; return value; } public var maxValue(default, set):Null; function set_maxValue(value:Float):Float { maxValue = value; currentValue = currentValue; return value; } public var currentValue(default, set):Float; function set_currentValue(value:Float):Float { currentValue = FlxMath.bound(value, minValue, maxValue); onChange(currentValue); updateText(); return currentValue; } var valueText:AtlasText; var preferenceText:AtlasText; public function new(name:String, description:String, defaultValue:Float, onChange:Float->Void) { super(); this.valueText = new AtlasText(20, 30, '$defaultValue', AtlasFont.DEFAULT); add(this.valueText); this.preferenceText = new AtlasText(this.valueText.x + this.valueText.width + 30, 30, '$name', AtlasFont.BOLD); add(this.preferenceText); = name; this.description = description; this.onChange = onChange; this.currentValue = defaultValue; } var timeToWait:Float = 0; public override function handleInput(elapsed:Float):Void { timeToWait -= elapsed; if (timeToWait > 0) { return; } if (PlayerSettings.player1.controls.UI_RIGHT) { currentValue += changeRate; timeToWait = changeDelay; // FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('scrollMenu')); } else if (PlayerSettings.player1.controls.UI_LEFT) { currentValue -= changeRate; timeToWait = changeDelay; // FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('scrollMenu')); } } var isSelected:Bool = false; public override function onSelect(isSelected:Bool):Void { this.isSelected = isSelected; if (isSelected) { preferenceText.x = valueText.x + valueText.width + 60; preferenceText.alpha = 1.0; } else { preferenceText.x = valueText.x + valueText.width + 30; preferenceText.alpha = 0.6; } } function updateText():Void { valueText.text = '$currentValue'; preferenceText.x = valueText.x + valueText.width + (isSelected ? 60 : 30); } } class CheckboxPreferenceItem extends PreferenceItem { public var onChange:Bool->Void; public var currentValue(default, set):Bool; function set_currentValue(value:Bool):Bool { if (value) {'checked', true); checkBox.offset.set(17, 70); } else {'static'); checkBox.offset.set(); } currentValue = value; onChange(value); return value; } var checkBox:FlxSprite; var preferenceText:AtlasText; public function new(name:String, description:String, defaultValue:Bool, onChange:Bool->Void) { super(); this.checkBox = new FlxSprite(); this.checkBox.frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas('checkboxThingie'); this.checkBox.animation.addByPrefix('static', 'Check Box unselected', 24, false); this.checkBox.animation.addByPrefix('checked', 'Check Box selecting animation', 24, false); this.checkBox.setGraphicSize( * 0.7)); this.checkBox.updateHitbox(); add(this.checkBox); this.preferenceText = new AtlasText(120, 30, '$name', AtlasFont.BOLD); add(this.preferenceText); = name; this.description = description; this.onChange = onChange; this.currentValue = defaultValue; } var isAccepting:Bool = false; public override function handleInput(elapsed:Float):Void { if (PlayerSettings.player1.controls.ACCEPT && !isAccepting) { isAccepting = true; PreferencesMenu.allowScrolling = false; FunkinSound.playOnce(Paths.sound('confirmMenu')); FlxFlicker.flicker(preferenceText, 1, 0.06, true, false, function(_) { isAccepting = false; PreferencesMenu.allowScrolling = true; currentValue = !currentValue; }); } } public override function onSelect(isSelected:Bool):Void { if (isSelected) { preferenceText.x = 150; preferenceText.alpha = 1.0; } else { preferenceText.alpha = 0.6; preferenceText.x = 120; } } }