Merge branch 'rewrite/master' of into feature/chart-editor-offsets-part-1

This commit is contained in:
Cameron Taylor 2023-12-07 18:14:10 -05:00
commit 3652550b1a
14 changed files with 570 additions and 164 deletions

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@
"name": "haxeui-core",
"type": "git",
"dir": null,
"ref": "91ed8d7867c52af5ea2a9513204057d69ab33c8e",
"ref": "5d4ac180f85b39e72624f4b8d17925d91ebe4278",
"url": ""

View file

@ -32,10 +32,7 @@ class SongDataUtils
return new SongNoteData(time, data, length, kind);
var result = [for (i in 0...notes.length) offsetNote(notes[i])];
return result;
@ -54,6 +51,36 @@ class SongDataUtils
* Given an array of SongNoteData objects, return a new array of SongNoteData objects
* which excludes any notes whose timestamps are outside of the given range.
* @param notes The notes to modify.
* @param startTime The start of the range in milliseconds.
* @param endTime The end of the range in milliseconds.
* @return The filtered array of notes.
public static function clampSongNoteData(notes:Array<SongNoteData>, startTime:Float, endTime:Float):Array<SongNoteData>
return notes.filter(function(note:SongNoteData):Bool {
return note.time >= startTime && note.time <= endTime;
* Given an array of SongEventData objects, return a new array of SongEventData objects
* which excludes any events whose timestamps are outside of the given range.
* @param events The events to modify.
* @param startTime The start of the range in milliseconds.
* @param endTime The end of the range in milliseconds.
* @return The filtered array of events.
public static function clampSongEventData(events:Array<SongEventData>, startTime:Float, endTime:Float):Array<SongEventData>
return events.filter(function(event:SongEventData):Bool {
return event.time >= startTime && event.time <= endTime;
* Return a new array without a certain subset of notes from an array of SongNoteData objects.
* Does not mutate the original array.

View file

@ -142,12 +142,14 @@ class Cursor
static var assetCursorCell:Null<BitmapData> = null;
// DESIRED CURSOR: Resize NS (vertical)
// DESIRED CURSOR: Resize EW (horizontal)
// DESIRED CURSOR: Resize NESW (diagonal)
// DESIRED CURSOR: Resize NWSE (diagonal)
// DESIRED CURSOR: Help (Cursor with question mark)
// DESIRED CURSOR: Menu (Cursor with menu icon)
public static final CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS:CursorParams =
graphic: "assets/images/cursor/cursor-scroll.png",
scale: 0.2,
offsetX: -15,
offsetY: -15,
static var assetCursorScroll:Null<BitmapData> = null;
static function set_cursorMode(value:Null<CursorMode>):Null<CursorMode>
@ -304,6 +306,18 @@ class Cursor
applyCursorParams(assetCursorCell, CURSOR_CELL_PARAMS);
case Scroll:
if (assetCursorScroll == null)
var bitmapData:BitmapData = Assets.getBitmapData(CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS.graphic);
assetCursorScroll = bitmapData;
applyCursorParams(assetCursorScroll, CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS);
applyCursorParams(assetCursorScroll, CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS);
@ -487,6 +501,21 @@ class Cursor
applyCursorParams(assetCursorCell, CURSOR_CELL_PARAMS);
case Scroll:
if (assetCursorScroll == null)
var future:Future<BitmapData> = Assets.loadBitmapData(CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS.graphic);
future.onComplete(function(bitmapData:BitmapData) {
assetCursorScroll = bitmapData;
applyCursorParams(assetCursorScroll, CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS);
applyCursorParams(assetCursorScroll, CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS);
@ -517,6 +546,7 @@ class Cursor
registerHaxeUICursor('zoom-out', CURSOR_ZOOM_OUT_PARAMS);
registerHaxeUICursor('crosshair', CURSOR_CROSSHAIR_PARAMS);
registerHaxeUICursor('cell', CURSOR_CELL_PARAMS);
registerHaxeUICursor('scroll', CURSOR_SCROLL_PARAMS);
public static function registerHaxeUICursor(id:String, params:CursorParams):Void
@ -539,6 +569,7 @@ enum CursorMode

View file

@ -483,6 +483,8 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatSubState
var generatedMusic:Bool = false;
var perfectMode:Bool = false;
static final BACKGROUND_COLOR:FlxColor = FlxColor.MAGENTA;
* Instantiate a new PlayState.
* @param params The parameters used to initialize the PlayState.
@ -647,6 +649,24 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatSubState
initialized = true;
public override function draw():Void
// if (FlxG.renderBlit)
// {
// camGame.fill(BACKGROUND_COLOR);
// }
// else if (FlxG.renderTile)
// {
// FlxG.log.warn("PlayState background not displayed properly on tile renderer!");
// }
// else
// {
// FlxG.log.warn("PlayState background not displayed properly, unknown renderer!");
// }
function assertChartExists():Bool
// Returns null if the song failed to load or doesn't have the selected difficulty.
@ -1297,6 +1317,7 @@ class PlayState extends MusicBeatSubState
function initCameras():Void
camGame = new SwagCamera();
camGame.bgColor = BACKGROUND_COLOR; // Show a pink background behind the stage.
camHUD = new FlxCamera();
camHUD.bgColor.alpha = 0; // Show the game scene behind the camera.
camCutscene = new FlxCamera();

View file

@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ abstract Save(RawSaveData)
theme: ChartEditorTheme.Light,
playtestStartTime: false,
downscroll: false,
metronomeEnabled: true,
metronomeVolume: 1.0,
hitsoundsEnabledPlayer: true,
hitsoundsEnabledOpponent: true,
instVolume: 1.0,
@ -279,21 +279,38 @@ abstract Save(RawSaveData)
return this.optionsChartEditor.theme;
public var chartEditorMetronomeEnabled(get, set):Bool;
public var chartEditorMetronomeVolume(get, set):Float;
function get_chartEditorMetronomeEnabled():Bool
function get_chartEditorMetronomeVolume():Float
if (this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeEnabled == null) this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeEnabled = true;
if (this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeVolume == null) this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeVolume = 1.0;
return this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeEnabled;
return this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeVolume;
function set_chartEditorMetronomeEnabled(value:Bool):Bool
function set_chartEditorMetronomeVolume(value:Float):Float
// Set and apply.
this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeEnabled = value;
this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeVolume = value;
return this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeEnabled;
return this.optionsChartEditor.metronomeVolume;
public var chartEditorHitsoundVolume(get, set):Float;
function get_chartEditorHitsoundVolume():Float
if (this.optionsChartEditor.hitsoundVolume == null) this.optionsChartEditor.hitsoundVolume = 1.0;
return this.optionsChartEditor.hitsoundVolume;
function set_chartEditorHitsoundVolume(value:Float):Float
// Set and apply.
this.optionsChartEditor.hitsoundVolume = value;
return this.optionsChartEditor.hitsoundVolume;
public var chartEditorHitsoundsEnabledPlayer(get, set):Bool;
@ -981,10 +998,16 @@ typedef SaveDataChartEditorOptions =
var ?downscroll:Bool;
* Metronome sounds in the Chart Editor.
* @default `true`
* Metronome volume in the Chart Editor.
* @default `1.0`
var ?metronomeEnabled:Bool;
var ?metronomeVolume:Float;
* Hitsound volume in the Chart Editor.
* @default `1.0`
var ?hitsoundVolume:Float;
* If true, playtest songs from the current position in the Chart Editor.

View file

@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ import haxe.ui.backend.flixel.UIRuntimeState;
import haxe.ui.backend.flixel.UIState;
import haxe.ui.components.DropDown;
import haxe.ui.components.Label;
import haxe.ui.components.Button;
import haxe.ui.components.NumberStepper;
import haxe.ui.components.Slider;
import haxe.ui.components.TextField;
@ -100,6 +101,7 @@ import haxe.ui.containers.Frame;
import haxe.ui.containers.menus.Menu;
import haxe.ui.containers.menus.MenuBar;
import haxe.ui.containers.menus.MenuItem;
import haxe.ui.containers.menus.MenuCheckBox;
import haxe.ui.containers.TreeView;
import haxe.ui.containers.TreeViewNode;
import haxe.ui.core.Component;
@ -603,9 +605,14 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
// Audio
* Whether to play a metronome sound while the playhead is moving.
* Whether to play a metronome sound while the playhead is moving, and what volume.
var isMetronomeEnabled:Bool = true;
var metronomeVolume:Float = 1.0;
* The volume to play hitsounds at.
var hitsoundVolume:Float = 1.0;
* Whether hitsounds are enabled for the player.
@ -653,6 +660,13 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
var currentScrollEase:Null<VarTween>;
* The position where the user middle clicked to place a scroll anchor.
* Scroll each frame with speed based on the distance between the mouse and the scroll anchor.
* `null` if no scroll anchor is present.
var scrollAnchorScreenPos:Null<FlxPoint> = null;
// Note Placement
@ -1230,98 +1244,257 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
var playbarHeadLayout:Null<ChartEditorPlaybarHead> = null;
// NOTE: All the components below are automatically assigned via HaxeUI macros.
* The menubar at the top of the screen.
// var menubar:MenuBar;
var menubar:MenuBar;
* The `File -> New Chart` menu item.
// var menubarItemNewChart:MenuItem;
var menubarItemNewChart:MenuItem;
* The `File -> Open Chart` menu item.
// var menubarItemOpenChart:MenuItem;
var menubarItemOpenChart:MenuItem;
* The `File -> Open Recent` menu.
// var menubarOpenRecent:Menu;
var menubarOpenRecent:Menu;
* The `File -> Save Chart` menu item.
// var menubarItemSaveChart:MenuItem;
var menubarItemSaveChart:MenuItem;
* The `File -> Save Chart As` menu item.
// var menubarItemSaveChartAs:MenuItem;
var menubarItemSaveChartAs:MenuItem;
* The `File -> Preferences` menu item.
// var menubarItemPreferences:MenuItem;
var menubarItemPreferences:MenuItem;
* The `File -> Exit` menu item.
// var menubarItemExit:MenuItem;
var menubarItemExit:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Undo` menu item.
// var menubarItemUndo:MenuItem;
var menubarItemUndo:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Redo` menu item.
// var menubarItemRedo:MenuItem;
var menubarItemRedo:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Cut` menu item.
// var menubarItemCut:MenuItem;
var menubarItemCut:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Copy` menu item.
// var menubarItemCopy:MenuItem;
var menubarItemCopy:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Paste` menu item.
// var menubarItemPaste:MenuItem;
var menubarItemPaste:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Paste Unsnapped` menu item.
// var menubarItemPasteUnsnapped:MenuItem;
var menubarItemPasteUnsnapped:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Delete` menu item.
// var menubarItemDelete:MenuItem;
var menubarItemDelete:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Flip Notes` menu item.
var menubarItemFlipNotes:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Select All` menu item.
var menubarItemSelectAll:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Select Inverse` menu item.
var menubarItemSelectInverse:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Select None` menu item.
var menubarItemSelectNone:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Select Region` menu item.
var menubarItemSelectRegion:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Select Before Cursor` menu item.
var menubarItemSelectBeforeCursor:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Select After Cursor` menu item.
var menubarItemSelectAfterCursor:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Decrease Note Snap Precision` menu item.
var menuBarItemNoteSnapDecrease:MenuItem;
* The `Edit -> Decrease Note Snap Precision` menu item.
var menuBarItemNoteSnapIncrease:MenuItem;
* The `View -> Downscroll` menu item.
var menubarItemDownscroll:MenuCheckBox;
* The `View -> Increase Difficulty` menu item.
var menubarItemDifficultyUp:MenuItem;
* The `View -> Decrease Difficulty` menu item.
var menubarItemDifficultyDown:MenuItem;
* The `Audio -> Play/Pause` menu item.
var menubarItemPlayPause:MenuItem;
* The `Audio -> Load Instrumental` menu item.
var menubarItemLoadInstrumental:MenuItem;
* The `Audio -> Load Vocals` menu item.
var menubarItemLoadVocals:MenuItem;
* The `Audio -> Metronome Volume` label.
var menubarLabelVolumeMetronome:Label;
* The `Audio -> Metronome Volume` slider.
var menubarItemVolumeMetronome:Slider;
* The `Audio -> Enable Player Hitsounds` menu checkbox.
var menubarItemPlayerHitsounds:MenuCheckBox;
* The `Audio -> Enable Opponent Hitsounds` menu checkbox.
var menubarItemOpponentHitsounds:MenuCheckBox;
* The `Audio -> Hitsound Volume` label.
var menubarLabelVolumeHitsounds:Label;
* The `Audio -> Hitsound Volume` slider.
var menubarItemVolumeHitsounds:Slider;
* The `Audio -> Instrumental Volume` label.
var menubarLabelVolumeInstrumental:Label;
* The `Audio -> Instrumental Volume` slider.
var menubarItemVolumeInstrumental:Slider;
* The `Audio -> Vocal Volume` label.
var menubarLabelVolumeVocals:Label;
* The `Audio -> Vocal Volume` slider.
var menubarItemVolumeVocals:Slider;
* The `Audio -> Playback Speed` label.
var menubarLabelPlaybackSpeed:Label;
* The `Audio -> Playback Speed` slider.
var menubarItemPlaybackSpeed:Slider;
* The label by the playbar telling the song position.
// var playbarSongPos:Label;
var playbarSongPos:Label;
* The label by the playbar telling the song time remaining.
// var playbarSongRemaining:Label;
var playbarSongRemaining:Label;
* The label by the playbar telling the note snap.
// var playbarNoteSnap:Label;
var playbarNoteSnap:Label;
* The button by the playbar to jump to the start of the song.
// var playbarStart:Button;
var playbarStart:Button;
* The button by the playbar to jump backwards in the song.
// var playbarBack:Button;
var playbarBack:Button;
* The button by the playbar to play or pause the song.
// var playbarPlay:Button;
var playbarPlay:Button;
* The button by the playbar to jump forwards in the song.
// var playbarForward:Button;
var playbarForward:Button;
* The button by the playbar to jump to the end of the song.
// var playbarEnd:Button;
var playbarEnd:Button;
@ -1659,7 +1832,8 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
isViewDownscroll = save.chartEditorDownscroll;
playtestStartTime = save.chartEditorPlaytestStartTime;
currentTheme = save.chartEditorTheme;
isMetronomeEnabled = save.chartEditorMetronomeEnabled;
metronomeVolume = save.chartEditorMetronomeVolume;
hitsoundVolume = save.chartEditorHitsoundVolume;
hitsoundsEnabledPlayer = save.chartEditorHitsoundsEnabledPlayer;
hitsoundsEnabledOpponent = save.chartEditorHitsoundsEnabledOpponent;
@ -1687,7 +1861,8 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
save.chartEditorDownscroll = isViewDownscroll;
save.chartEditorPlaytestStartTime = playtestStartTime;
save.chartEditorTheme = currentTheme;
save.chartEditorMetronomeEnabled = isMetronomeEnabled;
save.chartEditorMetronomeVolume = metronomeVolume;
save.chartEditorHitsoundVolume = hitsoundVolume;
save.chartEditorHitsoundsEnabledPlayer = hitsoundsEnabledPlayer;
save.chartEditorHitsoundsEnabledOpponent = hitsoundsEnabledOpponent;
@ -2223,11 +2398,9 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
#if sys
menubarItemGoToBackupsFolder.onClick = _ -> this.openBackupsFolder();
// Disable the menu item if we're not on a desktop platform.
var menubarItemGoToBackupsFolder = findComponent('menubarItemGoToBackupsFolder', MenuItem);
if (menubarItemGoToBackupsFolder != null) menubarItemGoToBackupsFolder.disabled = true;
menubarItemUserGuide.onClick = _ -> this.openUserGuideDialog();
@ -2256,8 +2429,12 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
menubarItemLoadInstrumental.onClick = _ -> this.openUploadInstDialog(true);
menubarItemLoadVocals.onClick = _ -> this.openUploadVocalsDialog(true);
menubarItemMetronomeEnabled.onChange = event -> isMetronomeEnabled = event.value;
menubarItemMetronomeEnabled.selected = isMetronomeEnabled;
menubarItemVolumeMetronome.onChange = event -> {
var volume:Float = (event?.value ?? 0) / 100.0;
metronomeVolume = volume;
menubarLabelVolumeMetronome.text = 'Metronome - ${}%';
menubarItemVolumeMetronome.value = * 100);
menubarItemPlayerHitsounds.onChange = event -> hitsoundsEnabledPlayer = event.value;
menubarItemPlayerHitsounds.selected = hitsoundsEnabledPlayer;
@ -2265,6 +2442,13 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
menubarItemOpponentHitsounds.onChange = event -> hitsoundsEnabledOpponent = event.value;
menubarItemOpponentHitsounds.selected = hitsoundsEnabledOpponent;
menubarItemVolumeHitsound.onChange = event -> {
var volume:Float = (event?.value ?? 0) / 100.0;
hitsoundVolume = volume;
menubarLabelVolumeHitsound.text = 'Hitsound - ${}%';
menubarItemVolumeHitsound.value = * 100);
menubarItemVolumeInstrumental.onChange = event -> {
var volume:Float = (event?.value ?? 0) / 100.0;
if (audioInstTrack != null) audioInstTrack.volume = volume;
@ -2473,7 +2657,7 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
// dispatchEvent gets called here.
if (!super.beatHit()) return false;
if (isMetronomeEnabled && this.subState == null && (audioInstTrack != null && audioInstTrack.playing))
if (metronomeVolume > 0.0 && this.subState == null && (audioInstTrack != null && audioInstTrack.playing))
playMetronomeTick(Conductor.currentBeat % 4 == 0);
@ -2514,7 +2698,7 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
if (audioInstTrack != null && audioInstTrack.playing)
if (FlxG.mouse.pressedMiddle)
if (FlxG.keys.pressed.ALT)
// If middle mouse panning during song playback, we move ONLY the playhead, without scrolling. Neat!
@ -2914,6 +3098,21 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
var shouldPause:Bool = false; // Whether to pause the song when scrolling.
var shouldEase:Bool = false; // Whether to ease the scroll.
// Handle scroll anchor
if (scrollAnchorScreenPos != null)
var currentScreenPos = new FlxPoint(FlxG.mouse.screenX, FlxG.mouse.screenY);
var distance = currentScreenPos - scrollAnchorScreenPos;
var verticalDistance = distance.y;
// How much scrolling should be done based on the distance of the cursor from the anchor.
scrollAmount = ANCHOR_SCROLL_SPEED * verticalDistance;
shouldPause = true;
// Mouse Wheel = Scroll
if (FlxG.mouse.wheel != 0 && !FlxG.keys.pressed.CONTROL)
@ -2993,18 +3192,6 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
shouldPause = true;
// Middle Mouse + Drag = Scroll but move the playhead the same amount.
if (FlxG.mouse.pressedMiddle)
if (FlxG.mouse.deltaY != 0)
// Scroll down by the amount dragged.
scrollAmount += -FlxG.mouse.deltaY;
// Move the playhead by the same amount in the other direction so it is stationary.
playheadAmount += FlxG.mouse.deltaY;
// SHIFT + Scroll = Scroll Fast
if (FlxG.keys.pressed.SHIFT)
@ -3016,7 +3203,7 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
scrollAmount /= 10;
// ALT = Move playhead instead.
// Alt + Drag = Scroll but move the playhead the same amount.
if (FlxG.keys.pressed.ALT)
playheadAmount = scrollAmount;
@ -3138,9 +3325,26 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
var overlapsSelection:Bool = FlxG.mouse.overlaps(renderedSelectionSquares);
if (FlxG.mouse.justPressedMiddle)
if (scrollAnchorScreenPos == null)
scrollAnchorScreenPos = new FlxPoint(FlxG.mouse.screenX, FlxG.mouse.screenY);
selectionBoxStartPos = null;
scrollAnchorScreenPos = null;
if (FlxG.mouse.justPressed)
if (gridPlayheadScrollArea != null && FlxG.mouse.overlaps(gridPlayheadScrollArea))
if (scrollAnchorScreenPos != null)
scrollAnchorScreenPos = null;
else if (gridPlayheadScrollArea != null && FlxG.mouse.overlaps(gridPlayheadScrollArea))
gridPlayheadScrollAreaPressed = true;
@ -3149,7 +3353,7 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
// Clicked note preview
notePreviewScrollAreaStartPos = new FlxPoint(FlxG.mouse.screenX, FlxG.mouse.screenY);
else if (!overlapsGrid || overlapsSelectionBorder)
else if (!isCursorOverHaxeUI && (!overlapsGrid || overlapsSelectionBorder))
selectionBoxStartPos = new FlxPoint(FlxG.mouse.screenX, FlxG.mouse.screenY);
// Drawing selection box.
@ -3432,6 +3636,11 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
scrollPositionInPixels = clickedPosInPixels;
else if (scrollAnchorScreenPos != null)
// Cursor should be a scroll anchor.
targetCursorMode = Scroll;
else if (dragTargetNote != null || dragTargetEvent != null)
if (FlxG.mouse.justReleased)
@ -4345,7 +4554,16 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
var startTimestamp:Float = 0;
if (playtestStartTime) startTimestamp = scrollPositionInMs + playheadPositionInMs;
var targetSong:Song = Song.buildRaw(currentSongId, songMetadata.values(), availableVariations, songChartData, false);
var targetSong:Song;
targetSong = Song.buildRaw(currentSongId, songMetadata.values(), availableVariations, songChartData, false);
catch (e)
this.error("Could Not Playtest", 'Got an error trying to playtest the song.\n${e}');
// TODO: Rework asset system so we can remove this.
switch (currentSongStage)
@ -4389,6 +4607,9 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
// Override music.
if (audioInstTrack != null) = audioInstTrack;
if (audioVocalTrackGroup != null) targetState.vocals = audioVocalTrackGroup;
this.persistentUpdate = false;
this.persistentDraw = false;
@ -4504,7 +4725,7 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
function playMetronomeTick(high:Bool = false):Void
this.playSound(Paths.sound('chartingSounds/metronome${high ? '1' : '2'}'));
this.playSound(Paths.sound('chartingSounds/metronome${high ? '1' : '2'}'), metronomeVolume);
function switchToCurrentInstrumental():Void
@ -4603,6 +4824,8 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
var prevDifficulty = availableDifficulties[availableDifficulties.length - 1];
selectedDifficulty = prevDifficulty;
@ -4721,6 +4944,9 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
function resetConductorAfterTest(_:FlxSubState = null):Void
this.persistentUpdate = true;
this.persistentDraw = true;
// Reapply the volume.
@ -5000,9 +5226,9 @@ class ChartEditorState extends UIState // UIState derives from MusicBeatState
switch (noteData.getStrumlineIndex())
case 0: // Player
if (hitsoundsEnabledPlayer) this.playSound(Paths.sound('chartingSounds/hitNotePlayer'));
if (hitsoundsEnabledPlayer) this.playSound(Paths.sound('chartingSounds/hitNotePlayer'), hitsoundVolume);
case 1: // Opponent
if (hitsoundsEnabledOpponent) this.playSound(Paths.sound('chartingSounds/hitNoteOpponent'));
if (hitsoundsEnabledOpponent) this.playSound(Paths.sound('chartingSounds/hitNoteOpponent'), hitsoundVolume);

View file

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
package funkin.ui.debug.charting.commands;
* A command which changes the starting BPM of the song.
class ChangeStartingBPMCommand implements ChartEditorCommand
var targetBPM:Float;
var previousBPM:Float = 100;
public function new(targetBPM:Float)
this.targetBPM = targetBPM;
public function execute(state:ChartEditorState):Void
var timeChanges:Array<SongTimeChange> = state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges;
if (timeChanges == null || timeChanges.length == 0)
previousBPM = 100;
timeChanges = [new SongTimeChange(0, targetBPM)];
previousBPM = timeChanges[0].bpm;
timeChanges[0].bpm = targetBPM;
state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges = timeChanges;
public function undo(state:ChartEditorState):Void
var timeChanges:Array<SongTimeChange> = state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges;
if (timeChanges == null || timeChanges.length == 0)
timeChanges = [new SongTimeChange(0, previousBPM)];
timeChanges[0].bpm = previousBPM;
state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges = timeChanges;
public function toString():String
return 'Change Starting BPM to ${targetBPM}';

View file

@ -32,10 +32,14 @@ class PasteItemsCommand implements ChartEditorCommand
var stepEndOfSong:Float = Conductor.getTimeInSteps(state.songLengthInMs);
var stepCutoff:Float = stepEndOfSong - 1.0;
var msCutoff:Float = Conductor.getStepTimeInMs(stepCutoff);
addedNotes = SongDataUtils.offsetSongNoteData(currentClipboard.notes,;
addedNotes = SongDataUtils.clampSongNoteData(addedNotes, 0.0, msCutoff);
addedEvents = SongDataUtils.offsetSongEventData(,;
addedEvents = SongDataUtils.clampSongEventData(addedEvents, 0.0, msCutoff);
state.currentSongChartNoteData = state.currentSongChartNoteData.concat(addedNotes);
state.currentSongChartEventData = state.currentSongChartEventData.concat(addedEvents);

View file

@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ class ChartEditorAudioHandler
* Automatically cleans up after itself and recycles previous FlxSound instances if available, for performance.
* @param path The path to the sound effect. Use `Paths` to build this.
public static function playSound(_state:ChartEditorState, path:String):Void
public static function playSound(_state:ChartEditorState, path:String, volume:Float = 1.0):Void
var snd:FlxSound = FlxG.sound.list.recycle(FlxSound) ?? new FlxSound();
var asset:Null<FlxSoundAsset> = FlxG.sound.cache(path);
@ -214,6 +214,7 @@ class ChartEditorAudioHandler
snd.autoDestroy = true;
snd.volume = volume;;

View file

@ -110,12 +110,12 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var dialog:Null<Dialog> = openDialog(state, CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_BACKUP_AVAILABLE_LAYOUT, true, true);
if (dialog == null) throw 'Could not locate Backup Available dialog';
dialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
dialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// User loaded the backup! Close the welcome dialog behind this.
if (welcomeDialog != null) welcomeDialog.hideDialog(DialogButton.CANCEL);
if (welcomeDialog != null) welcomeDialog.hideDialog(DialogButton.APPLY);
@ -137,22 +137,22 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonCancel:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogCancel', Button);
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Backup Available dialog';
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
// Don't hide the welcome dialog behind this.
var buttonGoToFolder:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('buttonGoToFolder', Button);
if (buttonGoToFolder == null) throw 'Could not locate buttonGoToFolder button in Backup Available dialog';
buttonGoToFolder.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonGoToFolder.onClick = function(_) {
// Don't hide the welcome dialog behind this.
// dialog.hideDialog(DialogButton.CANCEL);
// Don't close this dialog.
var buttonOpenBackup:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('buttonOpenBackup', Button);
if (buttonOpenBackup == null) throw 'Could not locate buttonOpenBackup button in Backup Available dialog';
buttonOpenBackup.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonOpenBackup.onClick = function(_) {
var latestBackupPath:Null<String> = ChartEditorImportExportHandler.getLatestBackupPath();
var result:Null<Array<String>> = (latestBackupPath != null) ? state.loadFromFNFCPath(latestBackupPath) : null;
@ -210,20 +210,20 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
// Open the "Open Chart" wizard
// Step 1. Open Chart
var openChartDialog:Dialog = openChartDialog(state);
openChartDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
openChartDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 2. Upload instrumental
var uploadInstDialog:Dialog = openUploadInstDialog(state, closable);
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 3. Upload Vocals
// NOTE: Uploading vocals is optional, so we don't need to check if the user cancelled the wizard.
var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog = openUploadVocalsDialog(state, closable); // var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
state.currentWorkingFilePath = null; // Built from parts, so no .fnfc to save to.
@ -251,20 +251,20 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
// Step 1. Open Chart
var openChartDialog:Null<Dialog> = openImportChartDialog(state, format);
if (openChartDialog == null) throw 'Could not locate Import Chart dialog';
openChartDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
openChartDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 2. Upload instrumental
var uploadInstDialog:Dialog = openUploadInstDialog(state, closable);
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 3. Upload Vocals
// NOTE: Uploading vocals is optional, so we don't need to check if the user cancelled the wizard.
var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog = openUploadVocalsDialog(state, closable); // var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
state.currentWorkingFilePath = null; // New file, so no path.
@ -289,21 +289,21 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
public static function openCreateSongWizardBasicOnly(state:ChartEditorState, closable:Bool):Void
// Step 1. Song Metadata
var songMetadataDialog:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, false, Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION);
songMetadataDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
var songMetadataDialog:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, false, Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION, true);
songMetadataDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 2. Upload Instrumental
var uploadInstDialog:Dialog = openUploadInstDialog(state, closable);
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 3. Upload Vocals
// NOTE: Uploading vocals is optional, so we don't need to check if the user cancelled the wizard.
var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog = openUploadVocalsDialog(state, closable); // var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
state.currentWorkingFilePath = null; // New file, so no path.
@ -328,21 +328,21 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
public static function openCreateSongWizardErectOnly(state:ChartEditorState, closable:Bool):Void
// Step 1. Song Metadata
var songMetadataDialog:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, true, Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION);
songMetadataDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
var songMetadataDialog:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, true, Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION, true);
songMetadataDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 2. Upload Instrumental
var uploadInstDialog:Dialog = openUploadInstDialog(state, closable);
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 3. Upload Vocals
// NOTE: Uploading vocals is optional, so we don't need to check if the user cancelled the wizard.
var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog = openUploadVocalsDialog(state, closable); // var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
state.currentWorkingFilePath = null; // New file, so no path.
@ -367,41 +367,41 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
public static function openCreateSongWizardBasicErect(state:ChartEditorState, closable:Bool):Void
// Step 1. Song Metadata
var songMetadataDialog:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, false, Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION);
songMetadataDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
var songMetadataDialog:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, false, Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION, true);
songMetadataDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 2. Upload Instrumental
var uploadInstDialog:Dialog = openUploadInstDialog(state, closable);
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadInstDialog.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 3. Upload Vocals
// NOTE: Uploading vocals is optional, so we don't need to check if the user cancelled the wizard.
var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog = openUploadVocalsDialog(state, closable); // var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadVocalsDialog.onDialogClosed = function(_) {
// Step 4. Song Metadata (Erect)
var songMetadataDialogErect:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, true, 'erect');
songMetadataDialogErect.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
var songMetadataDialogErect:Dialog = openSongMetadataDialog(state, true, 'erect', false);
songMetadataDialogErect.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Switch to the Erect variation so uploading the instrumental applies properly.
state.selectedVariation = 'erect';
// Step 5. Upload Instrumental (Erect)
var uploadInstDialogErect:Dialog = openUploadInstDialog(state, closable);
uploadInstDialogErect.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadInstDialogErect.onDialogClosed = function(event) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
if (_event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
if (event.button == DialogButton.APPLY)
// Step 6. Upload Vocals (Erect)
// NOTE: Uploading vocals is optional, so we don't need to check if the user cancelled the wizard.
var uploadVocalsDialogErect:Dialog = openUploadVocalsDialog(state, closable); // var uploadVocalsDialog:Dialog
uploadVocalsDialogErect.onDialogClosed = function(_event) {
uploadVocalsDialogErect.onDialogClosed = function(_) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
state.currentWorkingFilePath = null; // New file, so no path.
@ -453,19 +453,19 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonCancel:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogCancel', Button);
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Upload Instrumental dialog';
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
var instrumentalBox:Null<Box> = dialog.findComponent('instrumentalBox', Box);
if (instrumentalBox == null) throw 'Could not locate instrumentalBox in Upload Instrumental dialog';
instrumentalBox.onMouseOver = function(_event) {
instrumentalBox.onMouseOver = function(_) {
instrumentalBox.swapClass('upload-bg', 'upload-bg-hover');
Cursor.cursorMode = Pointer;
instrumentalBox.onMouseOut = function(_event) {
instrumentalBox.onMouseOut = function(_) {
instrumentalBox.swapClass('upload-bg-hover', 'upload-bg');
Cursor.cursorMode = Default;
@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var dropHandler:DialogDropTarget = {component: instrumentalBox, handler: null};
instrumentalBox.onClick = function(_event) {
instrumentalBox.onClick = function(_) {
Dialogs.openBinaryFile('Open Instrumental', [
{label: 'Audio File (.ogg)', extension: 'ogg'}], function(selectedFile:SelectedFileInfo) {
if (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.bytes != null)
@ -533,10 +533,13 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
* Opens the dialog in the wizard where the user can set song metadata like name and artist and BPM.
* @param state The ChartEditorState instance.
* @param erect Whether to create erect difficulties or normal ones.
* @param targetVariation The variation to create difficulties for.
* @param clearExistingMetadata Whether to clear existing metadata when confirming.
* @return The dialog to open.
public static function openSongMetadataDialog(state:ChartEditorState, erect:Bool, targetVariation:String):Dialog
public static function openSongMetadataDialog(state:ChartEditorState, erect:Bool, targetVariation:String, clearExistingMetadata:Bool):Dialog
var dialog:Null<Dialog> = openDialog(state, CHART_EDITOR_DIALOG_SONG_METADATA_LAYOUT, true, false);
if (dialog == null) throw 'Could not locate Song Metadata dialog';
@ -549,7 +552,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonCancel:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogCancel', Button);
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Song Metadata dialog';
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = true;
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
@ -661,8 +664,12 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var dialogContinue:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogContinue', Button);
if (dialogContinue == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogContinue button in Song Metadata dialog';
dialogContinue.onClick = (_event) -> {
if (targetVariation == Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION) state.songMetadata.clear();
dialogContinue.onClick = (_) -> {
if (clearExistingMetadata)
state.songMetadata.set(targetVariation, newSongMetadata);
@ -702,13 +709,13 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonCancel:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogCancel', Button);
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Upload Vocals dialog';
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
var dialogNoVocals:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogNoVocals', Button);
if (dialogNoVocals == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogNoVocals button in Upload Vocals dialog';
dialogNoVocals.onClick = function(_event) {
dialogNoVocals.onClick = function(_) {
// Dismiss
@ -820,7 +827,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var dialogContinue:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogContinue', Button);
if (dialogContinue == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogContinue button in Upload Vocals dialog';
dialogContinue.onClick = function(_event) {
dialogContinue.onClick = function(_) {
// Dismiss
@ -842,7 +849,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonCancel:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogCancel', Button);
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Open Chart dialog';
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
@ -856,7 +863,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonContinue:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogContinue', Button);
if (buttonContinue == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogContinue button in Open Chart dialog';
buttonContinue.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonContinue.onClick = function(_) {
state.loadSong(songMetadata, songChartData);
@ -904,11 +911,11 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
songVariationMetadataEntryLabel.text = 'Click to browse for <song>-metadata-${variation}.json file.';
songVariationMetadataEntry.onMouseOver = function(_event) {
songVariationMetadataEntry.onMouseOver = function(_) {
songVariationMetadataEntry.swapClass('upload-bg', 'upload-bg-hover');
Cursor.cursorMode = Pointer;
songVariationMetadataEntry.onMouseOut = function(_event) {
songVariationMetadataEntry.onMouseOut = function(_) {
songVariationMetadataEntry.swapClass('upload-bg-hover', 'upload-bg');
Cursor.cursorMode = Default;
@ -928,11 +935,11 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
songVariationChartDataEntryLabel.text = 'Click to browse for <song>-chart-${variation}.json file.';
songVariationChartDataEntry.onMouseOver = function(_event) {
songVariationChartDataEntry.onMouseOver = function(_) {
songVariationChartDataEntry.swapClass('upload-bg', 'upload-bg-hover');
Cursor.cursorMode = Pointer;
songVariationChartDataEntry.onMouseOut = function(_event) {
songVariationChartDataEntry.onMouseOut = function(_) {
songVariationChartDataEntry.swapClass('upload-bg-hover', 'upload-bg');
Cursor.cursorMode = Default;
@ -982,7 +989,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
if (variation == Constants.DEFAULT_VARIATION) constructVariationEntries(songMetadataVariation.playData.songVariations);
onClickMetadataVariation = function(variation:String, label:Label, _event:UIEvent) {
onClickMetadataVariation = function(variation:String, label:Label, _:UIEvent) {
Dialogs.openBinaryFile('Open Chart ($variation) Metadata', [
{label: 'JSON File (.json)', extension: 'json'}], function(selectedFile) {
if (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.bytes != null)
@ -1066,7 +1073,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
onClickChartDataVariation = function(variation:String, label:Label, _event:UIEvent) {
onClickChartDataVariation = function(variation:String, label:Label, _:UIEvent) {
Dialogs.openBinaryFile('Open Chart ($variation) Metadata', [
{label: 'JSON File (.json)', extension: 'json'}], function(selectedFile) {
if (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.bytes != null)
@ -1122,7 +1129,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
metadataEntry.swapClass('upload-bg', 'upload-bg-hover');
Cursor.cursorMode = Pointer;
metadataEntry.onMouseOut = function(_event) {
metadataEntry.onMouseOut = function(_) {
metadataEntry.swapClass('upload-bg-hover', 'upload-bg');
Cursor.cursorMode = Default;
@ -1162,7 +1169,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Import Chart dialog';
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = true;
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
@ -1170,18 +1177,18 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var importBox:Null<Box> = dialog.findComponent('importBox', Box);
if (importBox == null) throw 'Could not locate importBox in Import Chart dialog';
importBox.onMouseOver = function(_event) {
importBox.onMouseOver = function(_) {
importBox.swapClass('upload-bg', 'upload-bg-hover');
Cursor.cursorMode = Pointer;
importBox.onMouseOut = function(_event) {
importBox.onMouseOut = function(_) {
importBox.swapClass('upload-bg-hover', 'upload-bg');
Cursor.cursorMode = Default;
var onDropFile:String->Void;
importBox.onClick = function(_event) {
importBox.onClick = function(_) {
Dialogs.openBinaryFile('Import Chart - ${prettyFormat}', fileFilter != null ? [fileFilter] : [], function(selectedFile:SelectedFileInfo) {
if (selectedFile != null && selectedFile.bytes != null)
@ -1251,13 +1258,13 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonCancel:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogCancel', Button);
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Add Variation dialog';
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
var buttonAdd:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogAdd', Button);
if (buttonAdd == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogAdd button in Add Variation dialog';
buttonAdd.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonAdd.onClick = function(_) {
// This performs validation before the onSubmit callback is called.
@ -1296,12 +1303,13 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var dialogBPM:Null<NumberStepper> = dialog.findComponent('dialogBPM', NumberStepper);
if (dialogBPM == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogBPM NumberStepper in Add Variation dialog';
dialogBPM.value = state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges[0].bpm;
var currentStartingBPM:Float = state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges[0].bpm;
dialogBPM.value = currentStartingBPM;
// If all validators succeeded, this callback is called.
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = true;
variationForm.onSubmit = function(_event) {
variationForm.onSubmit = function(_) {
state.isHaxeUIDialogOpen = false;
trace('Add Variation dialog submitted, validation succeeded!');
@ -1317,6 +1325,8 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
state.songMetadata.set(pendingVariation.variation, pendingVariation);
state.difficultySelectDirty = true; // Force the Difficulty toolbox to update.
// Don't update conductor since we haven't switched to the new variation yet.
state.success('Add Variation', 'Added new variation "${pendingVariation.variation}"');
@ -1341,13 +1351,13 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
var buttonCancel:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogCancel', Button);
if (buttonCancel == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogCancel button in Add Difficulty dialog';
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonCancel.onClick = function(_) {
var buttonAdd:Null<Button> = dialog.findComponent('dialogAdd', Button);
if (buttonAdd == null) throw 'Could not locate dialogAdd button in Add Difficulty dialog';
buttonAdd.onClick = function(_event) {
buttonAdd.onClick = function(_) {
// This performs validation before the onSubmit callback is called.
@ -1367,7 +1377,7 @@ class ChartEditorDialogHandler
inputScrollSpeed.value = state.currentSongChartScrollSpeed;
labelScrollSpeed.text = 'Scroll Speed: ${inputScrollSpeed.value}x';
difficultyForm.onSubmit = function(_event) {
difficultyForm.onSubmit = function(_) {
trace('Add Difficulty dialog submitted, validation succeeded!');
var dialogDifficultyName:Null<TextField> = dialog.findComponent('dialogDifficultyName', TextField);

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
public static function success(state:ChartEditorState, title:String, body:String):Notification
return sendNotification(title, body, NotificationType.Success);
return sendNotification(state, title, body, NotificationType.Success);
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
public static function warning(state:ChartEditorState, title:String, body:String):Notification
return sendNotification(title, body, NotificationType.Warning);
return sendNotification(state, title, body, NotificationType.Warning);
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
public static function error(state:ChartEditorState, title:String, body:String):Notification
return sendNotification(title, body, NotificationType.Error);
return sendNotification(state, title, body, NotificationType.Error);
@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
public static function info(state:ChartEditorState, title:String, body:String):Notification
return sendNotification(title, body, NotificationType.Info);
return sendNotification(state, title, body, NotificationType.Info);
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
public static function infoWithActions(state:ChartEditorState, title:String, body:String, actions:Array<NotificationAction>):Notification
return sendNotification(title, body, NotificationType.Info, actions);
return sendNotification(state, title, body, NotificationType.Info, actions);
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
static function sendNotification(title:String, body:String, ?type:NotificationType, ?actions:Array<NotificationAction>):Notification
static function sendNotification(state:ChartEditorState, title:String, body:String, ?type:NotificationType, ?actions:Array<NotificationAction>):Notification
#if !mac
var actionNames:Array<String> = actions == null ? [] : -> action.text);
@ -127,6 +127,8 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
if (action != null && action.callback != null)
button.onClick = function(_) {
// Don't allow actions to be clicked while the playtest is open.
if (state.subState != null) return;
@ -137,6 +139,8 @@ class ChartEditorNotificationHandler
return notif;
// TODO: Implement notifications on Mac OS OR... make sure the null is handled properly on mac?
return null;
trace('WARNING: Notifications are not supported on Mac OS.');

View file

@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import;
import funkin.ui.debug.charting.commands.ChangeStartingBPMCommand;
@ -610,19 +611,12 @@ class ChartEditorToolboxHandler
inputBPM.onChange = function(event:UIEvent) {
if (event.value == null || event.value <= 0) return;
var timeChanges:Array<SongTimeChange> = state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges;
if (timeChanges == null || timeChanges.length == 0)
// Use a command so we can undo/redo this action.
var startingBPM = state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges[0].bpm;
if (event.value != startingBPM)
timeChanges = [new SongTimeChange(0, event.value)];
state.performCommand(new ChangeStartingBPMCommand(event.value));
timeChanges[0].bpm = event.value;
state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges = timeChanges;
inputBPM.value = state.currentSongMetadata.timeChanges[0].bpm;

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package funkin.util.macro;
#if !display
#if macro
class FlxMacro
@ -33,3 +34,4 @@ class FlxMacro

View file

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
package funkin.util.macro;
#if !display
#if (debug || FORCE_DEBUG_VERSION)
class GitCommit
@ -65,3 +66,4 @@ class GitCommit