2022-09-27 04:37:42 -04:00
package funkin.freeplayStuff;
import flixel.FlxSprite;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup.FlxTypedGroup;
import flixel.group.FlxGroup;
import flixel.group.FlxSpriteGroup.FlxTypedSpriteGroup;
class LetterSort extends FlxTypedSpriteGroup<FreeplayLetter>
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public var letters:Array<FreeplayLetter> = [];
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var curSelection:Int = 0;
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public var changeSelectionCallback:String->Void;
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public function new(x, y)
super(x, y);
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var leftArrow:FreeplayLetter = new FreeplayLetter(-20, 20);
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leftArrow.flipX = true;
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for (i in 0...5)
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var letter:FreeplayLetter = new FreeplayLetter(i * 80, 0, i);
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if (i == 2) letter.alpha = 0.6;
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2023-08-04 18:09:40 -04:00
// don't put the last seperator
if (i == 4) continue;
var sep:FreeplayLetter = new FreeplayLetter((i * 80) + 60, 20);
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2023-08-04 18:09:40 -04:00
var rightArrow:FreeplayLetter = new FreeplayLetter(380, 20);
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// changeSelection(-3);
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override function update(elapsed:Float)
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if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.E) changeSelection(1);
if (FlxG.keys.justPressed.Q) changeSelection(-1);
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public function changeSelection(diff:Int = 0)
for (letter in letters)
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2023-08-04 18:09:40 -04:00
if (changeSelectionCallback != null) changeSelectionCallback(letters[2].arr[letters[2].curLetter]); // bullshit and long lol!
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2022-09-27 04:37:42 -04:00
class FreeplayLetter extends FlxSprite
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public var arr:Array<String> = [];
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public var curLetter:Int = 0;
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public function new(x:Float, y:Float, ?letterInd:Int)
super(x, y);
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frames = Paths.getSparrowAtlas("freeplay/letterStuff");
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2023-01-22 22:25:45 -05:00
var alphabet:String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
arr = alphabet.split("");
arr.insert(0, "#");
arr.insert(0, "ALL");
arr.insert(0, "fav");
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for (str in arr)
animation.addByPrefix(str, str + " "); // string followed by a space! intentional!
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animation.addByPrefix("arrow", "mini arrow");
animation.addByPrefix("seperator", "seperator");
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if (letterInd != null)
curLetter = letterInd;
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public function changeLetter(diff:Int = 0)
curLetter += diff;
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if (curLetter < 0) curLetter = arr.length - 1;
if (curLetter >= arr.length) curLetter = 0;
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