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synced 2025-02-24 23:54:07 -05:00
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995 lines
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package funkin.ui.transition.preload;
import openfl.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.BlendMode;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.Lib;
import flixel.system.FlxBasePreloader;
import funkin.modding.PolymodHandler;
import funkin.play.character.CharacterData.CharacterDataParser;
import funkin.util.MathUtil;
import lime.app.Future;
import lime.math.Rectangle;
import openfl.display.Sprite;
import openfl.text.TextField;
import openfl.text.TextFormat;
import openfl.text.TextFormatAlign;
using StringTools;
// Annotation embeds the asset in the executable for faster loading.
// Polymod can't override this, so we can't use this technique elsewhere.
class LogoImage extends BitmapData {}
class TouchHereToPlayImage extends BitmapData {}
* This preloader displays a logo while the game downloads assets.
class FunkinPreloader extends FlxBasePreloader
* The logo image width at the base resolution.
* Scaled up/down appropriately as needed.
static final BASE_WIDTH:Float = 1280;
* Margin at the sides and bottom, around the loading bar.
static final BAR_PADDING:Float = 20;
static final BAR_HEIGHT:Int = 20;
* Logo takes this long (in seconds) to fade in.
static final LOGO_FADE_TIME:Float = 2.5;
// Ratio between window size and BASE_WIDTH
var ratio:Float = 0;
var currentState:FunkinPreloaderState = FunkinPreloaderState.NotStarted;
// private var downloadingAssetsStartTime:Float = -1;
private var downloadingAssetsPercent:Float = -1;
private var downloadingAssetsComplete:Bool = false;
private var preloadingPlayAssetsPercent:Float = -1;
private var preloadingPlayAssetsStartTime:Float = -1;
private var preloadingPlayAssetsComplete:Bool = false;
private var cachingGraphicsPercent:Float = -1;
private var cachingGraphicsStartTime:Float = -1;
private var cachingGraphicsComplete:Bool = false;
private var cachingAudioPercent:Float = -1;
private var cachingAudioStartTime:Float = -1;
private var cachingAudioComplete:Bool = false;
private var cachingDataPercent:Float = -1;
private var cachingDataStartTime:Float = -1;
private var cachingDataComplete:Bool = false;
private var parsingSpritesheetsPercent:Float = -1;
private var parsingSpritesheetsStartTime:Float = -1;
private var parsingSpritesheetsComplete:Bool = false;
private var parsingStagesPercent:Float = -1;
private var parsingStagesStartTime:Float = -1;
private var parsingStagesComplete:Bool = false;
private var parsingCharactersPercent:Float = -1;
private var parsingCharactersStartTime:Float = -1;
private var parsingCharactersComplete:Bool = false;
private var parsingSongsPercent:Float = -1;
private var parsingSongsStartTime:Float = -1;
private var parsingSongsComplete:Bool = false;
private var initializingScriptsPercent:Float = -1;
private var cachingCoreAssetsPercent:Float = -1;
* The timestamp when the other steps completed and the `Finishing up` step started.
private var completeTime:Float = -1;
// Graphics
var logo:Bitmap;
var touchHereToPlay:Bitmap;
var progressBar:Bitmap;
var progressLeftText:TextField;
var progressRightText:TextField;
public function new()
super(Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME, Constants.SITE_LOCK);
// We can't even call trace() yet, until Flixel loads.
trace('Initializing custom preloader...');
this.siteLockTitleText = Constants.SITE_LOCK_TITLE;
this.siteLockBodyText = Constants.SITE_LOCK_DESC;
override function create():Void
// Nothing happens in the base preloader.
// Background color.
Lib.current.stage.color = Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_BG;
// Width and height of the preloader.
this._width = Lib.current.stage.stageWidth;
this._height = Lib.current.stage.stageHeight;
// Scale assets to the screen size.
ratio = this._width / BASE_WIDTH / 2.0;
// Create the logo.
logo = createBitmap(LogoImage, function(bmp:Bitmap) {
// Scale and center the logo.
// We have to do this inside the async call, after the image size is known.
bmp.scaleX = bmp.scaleY = ratio;
bmp.x = (this._width - bmp.width) / 2;
bmp.y = (this._height - bmp.height) / 2;
touchHereToPlay = createBitmap(TouchHereToPlayImage, function(bmp:Bitmap) {
// Scale and center the touch to start image.
// We have to do this inside the async call, after the image size is known.
bmp.scaleX = bmp.scaleY = ratio;
bmp.x = (this._width - bmp.width) / 2;
bmp.y = (this._height - bmp.height) / 2;
touchHereToPlay.alpha = 0.0;
// Create the progress bar.
progressBar = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(1, BAR_HEIGHT, true, Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_BAR));
progressBar.x = BAR_PADDING;
progressBar.y = this._height - BAR_PADDING - BAR_HEIGHT;
// Create the progress message.
progressLeftText = new TextField();
var progressLeftTextFormat = new TextFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 16, Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_BAR, true);
progressLeftTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
progressLeftText.defaultTextFormat = progressLeftTextFormat;
progressLeftText.selectable = false;
progressLeftText.width = this._width - BAR_PADDING * 2;
progressLeftText.text = 'Downloading assets...';
progressLeftText.x = BAR_PADDING;
progressLeftText.y = this._height - BAR_PADDING - BAR_HEIGHT - 16 - 4;
// Create the progress %.
progressRightText = new TextField();
var progressRightTextFormat = new TextFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 16, Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_BAR, true);
progressRightTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.RIGHT;
progressRightText.defaultTextFormat = progressRightTextFormat;
progressRightText.selectable = false;
progressRightText.width = this._width - BAR_PADDING * 2;
progressRightText.text = '0%';
progressRightText.x = BAR_PADDING;
progressRightText.y = this._height - BAR_PADDING - BAR_HEIGHT - 16 - 4;
var lastElapsed:Float = 0.0;
override function update(percent:Float):Void
var elapsed:Float = (Date.now().getTime() - this._startTime) / 1000.0;
// trace('Time since last frame: ' + (lastElapsed - elapsed));
downloadingAssetsPercent = percent;
var loadPercent:Float = updateState(percent, elapsed);
updateGraphics(loadPercent, elapsed);
lastElapsed = elapsed;
function updateState(percent:Float, elapsed:Float):Float
switch (currentState)
case FunkinPreloaderState.NotStarted:
if (downloadingAssetsPercent > 0.0) currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.DownloadingAssets;
return percent;
case FunkinPreloaderState.DownloadingAssets:
// Sometimes percent doesn't go to 100%, it's a floating point error.
if (downloadingAssetsPercent >= 1.0
|| (elapsed > Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME
&& downloadingAssetsComplete)) currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.PreloadingPlayAssets;
return percent;
case FunkinPreloaderState.PreloadingPlayAssets:
if (preloadingPlayAssetsPercent < 0.0)
preloadingPlayAssetsStartTime = elapsed;
preloadingPlayAssetsPercent = 0.0;
// This is quick enough to do synchronously.
// Assets.initialize();
// Make a future to retrieve the manifest
var future:Future<lime.utils.AssetLibrary> = Assets.preloadLibrary('gameplay');
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
preloadingPlayAssetsPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((library:lime.utils.AssetLibrary) -> {
// TODO: Reimplement this.
preloadingPlayAssetsPercent = 1.0;
preloadingPlayAssetsComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedPreloadingPlayAssets:Float = elapsed - preloadingPlayAssetsStartTime;
if (preloadingPlayAssetsComplete && elapsedPreloadingPlayAssets >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.InitializingScripts;
return 0.0;
// We need to return SIMULATED progress here.
if (preloadingPlayAssetsPercent < (elapsedPreloadingPlayAssets / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)) return preloadingPlayAssetsPercent;
return elapsedPreloadingPlayAssets / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (preloadingPlayAssetsComplete) currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.InitializingScripts;
return preloadingPlayAssetsPercent;
case FunkinPreloaderState.InitializingScripts:
if (initializingScriptsPercent < 0.0)
initializingScriptsPercent = 0.0;
var future:Future<Array<String>> = []; // PolymodHandler.loadNoModsAsync();
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
trace('PolymodHandler.loadNoModsAsync() progress: ' + loaded + '/' + total);
initializingScriptsPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((result:Array<String>) -> {
trace('Completed initializing scripts: ' + result);
initializingScriptsPercent = 1.0;
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.CachingGraphics;
return 0.0;
return initializingScriptsPercent;
case CachingGraphics:
if (cachingGraphicsPercent < 0)
cachingGraphicsPercent = 0.0;
cachingGraphicsStartTime = elapsed;
var assetsToCache:Array<String> = []; // Assets.listGraphics('core');
var future:Future<Array<String>> = []; // Assets.cacheAssets(assetsToCache);
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
cachingGraphicsPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((_result) -> {
trace('Completed caching graphics.');
// TODO: Reimplement this.
cachingGraphicsPercent = 1.0;
cachingGraphicsComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedCachingGraphics:Float = elapsed - cachingGraphicsStartTime;
if (cachingGraphicsComplete && elapsedCachingGraphics >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.CachingAudio;
return 0.0;
if (cachingGraphicsPercent < (elapsedCachingGraphics / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME))
// Return real progress if it's lower.
return cachingGraphicsPercent;
// Return simulated progress if it's higher.
return elapsedCachingGraphics / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (cachingGraphicsComplete)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.CachingAudio;
return 0.0;
return cachingGraphicsPercent;
case CachingAudio:
if (cachingAudioPercent < 0)
cachingAudioPercent = 0.0;
cachingAudioStartTime = elapsed;
var assetsToCache:Array<String> = []; // Assets.listSound('core');
var future:Future<Array<String>> = []; // Assets.cacheAssets(assetsToCache);
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
cachingAudioPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((_result) -> {
trace('Completed caching audio.');
// TODO: Reimplement this.
cachingAudioPercent = 1.0;
cachingAudioComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedCachingAudio:Float = elapsed - cachingAudioStartTime;
if (cachingAudioComplete && elapsedCachingAudio >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.CachingData;
return 0.0;
// We need to return SIMULATED progress here.
if (cachingAudioPercent < (elapsedCachingAudio / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME))
return cachingAudioPercent;
return elapsedCachingAudio / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (cachingAudioComplete)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.CachingData;
return 0.0;
return cachingAudioPercent;
case CachingData:
if (cachingDataPercent < 0)
cachingDataPercent = 0.0;
cachingDataStartTime = elapsed;
var assetsToCache:Array<String> = [];
var sparrowFramesToCache:Array<String> = [];
// Core files
// assetsToCache = assetsToCache.concat(Assets.listText('core'));
// assetsToCache = assetsToCache.concat(Assets.listJSON('core'));
// Core spritesheets
// assetsToCache = assetsToCache.concat(Assets.listXML('core'));
// Gameplay files
// assetsToCache = assetsToCache.concat(Assets.listText('gameplay'));
// assetsToCache = assetsToCache.concat(Assets.listJSON('gameplay'));
// We're not caching gameplay spritesheets here because they're fetched on demand.
var future:Future<Array<String>> = [];
// Assets.cacheAssets(assetsToCache, true);
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
cachingDataPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((_result) -> {
trace('Completed caching data.');
cachingDataPercent = 1.0;
cachingDataComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedCachingData:Float = elapsed - cachingDataStartTime;
if (cachingDataComplete && elapsedCachingData >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingSpritesheets;
return 0.0;
// We need to return SIMULATED progress here.
if (cachingDataPercent < (elapsedCachingData / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)) return cachingDataPercent;
return elapsedCachingData / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (cachingDataComplete)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingSpritesheets;
return 0.0;
return cachingDataPercent;
case ParsingSpritesheets:
if (parsingSpritesheetsPercent < 0)
parsingSpritesheetsPercent = 0.0;
parsingSpritesheetsStartTime = elapsed;
// Core spritesheets
var sparrowFramesToCache = []; // Assets.listXML('core').map((xml:String) -> xml.replace('.xml', '').replace('core:assets/core/', ''));
// We're not caching gameplay spritesheets here because they're fetched on demand.
var future:Future<Array<String>> = []; // Assets.cacheSparrowFrames(sparrowFramesToCache, true);
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
parsingSpritesheetsPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((_result) -> {
trace('Completed parsing spritesheets.');
parsingSpritesheetsPercent = 1.0;
parsingSpritesheetsComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedParsingSpritesheets:Float = elapsed - parsingSpritesheetsStartTime;
if (parsingSpritesheetsComplete && elapsedParsingSpritesheets >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingStages;
return 0.0;
// We need to return SIMULATED progress here.
if (parsingSpritesheetsPercent < (elapsedParsingSpritesheets / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)) return parsingSpritesheetsPercent;
return elapsedParsingSpritesheets / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (parsingSpritesheetsComplete)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingStages;
return 0.0;
return parsingSpritesheetsPercent;
case ParsingStages:
if (parsingStagesPercent < 0)
parsingStagesPercent = 0.0;
parsingStagesStartTime = elapsed;
// TODO: Reimplement this.
var future:Future<Array<String>> = []; // StageDataParser.loadStageCacheAsync();
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
parsingStagesPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((_result) -> {
trace('Completed parsing stages.');
parsingStagesPercent = 1.0;
parsingStagesComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedParsingStages:Float = elapsed - parsingStagesStartTime;
if (parsingStagesComplete && elapsedParsingStages >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingCharacters;
return 0.0;
// We need to return SIMULATED progress here.
if (parsingStagesPercent < (elapsedParsingStages / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)) return parsingStagesPercent;
return elapsedParsingStages / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (parsingStagesComplete)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingCharacters;
return 0.0;
return parsingStagesPercent;
case ParsingCharacters:
if (parsingCharactersPercent < 0)
parsingCharactersPercent = 0.0;
parsingCharactersStartTime = elapsed;
// TODO: Reimplement this.
var future:Future<Array<String>> = []; // CharacterDataParser.loadCharacterCacheAsync();
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
parsingCharactersPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((_result) -> {
trace('Completed parsing characters.');
parsingCharactersPercent = 1.0;
parsingCharactersComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedParsingCharacters:Float = elapsed - parsingCharactersStartTime;
if (parsingCharactersComplete && elapsedParsingCharacters >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingSongs;
return 0.0;
// We need to return SIMULATED progress here.
if (parsingCharactersPercent < (elapsedParsingCharacters / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)) return parsingCharactersPercent;
return elapsedParsingCharacters / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (parsingStagesComplete)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingSongs;
return 0.0;
return parsingCharactersPercent;
case ParsingSongs:
if (parsingSongsPercent < 0)
parsingSongsPercent = 0.0;
parsingSongsStartTime = elapsed;
// TODO: Reimplement this.
var future:Future<Array<String>> = ;
// SongDataParser.loadSongCacheAsync();
future.onProgress((loaded:Int, total:Int) -> {
parsingSongsPercent = loaded / total;
future.onComplete((_result) -> {
trace('Completed parsing songs.');
parsingSongsPercent = 1.0;
parsingSongsComplete = true;
return 0.0;
else if (Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME > 0)
var elapsedParsingSongs:Float = elapsed - parsingSongsStartTime;
if (parsingSongsComplete && elapsedParsingSongs >= Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.Complete;
return 0.0;
// We need to return SIMULATED progress here.
if (parsingSongsPercent < (elapsedParsingSongs / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME))
return parsingSongsPercent;
return elapsedParsingSongs / Constants.PRELOADER_MIN_STAGE_TIME;
if (parsingSongsComplete)
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.Complete;
return 0.0;
return parsingSongsPercent;
case FunkinPreloaderState.Complete:
if (completeTime < 0)
completeTime = elapsed;
return 1.0;
case FunkinPreloaderState.TouchHereToPlay:
if (completeTime < 0)
completeTime = elapsed;
if (touchHereToPlay.alpha < 1.0)
touchHereToPlay.alpha = 1.0;
addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onTouchHereToPlay);
return 1.0;
// Do nothing.
return 0.0;
function onTouchHereToPlay(e:MouseEvent):Void
removeEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onTouchHereToPlay);
// This is the actual thing that makes the game load.
static final TOTAL_STEPS:Int = 11;
static final ELLIPSIS_TIME:Float = 0.5;
function updateGraphics(percent:Float, elapsed:Float):Void
// Render logo (including transitions)
if (completeTime > 0.0)
var elapsedFinished:Float = renderLogoFadeOut(elapsed);
// trace('Fading out logo... (' + elapsedFinished + 's)');
if (elapsedFinished > LOGO_FADE_TIME)
// The logo has faded out, but we're not quite done yet.
// In order to prevent autoplay issues, we need the user to click after the loading finishes.
currentState = FunkinPreloaderState.TouchHereToPlay;
// Render progress bar
var maxWidth = this._width - BAR_PADDING * 2;
var barWidth = maxWidth * percent;
progressBar.width = barWidth;
// Cycle ellipsis count to show loading
var ellipsisCount:Int = Std.int(elapsed / ELLIPSIS_TIME) % 3 + 1;
var ellipsis:String = '';
for (i in 0...ellipsisCount)
ellipsis += '.';
// Render status text
switch (currentState)
// case FunkinPreloaderState.NotStarted:
updateProgressLeftText('Loading (0/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.DownloadingAssets:
updateProgressLeftText('Downloading assets (1/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.PreloadingPlayAssets:
updateProgressLeftText('Preloading assets (2/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.InitializingScripts:
updateProgressLeftText('Initializing scripts (3/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.CachingGraphics:
updateProgressLeftText('Caching graphics (4/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.CachingAudio:
updateProgressLeftText('Caching audio (5/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.CachingData:
updateProgressLeftText('Caching data (6/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingSpritesheets:
updateProgressLeftText('Parsing spritesheets (7/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingStages:
updateProgressLeftText('Parsing stages (8/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingCharacters:
updateProgressLeftText('Parsing characters (9/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.ParsingSongs:
updateProgressLeftText('Parsing songs (10/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.Complete:
updateProgressLeftText('Finishing up ($TOTAL_STEPS/$TOTAL_STEPS)$ellipsis');
case FunkinPreloaderState.TouchHereToPlay:
var percentage:Int = Math.floor(percent * 100);
trace('Preloader state: ' + currentState + ' (' + percentage + '%, ' + elapsed + 's)');
// Render percent text
progressRightText.text = '$percentage%';
function updateProgressLeftText(text:Null<String>):Void
if (progressLeftText != null)
if (text == null)
progressLeftText.alpha = 0.0;
else if (progressLeftText.text != text)
// We have to keep updating the text format, because the font can take a frame or two to load.
var progressLeftTextFormat = new TextFormat("VCR OSD Mono", 16, Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_BAR, true);
progressLeftTextFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.LEFT;
progressLeftText.defaultTextFormat = progressLeftTextFormat;
progressLeftText.text = text;
function immediatelyStartGame():Void
_loaded = true;
* Fade out the logo.
* @param elapsed Elapsed time since the preloader started.
* @return Elapsed time since the logo started fading out.
function renderLogoFadeOut(elapsed:Float):Float
// Fade-out takes LOGO_FADE_TIME seconds.
var elapsedFinished = elapsed - completeTime;
logo.alpha = 1.0 - MathUtil.easeInOutCirc(elapsedFinished / LOGO_FADE_TIME);
logo.scaleX = (1.0 - MathUtil.easeInBack(elapsedFinished / LOGO_FADE_TIME)) * ratio;
logo.scaleY = (1.0 - MathUtil.easeInBack(elapsedFinished / LOGO_FADE_TIME)) * ratio;
logo.x = (this._width - logo.width) / 2;
logo.y = (this._height - logo.height) / 2;
// Fade out progress bar too.
progressBar.alpha = logo.alpha;
progressLeftText.alpha = logo.alpha;
progressRightText.alpha = logo.alpha;
return elapsedFinished;
function renderLogoFadeIn(elapsed:Float):Void
// Fade-in takes LOGO_FADE_TIME seconds.
logo.alpha = MathUtil.easeInOutCirc(elapsed / LOGO_FADE_TIME);
logo.scaleX = MathUtil.easeOutBack(elapsed / LOGO_FADE_TIME) * ratio;
logo.scaleY = MathUtil.easeOutBack(elapsed / LOGO_FADE_TIME) * ratio;
logo.x = (this._width - logo.width) / 2;
logo.y = (this._height - logo.height) / 2;
#if html5
// These fields only exist on Web builds.
* Format the layout of the site lock screen.
override function createSiteLockFailureScreen():Void
addChild(createSiteLockFailureBackground(Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_LOCK_BG, Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_LOCK_BG));
addChild(createSiteLockFailureIcon(Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_LOCK_FG, 0.9));
* Format the text of the site lock screen.
override function adjustSiteLockTextFields(titleText:TextField, bodyText:TextField, hyperlinkText:TextField):Void
var titleFormat = titleText.defaultTextFormat;
titleFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
titleFormat.color = Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_LOCK_FONT;
var bodyFormat = bodyText.defaultTextFormat;
bodyFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
bodyFormat.color = Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_LOCK_FONT;
var hyperlinkFormat = hyperlinkText.defaultTextFormat;
hyperlinkFormat.align = TextFormatAlign.CENTER;
hyperlinkFormat.color = Constants.COLOR_PRELOADER_LOCK_LINK;
override function destroy():Void
// Ensure the graphics are properly destroyed and GC'd.
logo = progressBar = null;
override function onLoaded():Void
// We're not ACTUALLY finished.
// This function gets called when the DownloadingAssets step is done.
// We need to wait for the other steps, then the logo to fade out.
_loaded = false;
downloadingAssetsComplete = true;
enum FunkinPreloaderState
* The state before downloading has begun.
* Moves to either `DownloadingAssets` or `CachingGraphics` based on platform.
* Downloading assets.
* On HTML5, Lime will do this for us, before calling `onLoaded`.
* On Desktop, this step will be completed immediately, and we'll go straight to `CachingGraphics`.
* Preloading play assets.
* Loads the `manifest.json` for the `gameplay` library.
* If we make the base preloader do this, it will download all the assets as well,
* so we have to do it ourselves.
* Loading FireTongue, loading Polymod, parsing and instantiating module scripts.
* Loading all graphics from the `core` library to the cache.
* Loading all audio from the `core` library to the cache.
* Loading all data files from the `core` library to the cache.
* Parsing all XML files from the `core` library into FlxFramesCollections and caching them.
* Parsing stage data and scripts.
* Parsing character data and scripts.
* Parsing song data and scripts.
* Finishing up.
* Touch Here to Play is displayed.