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2023-06-22 01:41:01 -04:00
import flixel.tweens.FlxEase;
import flixel.tweens.FlxTween;
import funkin.ui.PreferencesMenu;
import flixel.util.FlxSort;
import funkin.util.SortUtil;
import flixel.FlxG;
* A group of sprites which handles the receptor, the note splashes, and the notes (with sustains) for a given player.
class Strumline extends FlxSpriteGroup
public static final DIRECTIONS:Array<NoteDirection> = [NoteDirection.LEFT, NoteDirection.DOWN, NoteDirection.UP, NoteDirection.RIGHT];
public static final STRUMLINE_SIZE:Int = 112;
public static final NOTE_SPACING:Int = STRUMLINE_SIZE + 8;
// Positional fixes for new strumline graphics.
static final INITIAL_OFFSET = -0.275 * STRUMLINE_SIZE;
static final NUDGE:Float = 2.0;
static final KEY_COUNT:Int = 4;
static final NOTE_SPLASH_CAP:Int = 6;
static var RENDER_DISTANCE_MS(get, null):Float;
static function get_RENDER_DISTANCE_MS():Float
return FlxG.height / 0.45;
public var isPlayer:Bool;
* The notes currently being rendered on the strumline.
* This group iterates over this every frame to update note positions.
* The PlayState also iterates over this to calculate user inputs.
public var notes:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<NoteSprite>;
public var holdNotes:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<SustainTrail>;
var strumlineNotes:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<StrumlineNote>;
var noteSplashes:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<NoteSplash>;
var sustainSplashes:FlxTypedSpriteGroup<NoteSplash>;
var noteData:Array<SongNoteData> = [];
var nextNoteIndex:Int = -1;
var heldKeys:Array<Bool> = [];
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public function new(isPlayer:Bool)
this.isPlayer = isPlayer;
this.strumlineNotes = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup<StrumlineNote>();
this.strumlineNotes.zIndex = 10;
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// Hold notes are added first so they render behind regular notes.
this.holdNotes = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup<SustainTrail>();
this.holdNotes.zIndex = 20;
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this.notes = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup<NoteSprite>();
this.notes.zIndex = 30;
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this.noteSplashes = new FlxTypedSpriteGroup<NoteSplash>(0, 0, NOTE_SPLASH_CAP);
this.noteSplashes.zIndex = 40;
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for (i in 0...KEY_COUNT)
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var child:StrumlineNote = new StrumlineNote(isPlayer, DIRECTIONS[i]);
child.x = getXPos(DIRECTIONS[i]);
child.x += INITIAL_OFFSET;
child.y = 0;
for (i in 0...KEY_COUNT)
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// This MUST be true for children to update! = true;
override function get_width():Float
return KEY_COUNT * Strumline.NOTE_SPACING;
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public override function update(elapsed:Float):Void
* Get a list of notes within + or - the given strumtime.
* @param strumTime The current time.
* @param hitWindow The hit window to check.
public function getNotesInRange(strumTime:Float, hitWindow:Float):Array<NoteSprite>
var hitWindowStart:Float = strumTime - hitWindow;
var hitWindowEnd:Float = strumTime + hitWindow;
return notes.members.filter(function(note:NoteSprite) {
return note != null && note.alive && !note.hasBeenHit && note.strumTime >= hitWindowStart && note.strumTime <= hitWindowEnd;
public function getHoldNotesInRange(strumTime:Float, hitWindow:Float):Array<SustainTrail>
var hitWindowStart:Float = strumTime - hitWindow;
var hitWindowEnd:Float = strumTime + hitWindow;
return holdNotes.members.filter(function(note:SustainTrail) {
return note != null
&& note.alive
&& note.strumTime >= hitWindowStart
&& (note.strumTime + note.fullSustainLength) <= hitWindowEnd;
public function getNoteSprite(noteData:SongNoteData):NoteSprite
if (noteData == null) return null;
for (note in notes.members)
if (note == null) continue;
if (note.alive) continue;
if (note.noteData == noteData) return note;
return null;
public function getHoldNoteSprite(noteData:SongNoteData):SustainTrail
if (noteData == null || ((noteData.length ?? 0.0) <= 0.0)) return null;
for (holdNote in holdNotes.members)
if (holdNote == null) continue;
if (holdNote.alive) continue;
if (holdNote.noteData == noteData) return holdNote;
return null;
* For a note's strumTime, calculate its Y position relative to the strumline.
* NOTE: Assumes Conductor and PlayState are both initialized.
* @param strumTime
* @return Float
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static function calculateNoteYPos(strumTime:Float, ?vwoosh:Bool = true):Float
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// Make the note move faster visually as it moves offscreen.
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var vwoosh:Float = (strumTime < Conductor.songPosition) && vwoosh ? 2.0 : 1.0;
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var scrollSpeed:Float = PlayState.instance?.currentChart?.scrollSpeed ?? 1.0;
return Conductor.PIXELS_PER_MS * (Conductor.songPosition - strumTime) * scrollSpeed * vwoosh * (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll') ? 1 : -1);
function updateNotes():Void
if (noteData.length == 0) return;
var renderWindowStart:Float = Conductor.songPosition + RENDER_DISTANCE_MS;
for (noteIndex in nextNoteIndex...noteData.length)
var note:Null<SongNoteData> = noteData[noteIndex];
if (note == null) continue;
if (note.time > renderWindowStart) break;
var noteSprite = buildNoteSprite(note);
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if (note.length > 0)
noteSprite.holdNoteSprite = buildHoldNoteSprite(note);
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nextNoteIndex++; // Increment the nextNoteIndex rather than splicing the array, because splicing is slow.
// Update rendering of notes.
for (note in notes.members)
if (note == null || note.hasBeenHit) continue;
var vwoosh:Bool = note.holdNoteSprite == null;
note.y = this.y - INITIAL_OFFSET + calculateNoteYPos(note.strumTime, vwoosh);
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// Check if the note is outside the hit window, and if so, mark it as missed.
// TODO: Check to make sure this doesn't happen when the note is on screen because it'll probably get deleted.
if (Conductor.songPosition > (note.noteData.time + Conductor.HIT_WINDOW_MS))
note.visible = false;
note.hasMissed = true;
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if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = true;
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note.visible = true;
note.hasMissed = false;
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if (note.holdNoteSprite != null) note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = false;
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// Update rendering of hold notes.
for (holdNote in holdNotes.members)
if (holdNote == null || !holdNote.alive) continue;
if (Conductor.songPosition > holdNote.strumTime && holdNote.hitNote && !holdNote.missedNote)
if (isPlayer && !isKeyHeld(holdNote.noteDirection))
// Stopped pressing the hold note.
holdNote.missedNote = true;
holdNote.alpha = 0.6;
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var renderWindowEnd = holdNote.strumTime + holdNote.fullSustainLength + Conductor.HIT_WINDOW_MS + RENDER_DISTANCE_MS / 8;
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if (holdNote.missedNote && Conductor.songPosition >= renderWindowEnd)
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// Hold note is offscreen, kill it.
holdNote.visible = false;
holdNote.kill(); // Do not destroy! Recycling is faster.
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else if (holdNote.hitNote && holdNote.sustainLength <= 0)
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// Hold note is completed, kill it.
holdNote.visible = false;
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else if (holdNote.hitNote && holdNote.sustainLength <= 10)
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// TODO: Better handle the weird edge case where the hold note is almost completed.
holdNote.visible = false;
else if (holdNote.missedNote && (holdNote.fullSustainLength > holdNote.sustainLength))
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// Hold note was dropped before completing, keep it in its clipped state.
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holdNote.visible = true;
var yOffset:Float = (holdNote.fullSustainLength - holdNote.sustainLength) * Conductor.PIXELS_PER_MS;
trace('yOffset: ' + yOffset);
trace('holdNote.fullSustainLength: ' + holdNote.fullSustainLength);
trace('holdNote.sustainLength: ' + holdNote.sustainLength);
var vwoosh:Bool = false;
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if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll'))
holdNote.y = this.y + calculateNoteYPos(holdNote.strumTime, vwoosh) - holdNote.height + STRUMLINE_SIZE / 2;
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holdNote.y = this.y - INITIAL_OFFSET + calculateNoteYPos(holdNote.strumTime, vwoosh) + yOffset + STRUMLINE_SIZE / 2;
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else if (Conductor.songPosition > holdNote.strumTime && holdNote.hitNote)
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// Hold note is currently being hit, clip it off.
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holdNote.visible = true;
holdNote.sustainLength = (holdNote.strumTime + holdNote.fullSustainLength) - Conductor.songPosition;
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if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll'))
holdNote.y = this.y - holdNote.height + STRUMLINE_SIZE / 2;
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holdNote.y = this.y - INITIAL_OFFSET + STRUMLINE_SIZE / 2;
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// Hold note is new, render it normally.
holdNote.visible = true;
var vwoosh:Bool = false;
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if (PreferencesMenu.getPref('downscroll'))
holdNote.y = this.y + calculateNoteYPos(holdNote.strumTime, vwoosh) - holdNote.height + STRUMLINE_SIZE / 2;
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holdNote.y = this.y - INITIAL_OFFSET + calculateNoteYPos(holdNote.strumTime, vwoosh) + STRUMLINE_SIZE / 2;
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public function onBeatHit():Void
if (notes.members.length > 1) notes.members.insertionSort(compareNoteSprites.bind(FlxSort.ASCENDING));
if (holdNotes.members.length > 1) holdNotes.members.insertionSort(compareHoldNoteSprites.bind(FlxSort.ASCENDING));
public function pressKey(dir:NoteDirection):Void
heldKeys[dir] = true;
public function releaseKey(dir:NoteDirection):Void
heldKeys[dir] = false;
public function isKeyHeld(dir:NoteDirection):Bool
return heldKeys[dir];
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public function applyNoteData(data:Array<SongNoteData>):Void
this.noteData = data.copy();
this.nextNoteIndex = 0;
// Sort the notes by strumtime.
public function hitNote(note:NoteSprite):Void
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note.hasBeenHit = true;
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2023-06-22 19:28:39 -04:00
if (note.holdNoteSprite != null)
note.holdNoteSprite.hitNote = true;
note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = false;
note.holdNoteSprite.alpha = 1.0;
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public function killNote(note:NoteSprite):Void
note.visible = false;
notes.remove(note, false);
if (note.holdNoteSprite != null)
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note.holdNoteSprite.missedNote = true;
note.holdNoteSprite.alpha = 0.6;
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public function getByIndex(index:Int):StrumlineNote
return this.strumlineNotes.members[index];
public function getByDirection(direction:NoteDirection):StrumlineNote
return getByIndex(DIRECTIONS.indexOf(direction));
public function playStatic(direction:NoteDirection):Void
public function playPress(direction:NoteDirection):Void
public function playConfirm(direction:NoteDirection):Void
public function holdConfirm(direction:NoteDirection):Void
public function isConfirm(direction:NoteDirection):Bool
return getByDirection(direction).isConfirm();
public function playNoteSplash(direction:NoteDirection):Void
// TODO: Add a setting to disable note splashes.
// if (Settings.noSplash) return;
var splash:NoteSplash = this.constructNoteSplash();
if (splash != null)
splash.x = this.x;
splash.x += getXPos(direction);
splash.x += INITIAL_OFFSET;
splash.y = this.y;
splash.y -= INITIAL_OFFSET;
splash.y += 0;
public function buildNoteSprite(note:SongNoteData):NoteSprite
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var noteSprite:NoteSprite = constructNoteSprite();
if (noteSprite != null)
noteSprite.strumTime = note.time;
noteSprite.direction = note.getDirection();
noteSprite.noteData = note;
noteSprite.x = this.x;
noteSprite.x += getXPos(DIRECTIONS[note.getDirection() % KEY_COUNT]);
noteSprite.x -= NUDGE;
// noteSprite.x += INITIAL_OFFSET;
noteSprite.y = -9999;
return noteSprite;
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public function buildHoldNoteSprite(note:SongNoteData):SustainTrail
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var holdNoteSprite:SustainTrail = constructHoldNoteSprite();
if (holdNoteSprite != null)
holdNoteSprite.noteData = note;
holdNoteSprite.strumTime = note.time;
holdNoteSprite.noteDirection = note.getDirection();
holdNoteSprite.fullSustainLength = note.length;
holdNoteSprite.sustainLength = note.length;
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holdNoteSprite.missedNote = false;
holdNoteSprite.hitNote = false;
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holdNoteSprite.alpha = 1.0;
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holdNoteSprite.x = this.x;
holdNoteSprite.x += getXPos(DIRECTIONS[note.getDirection() % KEY_COUNT]);
holdNoteSprite.x += STRUMLINE_SIZE / 2;
holdNoteSprite.x -= holdNoteSprite.width / 2;
holdNoteSprite.y = -9999;
return holdNoteSprite;
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* Custom recycling behavior.
function constructNoteSplash():NoteSplash
var result:NoteSplash = null;
// If we haven't filled the pool yet...
if (noteSplashes.length < noteSplashes.maxSize)
// Create a new note splash.
result = new NoteSplash();
// Else, find a note splash which is inactive so we can revive it.
result = this.noteSplashes.getFirstAvailable();
if (result != null)
// The note splash pool is full and all note splashes are active,
// so we just pick one at random to destroy and restart.
result = FlxG.random.getObject(this.noteSplashes.members);
return result;
* Custom recycling behavior.
function constructNoteSprite():NoteSprite
var result:NoteSprite = null;
// Else, find a note which is inactive so we can revive it.
result = this.notes.getFirstAvailable();
if (result != null)
// Revive and reuse the note.
// The note sprite pool is full and all note splashes are active.
// We have to create a new note.
result = new NoteSprite();
return result;
* Custom recycling behavior.
function constructHoldNoteSprite():SustainTrail
var result:SustainTrail = null;
// Else, find a note which is inactive so we can revive it.
result = this.holdNotes.getFirstAvailable();
if (result != null)
// Revive and reuse the note.
// The note sprite pool is full and all note splashes are active.
// We have to create a new note.
result = new SustainTrail(0, 100, Paths.image("NOTE_hold_assets"));
return result;
function getXPos(direction:NoteDirection):Float
return switch (direction)
case NoteDirection.LEFT: 0;
case NoteDirection.DOWN: 0 + (1 * Strumline.NOTE_SPACING);
case NoteDirection.UP: 0 + (2 * Strumline.NOTE_SPACING);
case NoteDirection.RIGHT: 0 + (3 * Strumline.NOTE_SPACING);
default: 0;
* Apply a small animation which moves the arrow down and fades it in.
* Only plays at the start of Free Play songs.
* Note that modifying the offset of the whole strumline won't have the
* @param arrow The arrow to animate.
* @param index The index of the arrow in the strumline.
function fadeInArrow(arrow:StrumlineNote):Void
arrow.y -= 10;
arrow.alpha = 0;
FlxTween.tween(arrow, {y: arrow.y + 10, alpha: 1}, 1, {ease: FlxEase.circOut, startDelay: 0.5 + (0.2 * arrow.ID)});
public function fadeInArrows():Void
for (arrow in this.strumlineNotes)
function compareNoteData(order:Int, a:SongNoteData, b:SongNoteData):Int
return FlxSort.byValues(order, a.time, b.time);
function compareNoteSprites(order:Int, a:NoteSprite, b:NoteSprite):Int
return FlxSort.byValues(order, a?.strumTime, b?.strumTime);
function compareHoldNoteSprites(order:Int, a:SustainTrail, b:SustainTrail):Int
return FlxSort.byValues(order, a?.strumTime, b?.strumTime);