/* eslint-disable no-case-declarations */ const CommandError = require('../CommandModules/command_error') const fs = require('fs/promises') const { EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js') const path = require('path') const getFilenameFromUrl = require('../util/getFilenameFromUrl') const fileExists = require('../util/file-exists') const fileList = require('../util/file-list') const axios = require('axios') const os = require('os') let SONGS_PATH if (os.hostname() === 'chomens-kubuntu') { SONGS_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'nginx-html', 'midis') } else { SONGS_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'midis') } let song async function play (bot, values, discord, channeldc, selector, config) { try { const filepath = values.join(' ') const seperator = path.sep // for hosting bot on windows let absolutePath if (filepath.includes(seperator) && filepath !== '') { const pathSplitted = filepath.split(seperator) const songs = await fileList( path.join( SONGS_PATH, pathSplitted[0] ) ) // this part took a bunch of time to figure out, but still chomens moment!1! const lowerCaseFile = pathSplitted.pop().toLowerCase() const file = songs.filter((song) => song.toLowerCase().includes(lowerCaseFile))[0] absolutePath = await resolve(path.join(pathSplitted.join(seperator), file)) } else { const songs = await fileList(SONGS_PATH) const file = songs.filter((song) => song.toLowerCase().includes(filepath.toLowerCase()))[0] absolutePath = await resolve(file) } song = await bot.music.load(await fs.readFile(absolutePath), path.basename(absolutePath)) bot.tellraw([{ text: 'Added ', color: 'white' }, { text: song.name, color: 'gold' }, { text: ' to the song queue', color: 'white' }]) bot.music.queue.push(song) bot.music.play(song) } catch (e) { bot.console.error(e.stack) bot.tellraw({ text: 'SyntaxError: Invalid file', color: 'red' }) } } async function playUrl (bot, values, discord, channeldc, selector, config) { let response try { const url = values.join(' ') response = await axios.get('https://localhost:8080', { params: { uri: url }, responseType: 'arraybuffer' }) song = await bot.music.load(response.data, getFilenameFromUrl(url)) bot.tellraw([{ text: 'Added ', color: 'white' }, { text: song.name, color: 'gold' }, { text: ' to the song queue', color: 'white' }]) bot.music.queue.push(song) bot.music.play(song) } catch (_err) { const e = _err.toString().includes('Bad MIDI file. Expected \'MHdr\', got: ') ? response.data.toString() : _err bot.tellraw({ text: e, color: 'red' }) } } async function resolve (filepath) { if (!path.isAbsolute(filepath) && await fileExists(SONGS_PATH)) { return path.join(SONGS_PATH, filepath) } return filepath } async function list (bot, discord, channeldc, prefix, selector, args, config) { try { let absolutePath if (args[1]) absolutePath = await resolve(path.join(SONGS_PATH, args.slice(1).join(' '))) else absolutePath = await resolve(SONGS_PATH) if (!absolutePath.includes('midis')) throw new Error('bro trying to hack my server?!/1?!') const listed = await fileList(absolutePath) let primary = true const message = [] for (const value of listed) { const isFile = (await fs.lstat(path.join(absolutePath, value))).isFile() message.push({ text: value + ' ', color: (!((primary = !primary)) ? 'gold' : 'yellow'), clickEvent: { action: 'suggest_command', value: `${prefix}music ${isFile ? 'play' : 'list'} ${path.join(args.slice(1).join(' '), value)}` }, hoverEvent: { action: 'show_text', contents: [ { text: 'Name: ', color: 'white' }, { text: value, color: 'gold' }, '\n', { text: 'Click here to suggest the command!', color: 'green' } ] } }) }; bot.tellraw(message) } catch (e) { bot.tellraw({ text: e.toString(), color: 'red' }) } }; module.exports = { name: 'music', description: 'Plays music usages:play , stop, loop list [directory], skip nowplaying queue', aliases: [], trustLevel: 0, /* usage: [ 'play ', 'stop', 'loop ', 'list [directory]', 'skip', 'nowplaying', 'queue' ],*/ execute (context, selector, config) { const args = context.arguments const bot = context.bot const prefix = bot.options.commands.prefixes[0] if (!args && !args[0] && !args[1] && !args[2] && !args[3]) return switch (args[0]) { case 'play': case 'playurl': // deprecated if (args.slice(1).join(' ').startsWith('http')) { playUrl(bot, args.slice(1), false, null, selector, config) } else { play(bot, args.slice(1), false, null, selector, config) } break case 'stop': bot.tellraw({ text: 'Cleared the song queue' }) bot.music.stop() break case 'skip': try { bot.tellraw([{ text: 'Skipping ' }, { text: bot.music.song.name, color: 'gold' }]) bot.music.skip() } catch (e) { throw new CommandError('No music is currently playing!') } break case 'loop': switch (args[1]) { case 'off': bot.music.loop = 0 bot.tellraw([ { text: 'Looping is now ' }, { text: 'disabled', color: 'red' } ]) break case 'current': bot.music.loop = 1 bot.tellraw([ { text: 'Now Looping ' }, { text: song.name, color: 'gold' } ]) break case 'all': bot.music.loop = 2 bot.tellraw({ text: 'Now looping every song' }) break default: throw new SyntaxError('Invalid argument') } break case 'list': list(bot, false, null, prefix, selector, args, config) break case 'nowplaying': bot.tellraw([ { text: 'Now playing ' }, { text: bot.music.song.name, color: 'gold' } ]) break case 'queue': const queueWithName = [] for (const song of bot.music.queue) queueWithName.push(song.name) bot.tellraw([ { text: 'Queue: ', color: 'green' }, { text: queueWithName.join(', '), color: 'aqua' } ]) break default: throw new CommandError('Invalid argument') } } }