function inject (bot, dcclient, config) { let vanish = false let nickname = true let socialspy = false let cspy = false let prefix = false let op = false let gameMode = 1 let muted = false bot.on('message', (data) => { if (data.toString() === 'You are now completely invisible to normal users, and hidden from in-game commands.') vanish = true if (!bot.visibility && data.toString() === `Vanish for ${bot.username}: disabled`) vanish = false if (data.toString() === 'You no longer have a nickname.') nickname = true if (data.toString().startsWith('Your nickname is now ')) nickname = false if (data.toString() === `SocialSpy for ${bot.username}: enabled`) socialspy = true if (data.toString() === `SocialSpy for ${bot.username}: disabled`) socialspy = false if (data.toString().startsWith('You have been muted')) muted = true if (data.toString() === 'You have been unmuted.') muted = false if (data.toString() === 'Successfully enabled CommandSpy' || data.toString() === ' Enabled your command spy.' || data.toString() === ' Your command spy is already enabled.') cspy = true if (data.toString() === 'Successfully disabled CommandSpy' || data.toString() === ' Disabled your command spy.') cspy = false if (data.toString() === 'You now have the tag: [ChomeNS Bot]' || // for 1.19.2 (or 1.19?) and older clones data.toString() === 'You now have the tag: &8[&eChomeNS Bot&8]' ) { prefix = true return } if (data.toString().startsWith('You no longer have a tag')) prefix = false if (data.toString().startsWith('You now have the tag: ')) prefix = false }) bot._client.on('entity_status', (data) => { if (data.entityId !== bot.entityId) return switch (data.entityStatus) { case 24: op = false bot.emit('deop') break case 28: op = true bot.emit('op') break } bot.emit('entity_status', data) }) bot._client.on('game_state_change', (data) => { if (data.reason === 4 && config.self_care.endCredits) bot.write('client_command', { payload: 0 }) if (data.reason !== 3) return gameMode = data.gameMode }) bot._client.on('login', (data) => { gameMode = data.gameMode }) const interval = setInterval(() => { if (bot.options.kaboom) { if (!prefix && config.self_care.prefix)'/extras:prefix &8[&eChomeNS Bot&8]') if (!op && config.self_care.op)'/minecraft:op @s[type=player]') if (!cspy && config.self_care.cspy)'/commandspy:commandspy on') } if (!vanish && config.self_care.vanish)'/essentials:vanish enable') //if (!socialspy && config.self_care.socialspy)'/essentials:socialspy enable') if (!nickname && config.self_care.nickname)'/essentials:nickname off') if (gameMode !== 1 && config.self_care.gamemode)'/minecraft:gamemode creative @s[type=player]') if (muted && config.self_care.mute)'/essentials:mute ' + bot.uuid) }, config.self_care_check_interval) bot.on('end', () => { clearInterval(interval) }) }; module.exports = { inject }