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2024-07-07 15:44:16 -04:00
// TODO: Maybe add more authors
const bots = [
name: { text: 'HBot', color: 'aqua', bold:true },
authors: ['hhhzzzsss'],
foundation: 'java/mcprotocollib',
prefixes: ['#']
name: [{ text: 'Evil', color: 'dark_red' }, {text:'Bot', color:'dark_purple'}],
authors: ['FusseligerDev'],
foundation: 'Java/Custom',
prefixes: ['!']
name: { text: 'SBot Java', color: 'white', bold:true }, // TODO: Gradient
authors: ['evkc'],
foundation: 'Java/MCProtocolLib',
prefixes: [':']
name: { text: 'SBot Rust', color: 'white', bold:true }, // TODO: Gradient
authors: ['evkc'],
foundation: 'Rust',
prefixes: ['re:']
name: { text: 'Z-Boy-Bot', color: 'dark_purple' }, // TODO: Gradient
exclaimer: 'Most likely skidded along with kbot that the dev used',
authors: ['Romnci'],
foundation: 'NodeJS/mineflayer or Java/mcprotocollib idfk',
prefixes: ['Z]']
name: { text: 'ABot', color: 'gold', bold:true }, // TODO: Gradient
exclaimer: '',
authors: ['yfd'],
foundation: 'NodeJS/Node-Minecraft-Protocol',
prefixes: ['<']
name: { text: 'FardBot', color: 'dark_purple' },
authors: ['_yfd'],
exclaimer: 'bot is dead lol',
foundation: 'NodeJS/Mineflayer',
prefixes: ['<']
name: { text: 'ChipmunkBot', color: 'green' },
authors: ['_ChipMC_'],
exclaimer: 'chips? also shoutout to chip and chayapak for helping in the rewrite',
foundation: 'Java/MCProtocolLib',
prefixes: ["'", "/'"]
name: { text: 'ChipmunkBot Old', color: 'green' },
authors: ['_ChipMC_'],
foundation: 'NodeJS/Node-Minecraft-Protocol',
name: { text: 'TestBot', color: 'aqua' },
authors: ['Blackilykat'],
foundation: 'Java/MCProtocolLib',
prefixes: ["-"]
name: { text: 'UBot', color: 'grey' },
authors: ['HexWoman'],
exclaimer: 'UwU OwO',
foundation: 'NodeJS/node-minecraft-protocol',
prefixes: ['"']
name: { text: 'ChomeNS Bot Java', color: 'yellow'},
authors: ['chayapak'],
exclaimer: 'wow its my bot !! ! 4374621q43567%^&#%67868-- chayapak',
foundation: 'Java/MCProtocolLib',
prefixes: ['*', 'cbot ', '/cbot ']
name: { text: 'ChomeNS Bot NodeJS', color: 'yellow'},
authors: ['chayapak'],
foundation: 'NodeJS/Node-Minecraft-Protocol',
prefixes: ['*', 'cbot', '/cbot']
name: { text: 'RecycleBot', color: 'dark_green'},
foundation: ['MorganAnkan'],
exclaimer: 'nice bot',
language: 'NodeJS/node-minecraft-protocol',
prefixes: ['=']
name: { text: 'ManBot', color: 'dark_green' , },
exclaimer: '(more like men bot :skull:) OH HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIILL LOGINTIMEDOUT',
authors: ['Man/LogintimedOut'],
foundation: 'NodeJS/mineflayer',
prefixes: ['(Note:I dont remember!!)']
name: [{ text: 'Useless', color: 'red', bold:false}, { text: 'Bot', color: 'gray', bold:false}],
exclaimer: 'it isnt useless its a good bot................',
authors: ['IuCC'],
foundation: 'NodeJS/node-minecraft-protocol',
prefixes: ['[']
name: [{ text: 'Blurry', color: 'dark_purple'}, { text: 'Bot', color: 'red' }],
exclaimer: '',
authors: ['SirLennox'],
foundation: 'Java/custom',
prefixes: [',']
name: [{ text: 'KittyCorp', color: 'yellow' }, { text: 'Bot', color: 'yellow' }],
exclaimer: '3 words ginlang is gay',
authors: ['ginlang , G6_, ArrayBuffer, and i guess more??'],
foundation: 'NodeJS/node-minecraft-protocol',
prefixes: ['^']
name: [{ text:'FNF', color: 'dark_purple', bold: true}, {text:'Boyfriend', color: 'aqua', bold:true}, {text:'Bot', color:'dark_red', bold:true}, {text:'X', color:'black', bold:true}],
authors: [{ text:'Parker2991', color: 'dark_red'}, {text:' _ChipMC_', color: 'dark_green', bold:true}, {text:' chayapak', color:'yellow', bold:true}],
exclaimer: '4.0 (this Bot) also the Ultimate version of the FNFBoyfriendBot Builds',
foundation: 'NodeJS/node-minecraft-protocol',
prefixes: ['~']
name: [{ text:'FNF', color: 'dark_purple', bold: true}, {text:'Boyfriend', color: 'aqua', bold:true}, {text:'Bot', color:'dark_red', bold:true}, {text:' Legacy', color:'green', bold:true}],
authors: [{text:'Parker2991', color:'dark_red' }, {text:' _ChipMC_', color:'dark_green', bold:true }],
exclaimer:'1037 LINES OF CODE WTFARD!??! also this version is in console commands only' ,
foundation: 'NodeJS/mineflayer',
prefixes: []
module.exports = {
name: 'bots',
trustLevel: 0,
aliases: [
description: 'A list of known bots',
usages: [
execute (context) {
const query = context.arguments.join(' ').toLowerCase()
const source = context.source;
const bot =;
if (query.length === 0) {
const list = []
for (const info of bots) {
if (list.length !== 0) list.push({ text: ', ', color: 'gray' })
bot.tellraw(`@a[name="${source?.player?.profile?.name}"]`, ['Known bots (', bots.length, ') - ', ...list], false)
for (const info of bots) {
const plainName = String(
if (plainName.includes(query)) this.sendBotInfo(info,
sendBotInfo (info, bot) {
const component = ['']
component.push('Name: ',
if (info.exclaimer) component.push('\n', 'Exclaimer: ', info.exclaimer)
if (info.authors && info.authors.length !== 0) {
component.push('\n', 'Authors: ')
for (const author of info.authors) {
component.push(author, { text: ', ', color: 'gray' })
if ( component.push('\n', 'Foundation: ',
if (info.prefixes && info.prefixes.length !== 0) {
component.push('\n', 'Prefixes: ')
for (const prefix of info.prefixes) {
component.push(prefix, { text: ', ', color: 'gray' })
bot.tellraw(`@a[name="${source?.player?.profile?.name}"]`, [component])
}//it doing it just for the ones i added lol
// prob a replit moment, it probably thinks there are regexes in the strings