i509VCB 79b23bee5b
Entity Events v1 (#957)
* Entity Events v1.

First up is an event fired after a living entity is damaged. All vanilla living entities except armor stands work with this event.

* Events related to killing of entities, changing world, player respawn/copyFrom

Death related:
an entity killing something and an entity being killed by an adversary

Player related:
After respawn, copy to

* Adversary stuff isn't needed

* checkstyle again

* Call AFTER_KILLED_OTHER on a ServerPlayerEntity upon death.

* Add event which is fired when a player first joined a server and add functional interface annotations

* Update build.gradle

* mispelled

* Some renames, test events, drop damage event

Damage events need further consideration in future

* Comments and null check

* Update for mappings

* Warning comment

* Remove first join event and teleport helper

First join does not work atm and teleport is in dimensions pr

* Module dependencies

* Javadoc tweaks

* The serverening
2020-12-30 16:43:22 +00:00

56 lines
1.6 KiB

pluginManagement {
repositories {
maven {
name = 'Fabric'
url = 'https://maven.fabricmc.net/'
rootProject.name = "fabric-api"
include 'fabric-api-base'
include 'fabric-biome-api-v1'
include 'fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1'
include 'fabric-commands-v0'
include 'fabric-command-api-v1'
include 'fabric-containers-v0'
include 'fabric-content-registries-v0'
include 'fabric-crash-report-info-v1'
include 'fabric-dimensions-v1'
include 'fabric-entity-events-v1'
include 'fabric-events-interaction-v0'
include 'fabric-events-lifecycle-v0'
include 'fabric-game-rule-api-v1'
include 'fabric-item-api-v1'
include 'fabric-item-groups-v0'
include 'fabric-keybindings-v0'
include 'fabric-key-binding-api-v1'
include 'fabric-lifecycle-events-v1'
include 'fabric-loot-tables-v1'
include 'fabric-mining-levels-v0'
include 'fabric-models-v0'
include 'fabric-networking-v0'
include 'fabric-networking-api-v1'
include 'fabric-networking-blockentity-v0'
include 'fabric-object-builder-api-v1'
include 'fabric-object-builders-v0'
include 'fabric-particles-v1'
include 'fabric-registry-sync-v0'
include 'fabric-renderer-api-v1'
include 'fabric-renderer-indigo'
include 'fabric-renderer-registries-v1'
include 'fabric-rendering-v0'
include 'fabric-rendering-v1'
include 'fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1'
include 'fabric-rendering-fluids-v1'
include 'fabric-resource-loader-v0'
include 'fabric-screen-handler-api-v1'
include 'fabric-structure-api-v1'
include 'fabric-tag-extensions-v0'
include 'fabric-textures-v0'
include 'fabric-tool-attribute-api-v1'