# Fabric Lifecycle Events (V1) Contains events which indicate when the lifecycle of a Minecraft client, Minecraft server and the lifecycle objects which exist on the client and server has changed. ## Organization Events in this module belong to a single class which relates to the category of events. The event callbacks to be implemented are nested classes within. For example, if you are listening to `ServerLifecycleEvents.SERVER_STARTING` in `ServerLifecycleEvents` the callback interface that would be implemented is `ServerLifecycleEvents.ServerStarting`. # Server Events Events related to objects on a logical server. These classes are located in `net.fabricmc.fabric.api.event.lifecycle.v1`. ## `ServerLifecycleEvents` Contains lifecycle events related to a Minecraft server. This includes events which indicate when a server is starting up, is in a data pack reload or shutting down. ## `ServerTickEvents` Contains events related to the ticking of a Minecraft server. There are events that indicate the beginning and end of the tick for the server and each `ServerWorld`. ## `ServerWorldEvents` Events related to the lifecycle a `ServerWorld`. Currently, this contains events related to loading and unloading `ServerWorld`s. ## `ServerChunkEvents` Events related to the lifecycle of chunks in a `ServerWorld`. Currently, this contains events related to loading and unloading chunks in a `ServerWorld`. ## `ServerEntityEvents` Events related to the lifecycle of entities in a `ServerWorld`. Currently, this only contains an event for an entity being loaded into a `ServerWorld`. The unload event has not been implemented yet. ## `ServerBlockEntityEvents` Events related to the lifecycle of block entities in a `ServerWorld`. Currently, this contains events related to loading and unloading block entities in a `ServerWorld`. # Client Events Events related to objects on a logical client. These classes are located in `net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.event.lifecycle.v1`. **Note: These events are only available on a client. Trying to access these events on a dedicated server will cause the game to crash.** ## `ClientLifecycleEvents` Events related to the lifecycle of a Minecraft client. Currently, this contains events related to when the Minecraft Client is starting or stopping. ## `ClientTickEvents` Events related to ticking of a Minecraft client. There are events that indicate the beginning and end of the tick for the client and the `ClientWorld` if in game. ## `ClientWorldEvents` Events related to the lifecycle a `ClientWorld`. Currently, this contains an event which is called after `ClientWorld` has been changed. ## `ClientChunkEvents` Events related to the lifecycle of chunks on a Minecraft client. Currently, this contains events related to loading and unloading chunks in a `ClientWorld`. ## `ClientEntityEvents` Events related to the lifecycle of entities in a `ClientWorld`. Currently, this contains event for an entity being loaded into a `ClientWorld`. ## `ClientBlockEntityEvents` Events related to the lifecycle of block entities in a `ClientWorld`. Currently, this contains events related to loading and unloading block entities in a `ClientWorld`.