# Breaking changes
- `VillagerPlantableRegistry` replaced with `ItemTags.VILLAGER_PLANTABLE_SEEDS`
- `FabricItemGroup.builder()` no longer takes an `Identifier`
- `FabricItemGroup.build()` no longer registers the ItemGroup, this now needs to go in the vanilla registry.
- `ItemGroupEvents.modifyEntriesEvent` now takes a `RegistryKey<ItemGroup>` in place of an `Identifier`
- `FabricLanguageProvider` now takes a `RegistryKey<ItemGroup>` in place of an `ItemGroup`
- `IdentifiableItemGroup` removed, replaced with vanilla registries.
- `FabricMaterialBuilder` removed, no replacement.
- `HudRenderCallback.onHudRender` now passed a `DrawableHelper` in place of `MatrixStack`
- `ScreenEvents.beforeRender` now passed a `DrawableHelper` in place of `MatrixStack`
- `ScreenEvents.afterRender` now passed a `DrawableHelper` in place of `MatrixStack`
- `Screens.getItemRenderer()` removed. Replace with `MinecraftClient.getItemRenderer()`
`DrawableHelper` is likely to be renamed soon, see: https://github.com/FabricMC/yarn/pull/3548/
* Fix item group being missing when Operator Tab is hidden
* Do not modify special item groups
* Mark impl as internal
* Select the modded tab after switching tabs
* Allow adding items to Operator Blocks