
425 lines
9.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-07-01 13:58:47 -04:00
buildscript {
dependencies {
classpath 'org.kohsuke:github-api:1.114'
plugins {
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
id "java-library"
id "eclipse"
id "idea"
id "maven-publish"
id "fabric-loom" version "0.9.50" apply false
id "org.cadixdev.licenser" version "0.6.1"
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
id "org.ajoberstar.grgit" version "3.1.0"
id "com.matthewprenger.cursegradle" version "1.4.0"
id "com.modrinth.minotaur" version "1.1.0"
def ENV = System.getenv()
class Globals {
2021-08-25 15:05:23 -04:00
static def baseVersion = "0.39.2"
2021-07-12 14:25:45 -04:00
static def mcVersion = "1.17.1"
static def yarnVersion = "+build.46"
static def loaderVersion = "0.11.6"
2021-07-12 14:25:45 -04:00
static def preRelease = false
version = Globals.baseVersion + "+" + (ENV.GITHUB_RUN_NUMBER ? "" : "local-") + getBranch()
2020-04-05 10:51:59 -04:00
logger.lifecycle("Building Fabric: " + version)
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils
def getSubprojectVersion(project, version) {
if (grgit == null) {
return version + "+nogit"
2021-04-14 13:35:48 -04:00
def latestCommits = grgit.log(paths: [project.name], maxCommits: 1)
if (latestCommits.isEmpty()) {
return version + "+uncommited"
return version + "+" + latestCommits.get(0).id.substring(0, 8) + DigestUtils.sha256Hex(Globals.mcVersion).substring(0, 2)
def getBranch() {
def ENV = System.getenv()
def branch = ENV.GITHUB_REF
2019-08-27 15:40:07 -04:00
return branch.substring(branch.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
2019-08-27 15:26:27 -04:00
if (grgit == null) {
return "unknown"
def branch = grgit.branch.current().name
return branch.substring(branch.lastIndexOf("/") + 1)
def moduleDependencies(project, List<String> depNames) {
def deps = depNames.iterator().collect { project.dependencies.project(path: ":$it", configuration: 'dev') }
project.dependencies {
deps.each {
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
api it
project.publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
pom.withXml {
def depsNode = asNode().appendNode("dependencies")
deps.each {
def depNode = depsNode.appendNode("dependency")
depNode.appendNode("groupId", it.group)
depNode.appendNode("artifactId", it.name)
depNode.appendNode("version", it.version)
depNode.appendNode("scope", "compile")
allprojects {
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
apply plugin: "java-library"
apply plugin: "checkstyle"
apply plugin: "maven-publish"
apply plugin: "fabric-loom"
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
apply plugin: "org.cadixdev.licenser"
2018-12-14 13:48:37 -05:00
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
it.options.release = 16
2019-04-24 13:15:08 -04:00
group = "net.fabricmc.fabric-api"
2020-05-03 12:56:50 -04:00
sourceSets {
testmod {
compileClasspath += main.compileClasspath
runtimeClasspath += main.runtimeClasspath
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
loom {
runs {
testmodClient {
ideConfigGenerated project.rootProject == project
name = "Testmod Client"
source sourceSets.testmod
testmodServer {
ideConfigGenerated project.rootProject == project
name = "Testmod Server"
source sourceSets.testmod
dependencies {
minecraft "com.mojang:minecraft:$Globals.mcVersion"
mappings "net.fabricmc:yarn:${Globals.mcVersion}${Globals.yarnVersion}:v2"
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
modApi "net.fabricmc:fabric-loader:${Globals.loaderVersion}"
2018-12-09 11:47:35 -05:00
configurations {
loom {
shareRemapCaches = true
repositories {
2019-07-24 17:07:45 -04:00
jar {
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
archiveClassifier = "dev"
2019-07-24 17:07:45 -04:00
afterEvaluate {
2019-07-24 17:07:45 -04:00
remapJar {
input = file("${project.buildDir}/libs/$archivesBaseName-${project.version}-dev.jar")
archiveFileName = "${archivesBaseName}-${project.version}.jar"
2019-07-24 17:07:45 -04:00
artifacts {
dev file: file("${project.buildDir}/libs/$archivesBaseName-${project.version}-dev.jar"), type: "jar", builtBy: jar
processResources {
inputs.property "version", project.version
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
filesMatching("fabric.mod.json") {
expand "version": project.version
license {
header rootProject.file("HEADER")
include "**/*.java"
task sourcesJar(type: Jar, dependsOn: classes) {
archiveClassifier = "sources"
from sourceSets.main.allSource
checkstyle {
configFile = rootProject.file("checkstyle.xml")
Fabric Transfer API: "fluid only" edition (#1356) * Original fluid API design * Rework the transaction system * First javadoc pass * Add a testmod, a base implementation for fluid storages and fix some little bugs * Fix checkstyle * Make Movement#move extract from the view and not the whole Storage * Document and update FluidPreconditions * Use for-each in CombinedStorage and document a little * Remove useless overrides in Insertion/ExtractionOnlyStorage * Move SnapshotParticipant#snapshots to the top of the class, and make updateSnapshots public * Fix garbage collection of unused CauldronWrappers * Use ArrayList directly * Remove locking, reorganize transaction implementation, and add outer close callback * Add more javadoc * Rework Storage#forEach into Storage#iterator * Add a few missing `transaction.addCloseCallback(iterator)` * Add anyView(), exactView(), capacity() and isEmpty() * Add Storage#iterable to make iteration friendlier to for loops * Storages may now have multiple open iterators Co-authored-by: Devan-Kerman <dev.sel20@gmail.com> * Make CombinedStorage#supportsInsertion/Extraction iterate through the parts * Block updates should be used when the supportsInsertion/Extraction status changes * Fluid -> FluidKey * Remove all references to ItemKey inside FluidKey, and other minor tweaks * Cache FluidKeys with a null tag inside Fluid directly * Fluid unit convention * Add FluidKeyRendering and RenderHandler * Bump version for more testing (also published to my maven) * Add SingleViewIterator, massively reduce code duplication! * Make API experimental, and add README * Bump version * Apparently Fluids.EMPTY is flowing * Add package info * Minor adjustements * 1.17 port, cauldron support, add ResourceKey * Checkstyle, gas rendering, use record for ResourceAmount * Add a few helpers, rename some stuff * Remove anyView, allow nullable in StorageUtil#find*, fix missing try block * Slight findStoredResource cleanup * Slightly improve implementation * Bump version * Fix wrong transaction * I wrote in a comment that this could happen... * Fix SingleFluidStorage bugs, add tests in the testmod, add testmod assets * Add extract stick * Rename a few things * `ResourceKey<T>` -> `TransferKey<O>` * `ResourceKey#getResource()` -> `TransferKey#getObject()` as resource is already widely used through the API for the keys themselves. * `tag` -> `nbt` * Add `get` prefixes to `StorageView` functions * Bump version * FluidKey -> FluidVariant * Bump version * Expand getVersion() documentation, make it thread-safe and use long. Co-authored-by: Player <player@player.to> * empty resource -> blank resource, and update SingleFluidStorage Co-authored-by: Player <player@player.to> * Make CauldronFluidContent a final class instead of a record. Co-authored-by: Player <player@player.to> * Get rid of CauldronFluidContent#minLevel (was always 1) * Fix nested commits. (Thanks @warjort!) * Separate Transaction and TransactionContext Co-authored-by: Devan-Kerman <dev.sel20@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: Player <player@player.to> * Change WorldLocation into a private record * Bump version * Guard against exceptions thrown in close callbacks * Make sure blank fluid variants don't have a tag * Add documentation, make CauldronStorage clearer Co-authored-by: frqnny <45723631+frqnny@users.noreply.github.com> * Allow null storages in StorageUtil#move, and clarify sidedness of FluidStorage * Add explicit hashCode and equals for transfer variants * Remove ugly equals and hashCode overrides, and add constant time hashcode spec Co-authored-by: Devan-Kerman <dev.sel20@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: liach <liach@users.noreply.github.com> Co-authored-by: Player <player@player.to> Co-authored-by: frqnny <45723631+frqnny@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-07-12 13:28:33 -04:00
toolVersion = "8.43"
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
tasks.withType(AbstractArchiveTask) {
preserveFileTimestamps = false
reproducibleFileOrder = true
// Apply auxiliary buildscripts to submodules
// This must be done after all plugins are applied to subprojects
apply from: "gradle/module-validation.gradle"
javadoc {
options {
2021-07-12 14:25:45 -04:00
source = "16"
encoding = "UTF-8"
charSet = "UTF-8"
memberLevel = JavadocMemberLevel.PACKAGE
// Need to add minecraft jd publication etc once there is one available
// Disable the crazy super-strict doclint tool in Java 8
addStringOption("Xdoclint:none", "-quiet")
allprojects.each {
classpath = sourceSets.main.compileClasspath
failOnError false
2018-12-22 10:21:31 -05:00
task javadocJar(type: Jar) {
dependsOn javadoc
from javadoc.destinationDir
//Set as `fatjavadoc` to prevent an ide form trying to use this javadoc, over using the modules javadoc
archiveClassifier = "fatjavadoc"
build.dependsOn javadocJar
// Runs a dedicated headless server with all test mods that closes once complete.
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
loom {
runs {
autoTestServer {
inherit testmodServer
vmArg "-Dfabric.autoTest"
subprojects {
2020-05-03 12:56:50 -04:00
dependencies {
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
testmodImplementation sourceSets.main.output
2020-05-03 12:56:50 -04:00
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
2020-04-05 10:51:59 -04:00
afterEvaluate {
artifact(remapJar) {
builtBy remapJar
2020-04-05 10:51:59 -04:00
2020-04-05 10:51:59 -04:00
artifact(sourcesJar) {
builtBy remapSourcesJar
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
2019-07-24 17:07:45 -04:00
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
javadoc.enabled = false
task remapMavenJar(type: net.fabricmc.loom.task.RemapJarTask, dependsOn: jar) {
input = jar.archiveFile
archiveFileName = "${archivesBaseName}-${project.version}-maven.jar"
addNestedDependencies = false
build.dependsOn remapMavenJar
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifact(remapMavenJar) {
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
builtBy remapMavenJar
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
artifact(sourcesJar) {
builtBy remapSourcesJar
artifact javadocJar
pom.withXml {
def depsNode = asNode().appendNode("dependencies")
subprojects.each {
def depNode = depsNode.appendNode("dependency")
depNode.appendNode("groupId", it.group)
depNode.appendNode("artifactId", it.name)
2019-05-17 10:20:37 -04:00
depNode.appendNode("version", it.version)
depNode.appendNode("scope", "compile")
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
void setupRepositories(RepositoryHandler repositories) {
//repositories.mavenLocal() // uncomment for testing
def ENV = System.getenv()
repositories.maven {
credentials {
2019-04-23 19:14:43 -04:00
task licenseFormatAll
subprojects { p -> licenseFormatAll.dependsOn("${p.path}:licenseFormat") }
subprojects.each { remapJar.dependsOn("${it.path}:remapJar") }
2020-05-03 12:56:50 -04:00
sourceSets {
// These modules are not included in the fat jar, maven will resolve them via the pom.
def devOnlyModules = [
dependencies {
afterEvaluate {
subprojects.each {
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
api project(path: ":${it.name}", configuration: "dev")
if (!(it.name in devOnlyModules)) {
include project("${it.name}:")
2020-05-03 12:56:50 -04:00
2021-05-12 15:23:04 -04:00
testmodImplementation project("${it.name}:").sourceSets.testmod.output
2019-05-11 18:00:57 -04:00
curseforge {
2019-05-11 18:00:57 -04:00
2019-05-11 18:00:57 -04:00
project {
id = "306612"
2021-07-23 12:05:52 -04:00
changelog = ENV.CHANGELOG ?: "No changelog provided"
releaseType = Globals.preRelease ? "beta" : "release"
2021-07-12 14:25:45 -04:00
addGameVersion "1.17.1"
addGameVersion "Fabric"
2019-05-11 18:00:57 -04:00
mainArtifact(file("${project.buildDir}/libs/${archivesBaseName}-${version}.jar")) {
2020-11-05 13:42:17 -05:00
displayName = "[$Globals.mcVersion] Fabric API $Globals.baseVersion"
2019-05-11 18:00:57 -04:00
2019-05-11 18:00:57 -04:00
afterEvaluate {
options {
2019-05-11 18:00:57 -04:00
forgeGradleIntegration = false
2018-12-14 13:48:37 -05:00
2020-07-01 13:58:47 -04:00
import org.kohsuke.github.GHReleaseBuilder
import org.kohsuke.github.GitHub
task github(dependsOn: remapMavenJar) {
onlyIf {
2020-07-01 13:58:47 -04:00
2020-07-01 13:58:47 -04:00
doLast {
def github = GitHub.connectUsingOAuth(ENV.GITHUB_TOKEN as String)
def repository = github.getRepository(ENV.GITHUB_REPOSITORY)
2020-07-01 13:58:47 -04:00
def releaseBuilder = new GHReleaseBuilder(repository, version as String)
2020-11-05 13:53:10 -05:00
releaseBuilder.name("[$Globals.mcVersion] Fabric API $Globals.baseVersion")
2021-07-23 12:05:52 -04:00
releaseBuilder.body(ENV.CHANGELOG ?: "No changelog provided")
2020-07-01 13:58:47 -04:00
2020-07-01 13:58:47 -04:00
def ghRelease = releaseBuilder.create()
ghRelease.uploadAsset(file("${project.buildDir}/libs/${archivesBaseName}-${version}.jar"), "application/java-archive");
task modrinth(type: com.modrinth.minotaur.TaskModrinthUpload, dependsOn: remapMavenJar) {
onlyIf {
projectId = "P7dR8mSH"
versionNumber = version
versionName = "[$Globals.mcVersion] Fabric API $Globals.baseVersion"
releaseType = Globals.preRelease ? "beta" : "release"
2021-07-23 12:05:52 -04:00
changelog = ENV.CHANGELOG ?: "No changelog provided"
uploadFile = file("${project.buildDir}/libs/${archivesBaseName}-${version}.jar")
// A task to ensure that the version being released has not already been released.
task checkVersion {
doFirst {
def xml = new URL("https://maven.fabricmc.net/net/fabricmc/fabric-api/fabric-api/maven-metadata.xml").text
def metadata = new XmlSlurper().parseText(xml)
def versions = metadata.versioning.versions.version*.text();
if (versions.contains(version)) {
throw new RuntimeException("${version} has already been released!")
github.mustRunAfter checkVersion
modrinth.mustRunAfter checkVersion
publish.mustRunAfter checkVersion
project.tasks.curseforge.mustRunAfter checkVersion