2019-10-26 22:39:47 -04:00
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE module PUBLIC "-//Puppy Crawl//DTD Check Configuration 1.2//EN" "http://www.puppycrawl.com/dtds/configuration_1_2.dtd">
<module name= "Checker" >
<property name= "charset" value= "UTF-8" />
<property name= "fileExtensions" value= "java" />
<module name= "NewlineAtEndOfFile" />
<!-- disallow trailing whitespace -->
<module name= "RegexpSingleline" >
<property name= "format" value= "\s+$" />
<property name= "message" value= "trailing whitespace" />
<!-- note: RegexpMultiline shows nicer messages than Regexp, but has to be outside TreeWalker -->
<!-- disallow multiple consecutive blank lines -->
<module name= "RegexpMultiline" >
2019-11-13 12:45:18 -05:00
<property name= "format" value= "\n[\t ]*\r?\n[\t ]*\r?\n" />
2019-10-26 22:39:47 -04:00
<property name= "message" value= "adjacent blank lines" />
<!-- disallow blank after { -->
<module name= "RegexpMultiline" >
2019-11-13 12:45:18 -05:00
<property name= "format" value= "\{[\t ]*\r?\n[\t ]*\r?\n" />
2019-10-26 22:39:47 -04:00
<property name= "message" value= "blank line after '{'" />
<!-- disallow blank before } -->
<module name= "RegexpMultiline" >
2019-11-13 12:45:18 -05:00
<property name= "format" value= "\n[\t ]*\r?\n[\t ]*\}" />
2019-10-26 22:39:47 -04:00
<property name= "message" value= "blank line before '}'" />
<!-- require blank before { in the same indentation level -->
<module name= "RegexpMultiline" >
<!-- the regex works as follows:
It matches (=fails) for \n<indentation > <something > \n<same i n d e n t a t i o n > <control s t a t e m e n t > [...]{\n
while <something > is a single line comment, it'll look for a blank line one line earlier
if <something > is a space, indicating a formatting error or ' */', it'll ignore the instance
if <something > is a tab, indicating a continued line, it'll ignore the instance
<control s t a t e m e n t > is 'if', 'do', 'while', 'for', 'try' or nothing (instance initializer block)
- first \n: with positive lookbehind (?< =\n) to move the error marker to a more reasonable place
- capture tabs for <indentation > , later referenced via \1
- remaining preceding line as a non-comment (doesn't start with '/', '//', ' ' or '\t') or multiple lines where all but the first are a single line comment with the same indentation
- new line
- <indentation > as captured earlier
- <control s t a t e m e n t > as specified above
- { before the next new line -->
2019-11-13 12:45:18 -05:00
<property name= "format" value= "(?<=\n)([\t]+)(?:[^/\r\n \t][^\r\n]*|/[^/\r\n][^\r\n]*|[^/\r\n][^\r\n]*(\r?\n\1//[^\r\n]*)+)\r?\n\1(|(if|do|while|for|try)[^\r\n]+)\{[\t ]*\r?\n" />
2019-10-26 22:39:47 -04:00
<property name= "message" value= "missing blank line before block at same indentation level" />
<!-- require blank after } in the same indentation level -->
<module name= "RegexpMultiline" >
<!-- \n<indentation>}\n<same indentation><whatever unless newline, '}' or starting with cas(e) or def(ault)> -->
2019-11-13 12:45:18 -05:00
<property name= "format" value= "(?<=\n)([\t]+)\}\r?\n\1(?:[^\r\n\}cd]|c[^\r\na]|ca[^\r\ns]|d[^\r\ne]|de[^\r\nf])" />
2019-10-26 22:39:47 -04:00
<property name= "message" value= "missing blank line after block at same indentation level" />
<module name= "TreeWalker" >
<!-- Ensure all imports are ship shape -->
<module name= "AvoidStarImport" />
<module name= "IllegalImport" />
<module name= "RedundantImport" />
<module name= "UnusedImports" />
<module name= "ImportOrder" >
<property name= "groups" value= "java,javax,*,net.minecraft,net.fabricmc" />
<property name= "ordered" value= "false" /> <!-- the plugin orders alphabetically without considering separators.. -->
<property name= "separated" value= "true" />
<property name= "option" value= "top" />
<property name= "sortStaticImportsAlphabetically" value= "true" />
<!-- Ensures braces are at the end of a line -->
<module name= "LeftCurly" />
<module name= "RightCurly" />
<!-- single line statements on one line, -->
<module name= "NeedBraces" >
<property name= "tokens" value= "LITERAL_IF,LITERAL_FOR,LITERAL_WHILE" />
<property name= "allowSingleLineStatement" value= "true" />
<module name= "NeedBraces" >
<property name= "tokens" value= "LITERAL_ELSE,LITERAL_DO" />
<property name= "allowSingleLineStatement" value= "false" />
<module name= "EmptyLineSeparator" >
<property name= "allowNoEmptyLineBetweenFields" value= "true" />
<property name= "allowMultipleEmptyLines" value= "false" />
<!-- exclude METHOD_DEF and VARIABLE_DEF -->
<module name= "OperatorWrap" />
<module name= "SeparatorWrap" >
<property name= "tokens" value= "DOT,ELLIPSIS,AT" />
<property name= "option" value= "nl" />
<module name= "SeparatorWrap" >
<property name= "tokens" value= "COMMA,SEMI" />
<property name= "option" value= "eol" />
<module name= "Indentation" >
<property name= "basicOffset" value= "8" />
<property name= "caseIndent" value= "0" />
<property name= "throwsIndent" value= "8" />
<property name= "arrayInitIndent" value= "8" />
<property name= "lineWrappingIndentation" value= "16" />
<module name= "ParenPad" />
<module name= "NoWhitespaceBefore" />
<module name= "NoWhitespaceAfter" >
<!-- allow ARRAY_INIT -->
<module name= "WhitespaceAfter" />
<module name= "WhitespaceAround" >
<!-- Allow PLUS, MINUS, MUL, DIV as they may be more readable without spaces in some cases -->
<module name= "SingleSpaceSeparator" />
<module name= "GenericWhitespace" />
<module name= "CommentsIndentation" />
<module name= "ArrayTypeStyle" />
<module name= "DefaultComesLast" >
<property name= "skipIfLastAndSharedWithCase" value= "true" />
<module name= "SimplifyBooleanExpression" />
<module name= "SimplifyBooleanReturn" />
<module name= "StringLiteralEquality" />
<module name= "ModifierOrder" />
<module name= "RedundantModifier" />
<module name= "AnnotationLocation" />
<module name= "MissingOverride" />
<!-- By default this allows catch blocks with only comments -->
<module name= "EmptyCatchBlock" />
<!-- Enforce tabs -->
<module name= "RegexpSinglelineJava" >
<property name= "format" value= "^\t* ([^*]|\*[^ /])" />
<property name= "message" value= "non-tab indentation" />
<module name= "OuterTypeFilename" />
2019-11-03 14:14:45 -05:00
<module name= "PackageDeclaration" />
<module name= "PackageName" >
<!-- require a package following the following structure:
base package name: net.fabricmc.fabric
+ api/implementation/mixin subpackage: api/impl/mixin
+ client/dedicated server/common env subpackage: client/server/<nothing >
+ module name subpackage, singular, may contain multiple .-separated parts
+ api only: module major version with v prefix (e.g. v1)
+ other subpackages as needed, all singular
The regex works as follows:
It matches (=succeeds) for one of these cases:
- net.fabricmc.fabric.api.client.<module-name > .v<version > [.<extra p a c k a g e s . . . > ]
- net.fabricmc.fabric.api.server.<module-name > .v<version > [.<extra p a c k a g e s . . . > ]
- net.fabricmc.fabric.api.<module-name > .v<version > [.<extra p a c k a g e s . . . > ]
- net.fabricmc.fabric.(impl|mixin).client.<module-name > [.<extra p a c k a g e s . . . > ]
- net.fabricmc.fabric.(impl|mixin).server.<module-name > [.<extra p a c k a g e s . . . > ]
- net.fabricmc.fabric.(impl|mixin).<module-name > [.<extra p a c k a g e s . . . > ]
- <any l e g a c y p a c k a g e >
where <module-name > is a set of '.'-separated words, all in singular (not ending with s)
and <version > is a positive integer (1, 2, 3, ...)
and <extra p a c k a g e s . . . > is a set of '.'-separated words with all the first potentially containing digits.
Negative lookahead ensures that client/server can't be replaced with common disguised as the module name.
The regex is implemented in 3 parts:
- the net.fabricmc.fabric. prefix
- patterns for
- api packages: api + <not c o m m o n > + client/server/nothing + <module-name > + 'v' + <version >
- impl+mixin packages : impl/mixin + <not c o m m o n > + client/server/nothing + <module-name >
- literal legacy packages (exceptions)
- largely unconstained trailing subpackages
<property name= "format"
2019-10-26 22:39:47 -04:00
<!-- <module name="InvalidJavadocPosition"/> -->
<module name= "JavadocParagraph" />
<module name= "JavadocStyle" />
<module name= "AtclauseOrder" >
<property name= "tagOrder" value= "@param,@return,@throws,@deprecated" />