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synced 2024-11-27 09:35:35 -05:00
it is a ploblem for a very long time now also chip why yesterday chipmunk.land is completely down and why is chipmunk clone down!?1/?!! ip change?!? router ploblem?!?!
93 lines
4.4 KiB
93 lines
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const path = require('path')
const { EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js')
function inject (bot, dcclient, config) {
const loadFiles = require('../util/load_files')
const channeldc = dcclient.channels.cache.get(config.discord.servers[bot.server.host])
bot.command_handler = {}
bot.command_handler.commands = {}
bot.command_handler.reload = async function () {
bot.command_handler.commands = await loadFiles(path.join(__dirname, config.commandsDir))
bot.command_handler.main = function (prefix, username, message, sender, channeldc, hash, ownerhash, selector, proxy) {
let raw
let command
const discord = !!message.content
? raw = message.content.substring(prefix.length)
: raw = message.substring(prefix.length)
const [commandName, ...args] = raw.split(' ')
command = bot.command_handler.commands.find((command) => command.name === commandName.toLowerCase())
try {
const alias = bot.command_handler.commands.find((command) => command.alias.includes(commandName.toLowerCase()))
if (alias) command = bot.command_handler.commands.find((command) => command.alias.includes(commandName.toLowerCase()))
if (prefix === '*' && message.endsWith('*') && message !== '*') return
if (!command) throw new Error(`Unknown command: "${commandName}"`)
if (command.name !== 'validate' && command.trusted === 1) {
if (discord && !message.member?.roles?.cache?.some((role) => role.name === 'Trusted')) throw new Error('You\'re not in the trusted role!')
else if (!discord && args[0] !== hash) throw new Error('Invalid hash')
} else if (command.name !== 'validate' && command.trusted === 2) {
if (discord && !message.member?.roles?.cache?.some((role) => role.name === 'ChomeNS')) throw new Error('You\'re not in the owner of this bot!')
else if (!discord && args[0] !== ownerhash) throw new Error('Invalid OwnerHash')
if (prefix === config.discord.prefix) {
if (!command.discordExecute) throw new Error('This command is not yet supported on discord!')
command.discordExecute(bot, username, sender, prefix, args, channeldc, message, config)
} else {
command.execute(bot, username, sender, prefix, args, config, hash, ownerhash, selector, proxy)
} catch (e) {
if (prefix === config.discord.prefix) {
const Embed = new EmbedBuilder()
channeldc.send({ embeds: [Embed] })
} else {
bot.tellraw(selector, { text: String(e), color: 'red' })
bot.command_handler.run = function (username, message, sender, channeldc, hash, ownerhash, selector = '@a', proxy) {
for (const prefix of config.prefixes) {
if (!message.startsWith(prefix)) continue
bot.command_handler.main(prefix, username, message, sender, channeldc, hash, ownerhash, selector, proxy)
bot.on('chat', async (_username, _message) => {
const username = _username?.replace(/§.?/g, '')
const sender = bot.players.list.find((val) => val.name === username)?.UUID
const message = _message?.replace(/* /§r/g */ /§.?/g, '')/* .replace(/§/g, '') */
bot.command_handler.run(username, message, sender, channeldc, bot.hash, bot.ownerHash)
bot.on('cspy', async function (_username, _message) {
const username = _username.replace(/§.?/g, '')
const message = _message.replace(/§.?/g, '')
const sender = bot.players.list.find((val) => val.name === username)?.UUID
bot.command_handler.run(username, message, sender, channeldc, bot.hash, bot.ownerHash, username)
function handleDiscordMessages (message) {
try {
// ignores the message that comes from the bot itself
if (message.author.id === dcclient.user.id) return
// only receive messages in SPECIFIC channel
if (message.channel.id !== channeldc.id) return
if (!message.content.startsWith(config.discord.prefix)) return
bot.command_handler.main(config.discord.prefix, message.member.displayName, message, 'no sender for discord', channeldc)
} catch (e) {
bot.on('end', () => {
dcclient.off('messageCreate', handleDiscordMessages)
dcclient.on('messageCreate', handleDiscordMessages)
module.exports = { inject }