/* eslint-disable max-len */ module.exports = { name: 'netmsg', alias: ['networkmessage', 'irc'], description: 'Broadcasts a message to all of the servers that the bot is connected', usage: '', trusted: 0, execute: function(bot, username, usernameraw, sender, prefix, args, config) { const component = [ { text: '[', color: 'dark_gray', }, { text: bot.options.host === 'kitsune.icu' ? 'kit' : bot.options.host, color: 'gray', }, bot.options.host === 'kitsune.icu' ? { text: 'sune.icu', color: 'gray', } : '', { text: '] ', color: 'dark_gray', }, { text: username, color: 'gray', }, { text: ' \u203a ', color: 'dark_gray', }, { text: args.join(' '), color: 'gray', }, ]; const bots = bot.getBots(); bots.forEach((bot) => { bot.tellraw('@a', component); }); }, };