/* eslint-disable max-len */ bot.cloops = []; function add(command, interval, bot) { const id = setInterval(() => bot.core.run(command), interval); bot.cloops.push({id, interval, command}); } function remove(item) { clearInterval(bot.cloops[item].id); bot.cloops.splice(item, 1); } function clear() { for (const interval of bot.cloops) clearInterval(interval.id); bot.cloops = []; } function list(bot) { const message = []; message.push({text: 'Cloops:', color: 'green'}); message.push('\n'); for (const [id, cloop] of Object.entries(bot.cloops)) { message.push({text: id, color: 'aqua'}); message.push({text: ' > ', color: 'gold'}); message.push({text: cloop.command, color: 'green'}); message.push({text: ' - ', color: 'gold'}); message.push({text: cloop.interval, color: 'green'}); message.push('\n'); } message.pop(); bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify(message)); } module.exports = { name: 'cloop', alias: [], description: 'Loop commands', usage: '<hash> <add|remove|removeall|list> <interval|index> <command>', trusted: 1, execute: function(bot, username, usernameraw, sender, prefix, args) { if (args[1]==='add') { if (args[0]===bot.hash) { if (typeof args[3]!=='undefined') { // bot.cloopnumbers++; // bot.clooparr.push(args.slice(3).join(' ')); // eval(`bot.command${bot.cloopnumbers} = args.slice(3).join(' ')`); // eval(`bot.interval${bot.cloopnumbers} = args[2]`); // eval(`bot.cloop${bot.cloopnumbers} = setInterval(() => { bot.core.run(bot.command${bot.cloopnumbers}) }, bot.interval${bot.cloopnumbers})`); // eval(`bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ["",{"text":"Added command ","color":"white"},{"text":"' + bot.command${bot.cloopnumbers} + '","color":"aqua"},{"text":" with interval ","color":"white"},{"text":"' + bot.interval${bot.cloopnumbers} + '","color":"green"},{"text":" to the cloops","color":"white"}]')`); add(args.slice(3).join(' '), args[2], bot); bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify([{text: 'Added command ', color: 'white'}, {text: `${args.slice(3).join(' ')}`, color: 'aqua'}, {text: ' with interval ', color: 'white'}, {text: `${args[2]}`, color: 'green'}, {text: ' to the cloops', color: 'white'}])); } } else { throw new Error('Invalid hash'); } return; } if (args[1]==='list') { if (args[0]===bot.hash) { // bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify(['', {text: 'Cloops:'}])); // bot.clooparr.forEach((item, index) => { // bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify(['', {text: `${index}`, color: 'aqua'}, {text: ' > ', color: 'gold'}, {text: `${item}`, color: 'green'}])); // }); list(bot); } else { throw new Error('Invalid hash'); } return; } if (args[1]==='remove') { if (args[0]===bot.hash) { // eval(`if (typeof bot.cloop${Number(args[2])}==='undefined'){ throw new Error('Invalid index') }`); // bot.clooparr.shift(Number(args[2])); // eval(`clearInterval(bot.cloop${Number(args[2])})`); // bot.cloopnumbers - 1; remove(args[2]); bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify(['', {text: 'Removed cloop '}, {text: args[2], color: 'aqua'}])); } else { throw new Error('Invalid hash'); } return; } if (args[1]==='removeall') { if (args[0]===bot.hash) { // for (let i = 0; i <= bot.cloopnumbers; i++) { // bot.clooparr.shift(i); // eval(`clearInterval(bot.cloop${i})`); // } // bot.cloopnumbers = -1; clear(); bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify(['', {text: 'Removed all looped commands', color: 'white'}])); } else { throw new Error('Invalid hash'); } return; } }, };