/* eslint-disable max-len */ /* eslint-disable no-var */ const readline = require('node:readline'); const {stdin: input, stdout: output} = require('node:process'); const rl = readline.createInterface({input, output}); const process = require('child_process'); const config = require('./config'); require('./uptime'); rl.setMaxListeners(Infinity); const bots = {}; /** * the start function * @param {String} host * @param {Number} port */ function start(host, port) { const server = host; let theServer; bots[server] = process.exec('node index.js ' + host); if (host=='sus.shhnowisnottheti.me') { theServer = 'ayunboom'; } if (host=='') { theServer = 'dinboom'; } if (host=='play.kaboom.pw') { theServer = 'kaboom'; } if (host=='') { theServer = 'local'; } if (host=='kitsune.icu') { theServer = 'kitsune'; } if (host=='mc.chomens41793.ga') { theServer = 'chomens'; } eval(`${theServer} = []`); eval(`${theServer}loop = setInterval(() => { if (${theServer}[0]) { bots[server].stdin.write(${theServer}.at(0) + '\\n'); ${theServer} = []; } }, 0)`); bots[server].on('close', function() { bots[server].kill(); eval(`clearInterval(${theServer}loop)`); start(server); }); bots[server].stdout.on('data', function(chunk) { rl.output.write('\x1b[2K\r'); require('process').stdout.write(`${chunk}`); rl._refreshLine(); }); bots[server].stderr.on('data', function(chunk) { rl.output.write('\x1b[2K\r'); require('process').stderr.write(`${chunk}`); rl._refreshLine(); }); rl.on('line', (line) => { if (line.startsWith('/send ')) { try { const args = line.substring(1).trim().split(' '); eval(`${args.at(1)}.push(args.slice(2).join(' ').toString())`); } catch (e) { console.log('Invalid.'); } return; } bots[server].stdin.write(line + '\n'); require('process').once('SIGINT', () => { bots[server].kill(); require('process').exit(); }); }); } for (const server of config.servers) { start(server.host, server.port); }