const { containsIllegalCharacters } = require('../util/containsIllegalCharacters') const { chatPacketListener, parsePlayerMessages } = require('../util/chat') const minecraftVersionToNumber = require('../util/minecraftVersionToNumber') function inject (bot, dcclient, config) { bot.chatQueue = [] bot._chatQueue = [] const _chatQueueInterval = setInterval(() => { if (bot.chatQueue.length !== 0) { if (containsIllegalCharacters(bot.chatQueue[0])) { bot.chatQueue.shift() return }; // totallynotskidded™️ from mineflayer/lib/plugins/chat.js for (const subMessage of bot.chatQueue[0].split('\n')) { if (!subMessage) return let smallMsg for (let i = 0; i < subMessage.length; i += { smallMsg = subMessage.substring(i, i + bot._chatQueue.push(smallMsg) } } bot.chatQueue.shift() } }, 0) const chatQueueInterval = setInterval(function () { if (bot._chatQueue.length !== 0) { if (minecraftVersionToNumber(bot.version) >= 1.19) { // totallynotskidded™️ from mineflayer/lib/plugins/chat.js if (bot._chatQueue[0].startsWith('/')) { bot.write('chat_command', { command: bot._chatQueue[0].substring(1), // removes / from the command timestamp: BigInt(, salt: 0n, argumentSignatures: [], signedPreview: false }) } else { bot.write('chat_message', { message: bot._chatQueue[0], timestamp: BigInt(, salt: 0, signature: Buffer.alloc(0) // the bot will never go online mode i guess so i will just use this }) } } else { bot.write('chat', { message: bot._chatQueue[0] }) } bot._chatQueue.shift() } }, 450) = (message) => { bot.chatQueue.push(String(message)) } bot.on('end', () => { clearInterval(chatQueueInterval) clearInterval(_chatQueueInterval) }) function listener (packet) { chatPacketListener( packet, bot, minecraftVersionToNumber(bot.version) >= 1.19 ) } bot._client.on('system_chat', listener) bot._client.on('chat', listener) bot.on('message', (message, packet) => parsePlayerMessages(message, packet, bot)) } module.exports = { inject }