/* eslint-disable max-len */ const mc = require('minecraft-protocol'); const crypto = require('crypto'); const colorConvert = require('color-convert'); const sleep = require('sleep-promise'); const generateEaglerUsername = require('./util/generateEaglerUsername'); const {EventEmitter} = require('events'); const {loadPlugins} = require('./util/loadPlugins'); const uuid = require('uuid-by-string'); const readline = require('node:readline'); const {stdin: input, stdout: output} = require('node:process'); const rl = readline.createInterface({input, output}); const moment = require('moment-timezone'); const cowsay = require('cowsay2'); const cows = require('cowsay2/cows'); const util = require('node:util'); const {VM} = require('vm2'); const randomstring = require('randomstring'); const mineflayer = require('mineflayer'); /** * makes the bot * @param {object} server the server object used in the config * @param {object} config the config file * @param {Function} getBots get bots function in index.js * @param {Class} dcclient discord client * @return {object} the bot object */ async function createBot(server, config, getBots, dcclient) { const bot = new EventEmitter(); bot.options = { username: /* process.argv[2] */ server.host === 'mc.chomens41793.ga' ? 'ChomeNS_Bot' : randomstring.generate(16), host: /* process.argv[2] */ server.host, port: /* process.argv[3] ? Number(process.argv[3]) : 25565*/ server.port, version: config.version, checkTimeoutInterval: '30000', keepAlive: false, hideErrors: true, }; bot._client = mc.createClient(bot.options); bot.version = bot._client.version; bot.write = (name, data) => bot._client.write(name, data); bot.end = (reason = 'end') => { bot.emit('end', reason); bot.removeAllListeners(); bot._client.end(); bot._client.removeAllListeners(); }; bot.visibility = false; bot.getBots = getBots; bot.getplayerusername = {}; if (typeof bot.messageLogging === 'undefined') bot.messageLogging = true; await sleep(200); loadPlugins(bot, dcclient, config, rl); const channel = dcclient.channels.cache.get(config.discord.servers[bot.options.host]); bot.playersAddedPlayers = {}; bot.getplayerusername = {}; bot._client.on('login', async function(data) { bot.entityId = data.entityId; bot.uuid = bot._client.uuid; bot.username = bot._client.username; chatMessage = require('prismarine-chat')(bot.version); const mcData = require('minecraft-data')(bot.version); bot.console.info( `Successfully logged in to: ${bot.options.host}:${bot.options.port}`, ); channel.send( `Successfully logged in to: \`${bot.options.host}:${bot.options.port}\``, ); bot.eaglercrashstarted = false; // await sleep(1500); // bot.createCore(); bot.vmoptions = { timeout: 2000, sandbox: { run: function(cmd) { bot.core.run(cmd); }, mc, mineflayer, chat: bot.chat, moment, randomstring, uuid, chatMessage, crypto, colorConvert, bruhifyText: function(message) { if ( typeof message !== 'string' ) throw new SyntaxError('message must be a string'); bot.bruhifyText = message.substring(0, 1000); }, generateEaglerUsername, cowsay, cows, mcData, }, }; bot.vm = new VM(bot.vmoptions); // await sleep(1400); // bot.tellraw('@a', [ // { // text: 'ChomeNS Bot', // color: 'yellow', // }, // { // text: ' - ', // color: 'dark_gray', // }, // { // text: 'made by ', // color: 'gray', // }, // { // text: 'chayapak', // color: 'gold', // }, // ]); }); bot.on('player_added', (player) => { bot.playersAddedPlayers[player.name] = player.UUID; bot.getplayerusername[player.UUID] = player.name; }); bot._client.on('end', function(reason) { bot.emit('end', reason, 'end'); }); bot.once('end', (reason, event) => { bot.console.info( `Disconnected from ${bot.options.host} (${event} event): ${util.inspect(reason)}`, ); channel.send(`Disconnected: \`${util.inspect(reason)}\``); let timeout = config.reconnectTimeout; try { if (reason.text) { if (reason.text === 'Wait 5 seconds before connecting, thanks! :)' || reason.text === 'You are logging in too fast, try again later.' ) timeout = 1000 * 7; } } catch (e) { bot.console.error(e); } setTimeout(() => { bot.end(); createBot(server, config, getBots, dcclient); }, timeout); }); bot._client.on('keep_alive', (packet) => { bot.write('keep_alive', {keepAliveId: packet.keepAliveId}); }); bot._client.on('game_state_change', () => { bot.write('client_command', {payload: 0}); }); bot._client.on('kick_disconnect', function(data) { const parsed = JSON.parse(data.reason); bot.emit('end', parsed, 'kick_disconnect'); }); bot._client.on('disconnect', function(data) { const parsed = JSON.parse(data.reason); bot.emit('end', parsed, 'disconnect'); }); bot._client.on('error', function() {}); process.on('uncaughtException', (error) => { console.error('uncaught ' + util.inspect(error)); // channel.send('uncaught ```\n' + util.inspect(error) + '\n```'); // bot.emit('end', 'uncaughtException', 'process: uncaughtException'); }); return bot; }; module.exports = {createBot};