const { EmbedBuilder } = require('discord.js') const moment = require('moment-timezone') module.exports = { name: 'time', alias: [], description: 'Shows the time', usage: '', trusted: 0, execute (bot, username, sender, prefix, args, config, hash, ownerhash, selector) { const timezone = args.join(' ') const momented = moment().tz(timezone).format('dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY, hh:mm:ss A') const component = [{ text: 'The current date and time for the timezone ', color: 'white' }, { text: timezone, color: 'aqua' }, { text: ' is: ', color: 'white' }, { text: momented, color: 'green' }] if (timezone.toLowerCase() === 'asia/bangkok' || timezone.toLowerCase() === 'utc' || timezone.toLowerCase() === 'america/new_york') { bot.tellraw(selector, component) } else if (momented === moment().format('dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY, hh:mm:ss A')) { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid timezone') } else { bot.tellraw(selector, component) } }, discordExecute (bot, username, sender, prefix, args, channeldc, message, config) { const timezone = args.join(' ') const momented = moment().tz(timezone).format('dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY, hh:mm:ss A') const description = `The current date and time for the timezone ${timezone} is: ${momented}` if (timezone.toLowerCase() === 'asia/bangkok' || timezone.toLowerCase() === 'utc' || timezone.toLowerCase() === 'america/new_york') { const Embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(config.discord.embedsColors.normal) .setTitle('Time') .setDescription(description) channeldc.send({ embeds: [Embed] }) } else if (momented === moment().format('dddd, MMMM Do, YYYY, hh:mm:ss A')) { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid timezone') } else { const Embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setColor(config.discord.embedsColors.normal) .setTitle('Time') .setDescription(description) channeldc.send({ embeds: [Embed] }) } } }