/* eslint-disable max-len */ module.exports = { name: 'uuid', alias: [], description: 'Gets the UUID of a player. If no player specified it will show your UUID instead', usage: '', trusted: 0, execute: function(bot, username, usernameraw, sender, prefix, args) { if (args[0]!=undefined) { const playername = args.join(' '); const player = bot.playersAddedPlayers[playername]; if (player===undefined) throw new SyntaxError('Invalid UUID'); bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify(['', {text: `${playername}'s uuid: `, color: 'green'}, {text: `${player}`, color: 'aqua', clickEvent: {action: 'copy_to_clipboard', value: `${player}`}, hoverEvent: {action: 'show_text', contents: [{text: 'Click here to copy the uuid to your clipboard', color: 'green'}]}}])); } else { bot.core.run('minecraft:tellraw @a ' + JSON.stringify(['', {text: `Your uuid: `, color: 'green'}, {text: `${sender}`, color: 'aqua', clickEvent: {action: 'copy_to_clipboard', value: `${sender}`}, hoverEvent: {action: 'show_text', contents: [{text: 'Click here to copy the uuid to your clipboard', color: 'green'}]}}])); } }, };