/* eslint-disable max-len */ const {MessageEmbed} = require('discord.js'); module.exports = { name: 'botvisibility', alias: [], description: 'Changes the bot\'s visibility', usage: ' ', trusted: 1, execute: function(bot, username, usernameraw, sender, prefix, args) { if (args[0]===bot.hash) { if (args[1]==='true') { bot.visibility = true; bot.chat('/essentials:vanish disable'); bot.tellraw('@a', ['', {text: 'The bot\'s visibility is now ', color: 'white'}, {text: 'visible', color: 'green'}]); } else if (args[1]==='false') { bot.visibility = false; bot.chat('/essentials:vanish enable'); bot.tellraw('@a', ['', {text: 'The bot\'s visibility is now ', color: 'white'}, {text: 'invisible', color: 'gold'}]); } else { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid argument'); } } else { throw new Error('Invalid hash'); } }, discordExecute: function(bot, username, usernameraw, sender, prefix, args, channeldc, message) { if (message.member.roles.cache.some((role) => role.name === 'Trusted')) { if (args[0]==='true') { bot.visibility = true; bot.chat('/essentials:vanish disable'); const Embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor('#FFFF00') .setTitle('Bot\'s Visibility') .setDescription('The bot\'s visibility is now visible'); channeldc.send({embeds: [Embed]}); } else if (args[0]==='false') { bot.visibility = false; bot.chat('/essentials:vanish enable'); const Embed = new MessageEmbed() .setColor('#FFFF00') .setTitle('Bot\'s Visibility') .setDescription('The bot\'s visibility is now invisible'); channeldc.send({embeds: [Embed]}); } else { throw new SyntaxError('Invalid argument'); } } else { throw new Error('You\'re not in the trusted role!'); } }, };