module.exports = { version: '1.19.2', prefixes: [ '*', 'cbot ', '/cbot ' ], commandsDir: '../commands', // this will be used by the commands.js in the plugins folder so it needs ../ keys: { normalKey: '�iB_D���k��j8H�{?[/ڭ�f�}Ѣ�^-=�Ț��v]��g>��=c', ownerHashKey: 'b)R��nF�CW���#�\\[�S*8"t^eia�Z��k����K1�8zȢ�' }, proxy: { enabled: true, version: '1.19.2' }, console: true, chat: { messageLength: 100 }, core: { layers: 3, refillInterval: 1000 * 60, customName: [ { text: 'ChomeNS ', color: 'yellow' }, { text: 'Core', color: 'green' }, { text: '\u2122', color: 'gold' } ] }, self_care: { prefix: true, op: true, cspy: true, vanish: true, gamemode: true, mute: true, endCredits: true }, eval: { serverUrl: '' }, reconnectTimeout: 1000 * 2, timeoutInterval: 1000 * 40, self_care_check_interval: 2000, discord: { token: 'OTcxNjUwNDU2NzA5Mzk4NTY5.G3lKC2._XQNTTU1Jqmaam_A0JKSe93GP1vFZvDpiXqZzA', servers: { '': '990140129245020221', '': '1000355361196355674', '': '998945155316973650', '': '1002806756885413978', '': '1004006678460637315', '': '1050764247518412850', '': '1010734897796763758', '': '1042590315464364032', '': '1057090538404323338' }, embedsColors: { normal: '#FFFF00', error: '#FF0000' }, prefix: '!' }, servers: [ // logging means log to console { host: '', port: 25565, kaboom: true, logging: true, useChat: false }, { host: '', port: 25565, kaboom: false, logging: true, useChat: true }, { host: '', port: 25565, kaboom: true, logging: false, useChat: false }, { host: '', port: 25565, kaboom: true, logging: true, useChat: false }, { host: '', port: 25565, kaboom: true, logging: true, useChat: false } ] }