A Java version of ChomeNS Bot.
i get timeout :( but yes, it is because of SRV records stuff. it seems to work by redirecting clients that do SRV to mc.pregnanthorse.net, which is the trap server. but since the minecraft client doesn't resolve any, it just uses pregnanthorse.net, which is the actual server. anyways, heres the exception Internal Exception: io.netty.channel.ConnectTimeoutException: connection timed out after 30000 ms: pregnant.horse/ |
.idea | ||
src/main | ||
.gitignore | ||
build.gradle | ||
gradlew | ||
gradlew.bat | ||
lombok.config | ||
README.md | ||
settings.gradle |
ChomeNS Bot Java
A Java verison of ChomeNS Bot.
You will see that the exploits plugin is missing because I gitignored it to prevent exploit leaks
To make this successfully compile just make ExploitsPlugin.java
in the plugins folder and add this code:
package me.chayapak1.chomens_bot.plugins;
import me.chayapak1.chomens_bot.Bot;
import java.util.UUID;
public class ExploitsPlugin {
public ExploitsPlugin (Bot bot) {}
public void kick (UUID uuid) {}
public void pcrash (UUID uuid) {}
Then at the root of the project run ./gradlew shadowJar
for Linux or gradlew.bat shadowJar
for Windows
The .jar file will be at build/libs
, to run the bot do java -jar chomens_bot-rolling-all.jar