Greatly improve buildscripts #1

Manually merged
ChomeNS merged 0 commits from :1.20.1 into 1.20.1 2024-12-27 20:59:55 -05:00
  • Fixes broken ass shading (now you can use runClient!)
  • Bumps gradle & fabric-loom

runClient screenshot:
1.21.1 Minecraft client running this fork of chipmunkmod, launched through fabric-loom's runClient task

- Fixes broken ass shading (now you can use runClient!) - Bumps gradle & fabric-loom runClient screenshot: ![1.21.1 Minecraft client running this fork of chipmunkmod, launched through fabric-loom's runClient task](/attachments/0d2f7ec6-cf84-49c0-8a01-bd764a0ad0ad)
332 KiB
amy added 1 commit 2024-12-27 20:47:05 -05:00
build: bump gradle; fabric-loom
fix: don't suggest another-mod
ChomeNS manually merged commit a9b365127f into 1.20.1 2024-12-27 20:59:55 -05:00
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Reference: ChomeNS/chipmunkmod#1
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