2024-02-12 21:09:05 +00:00

569 lines
17 KiB

const mineflayer = require('mineflayer')
let symbol = require('illegal-symbols')
var server = ''
const readline = require('readline')
let rl = readline.createInterface({ input: process.stdin, output: process.stdout })
const randomstring = require('randomstring');
const bot = mineflayer.createBot({
host: server,
port: 25565,
username: randomstring.generate(8),
version: 1.16,
var sleep = t => new Promise(a => setTimeout(a, t)),
sendChat = async function(m) {, 256)); await sleep(300); }
function between(min, max) {
return Math.floor(
Math.random() * (max - min) + min
var prefix = '&8[&b&lBOYFRIEND&8]&a[&lBeta] &8[&4&lParker2991&8]';
var consoleprefix = 'bcraw &8 &l &m[&4 &mParker2991&8] &8 &m[&b &mBOYFRIEND&8] &8 &m[&b &mCONSOLE&8] ';
function randomchar() {
const crypto = require("crypto");
var hash = crypto.createHash("md5");
var randomBytes = crypto.randomBytes(16);
var hashi = hash.digest(Math.round(Math.random()) ? "hex" : "Base64");
return hashi.substring(0, 16);
function runInCore(cmd) {
bot._client.write('update_command_block', { location: { x: between(Math.floor(bot.entity.position.x) + 1, Math.floor(bot.entity.position.x) - 15), y: between(0, 3), z: between(Math.floor(bot.entity.position.z) + 1, Math.floor(bot.entity.position.z) - 15) }, command: cmd, mode: 1, flags: 0b100 });
bot.on('login', async () => { // time in ms
console.log(`logged in as ${bot.username}`)
//change the coords if bot has problems
//await sendChat('/tp '+require('randomstring').generate({length:5,charset:'1234567890'})+' 5 '+require('randomstring').generate({length:6,charset:'1234567890'}))
await sendChat('/tptoggle')
await sendChat('/online')
await sendChat('/vanish')
await sendChat('/v on')
await sendChat('/console ')
await sendChat('/username &8[&a&lBetaBot&8]')
await sendChat('/c')
await sendChat('/tptoggle parker2991')
await sendChat('/tp Parker2991')
await sendChat('/tptoggle parker2991')
await sendChat('/Username ')
await sendChat('/night')
await sendChat('/gamerule doMobSpawning false')
await sendChat('/de')
await sendChat('/online')
await sendChat('/cspy on')
await sendChat('/prefix &4[BOT/CONSOLE]')
await sendChat('/sudo Parker2991 prefix &b &l &m[Boyfriend]')
await sendChat(`/fill ${Math.floor(bot.entity.position.x)} 0 ${Math.floor(bot.entity.position.z)} ${Math.floor(bot.entity.position.x) - 15} 50 ${Math.floor(bot.entity.position.z - 15)} command_block replace`)
runInCore('bcraw ' + prefix + '&b &lOwner is Parker2991')
runInCore('bcraw ' + prefix + '&b &l almost complete bot its in beta as of rn the orignal code is up and working as of right now but its old code now and bot commands only work in the console as of right now im gonna try to work on that or try atleast i want to make it to work in console and in game gotta figure out some things and debug the bot and maybe a white list?')
runInCore('bcraw ' + prefix + 'command list is not know as this time im still trying to figure out all the code for the bot')
runInCore('bcraw ' + prefix + 'like always daily meme because why not')
runInCore('bcraw ' + prefix + 'no meme today sorry =(')
const cmd = require('mineflayer-cmd').plugin
cmd.allowConsoleInput = false // Optional config argument
//kill command function
//test command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'nuke':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('essentials:ekill *'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('nuke'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('eco give * 1000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('day'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('night'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('clear @a'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon fireball 115 62 -5'), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'fakekick':
runInCore('msg ' + args + ' @e @e @e @e @e @e @e @e @e')
runInCore('bcraw &8&l[&b&m&lBoyfriendbot]&8 ' + args + ' has been kicked!')
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'gmc':
runInCore('sudo + botusername gmc')
runInCore('bcraw DOWN IN OHIO!')
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'op':
runInCore('sudo + botusername op + botusername')
switch (command) {
case 'kaboom':
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
runInCore('bcraw have fun =)')
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'BOOM':
runInCore('sudo * /fast')
runInCore('sudo * gms')
runInCore('sudo * /sphere tnt 75')
runInCore('sudo * kaboom')
switch (command) {
case 'kick':
runInCore('/console @e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e@e')
runInCore('bcraw &8&l[&b&m&lBoyfriendbot]&8 ' + args + ' has been kicked!')
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'greeting':
runInCore('bcraw &8&lWelcome Owner &4&l&m[Ayunami2000] To The Server!!!!!!')
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'ban':
runInCore('msg ' + args + ' @e @e @e @e @e @e @e @e @e')
runInCore('bcraw &4&l&mConsole Has Perm Banned ' + args + 'For 22 Days And 14 Hours')
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'thor':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('essentials:smite *' + args), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'console':
runInCore('m * ' + args.join(' '))
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'servercrash':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('essentials:sudo * kick @e[type=player] @e @e @e'), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'explode':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('minecraft:execute unless entity @e[name= run ] at ' + args + ' run summon minecraft:tnt'), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'trol':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('essentials:smite ' + args), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('clear ' + args), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('effect give ' + args + ' nausea'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('effect give ' + args + ' poison'), 1 })
runInCore('gms ' + args)
setInterval(function() { runInCore('spawnentity pig 10 ' + args), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('spawnentity tntminecart 10 ' + args), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('spawnentity zombie 10 ' + args), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('kaboom ' + args), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'cloop':
setInterval(function() { runInCore(args.join(' ')), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'test':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('minecraft:execute unless entity @s[name= run ] at ' + args + ' run summon minecraft:iron_golem'), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'bypass':
runInCore('sudo * execute at @a run playsound minecraft:entity.wolf.howl master @a ~ ~ ~ 10000 1.5 1 ')
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'entityspam':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon fireball 115 62 -5'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon ender_dragon 115 62 -6'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon zombie 115 62 -3'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon creeper 115 62 -1'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon blazed 115 62 -5'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon horse 115 62 -5'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon spider 115 62 -5'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon fireball 115 62 -5'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon ender_dragon 115 62 -6'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon zombie 115 62 -3'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon creeper 115 62 -1'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon blazed 115 62 -5'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon horse 115 62 -5'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon spider 115 62 -5'), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'tp':
runInCore('essentials:sudo * tp ' + args)
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'gms':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('gms ' + args), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'stop':
runInCore('bcraw ' + prefix + 'STOPPING SERVER.....')
setInterval(function() { runInCore('execute unless entity @s[name= run ] run stop'), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'tntspam':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 600 65 6000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 100 65 100'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 60045 65 60000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 60 65 55'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 800 65 60000000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 600000 65 6000000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 60000000 65 6500000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 6600 65 60060'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 6500 65 56000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 6070 65 777776000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 888600 65 608700'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 68700 65 987000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 98000 65 567000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 56700 65 696700'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 688800 65 6088800'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 2 65 4'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 25 65 80'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 976769 65 56979'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 6979 65 21'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 21 65 600000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 434 65 60434400'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 640 65 6545450'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 6045450 65 6000'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('summon tnt 6095850 65 6000'), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'prefix':
runInCore('sudo * prefix ' + args)
//cloop command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'annoy':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('sudo * gms' + ''), 1 })
//freeze command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'freeze':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('tp ' + args + ' ' + args), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'crashserver':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('execute unless entity @s[name= run ] run tp @a ' + bot.username), 1 })
//troll command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'troll':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('day'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('night'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('clear @a'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('effect give @a nausea'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('effect give @a slowness'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('give @a bedrock'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('give @a sand'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('give @a dirt'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('give @a diamond'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('give @a tnt'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('give @a crafting_table'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('give @a diamond_block'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('smite *'), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('kaboom' + args), 1 })
//icu command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'icu':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('tp ' + args + ' man'), 1 })
//say command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'say':
runInCore('bcraw ' + prefix + args.join(' '))
//deop command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'deop':
setInterval(function() { runInCore('sudo * deop @e[type=player] ' + args), 1 })
setInterval(function() { runInCore('sudo op @s[type=player] ' + args), 1 })
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'sudo':
runInCore('sudo ' + args.join(' '))
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'tpe':
runInCore('execute unless entity @s[name= run ] run tp @e[type=!player] ' + args)
//sudoall command
rl.on('line', (line) => {
let args = line.split(' ')
let command = args.shift()
switch (command) {
case 'sudoall':
runInCore('essentials:sudo * ' + args.join(' '))
console.log("succesfully execute sudo command " + args)
bot.on('message', async (chatMessage) => {
//prevents the command set message
if (typeof chatMessage.translate === 'string' && chatMessage.translate.startsWith('advMode.')) return