const convert = require('color-convert') function inject (bot) { bot.bruhifyTextTellraw = '' let startHue = 0 const timer = setInterval(() => { if (bot.bruhifyTextTellraw === '') return let hue = startHue const displayName = bot.bruhifyTextTellraw const increment = (360 / Math.max(displayName.length, 20)) const component = [] for (const character of displayName) { const color = convert.hsv.hex(hue, 100, 100) component.push({ text: character, color: `#${color}`, }) // hoverEvent: { action:"show_text", value: '§aMan i like frogs - _ChipMC_'}, hue = (hue + increment) % 360 }`tellraw @a ${JSON.stringify(component)}`) // instead of doing just "tellraw" do "minecraft:tellraw" startHue = (startHue + increment) % 360 }, 50) bot.on('end', () => { clearInterval(timer) }) } module.exports = inject