const mc = require('minecraft-protocol'); const { EventEmitter } = require('events'); EventEmitter.defaultMaxListeners = 5e6; const util = require('util'); const ChatMessage = require('prismarine-chat'); function createBot(options = {}, config) { let endCount = 0; const bot = new EventEmitter(); bot.options = { // Set some default values in options host: ??= 'localhost', username: options.username ??= 'Player', hideErrors: options.hideErrors ??= true, // HACK: Hide errors by default as a lazy fix to console being spammed with them }; bot.options = options; // Create our client object, put it on the bot, and register some events bot.on('init_client', client => { client.on('packet', (data, meta) => { bot.emit('packet', data, meta) bot.emit('packet.' +, data); }) client.on('login', (data) => { bot.uuid = client.uuid bot.username = client.username bot.registry = require('prismarine-registry')(client.version); bot.registry.language = require('./data/language.json'); bot.emit('registry_ready', bot.registry); }) client.on('disconnect', data => { bot.emit("disconnect", data); bot.console.warn(`${ChatMessage(bot._client.version).fromNotch("§8[§bClient Reconnect§8]§r")?.toAnsi()} ${ChatMessage(bot._client.version).fromNotch(data.reason)?.toAnsi()}`) }) client.on('end', reason => { bot.emit('end', reason); if (reason === "socketClosed") return; bot.console.warn(ChatMessage(bot._client.version).fromNotch(`§8[§bClient Reconnect§8]§r ${reason}`)?.toAnsi()); }) client.on('error', error => { endCount++ if (endCount === 10) {'stopped logging disconnect messages for now...'); bot?.discord?.channel?.send('stopped logging disconnect messages for now...'); return; } else if (endCount > 10) { return; } else { bot.console.warn(ChatMessage(bot._client.version).fromNotch('§8[§bClient Reconnect§8]§r ')?.toAnsi() + util.inspect(error.toString())) bot?.discord?.channel?.send(error.toString()); } }) client.on("keep_alive", ({ keepAliveId }) => { bot.emit("keep_alive", { keepAliveId }) }) client.on('kick_disconnect', (data) => { bot.emit("kick_disconnect", data.reason) bot.console?.warn(`${ChatMessage(bot._client.version).fromNotch("§8[§bClient Reconnect§8]§r")?.toAnsi()} ${ChatMessage(bot._client.version).fromNotch(data.reason)?.toAnsi()}`) bot?.discord?.channel?.send(util.inspect(data.reason)) }) client.on('success', (data) => { endCount = 0; }) process.on("uncaughtException", (e) => { // console?.warn(e.stack) }); }) const client = options.client ?? new mc.createClient(bot.options) bot._client = client bot.emit('init_client', client) bot.bots = options.bots ?? [bot] return bot } module.exports = createBot;