const CommandError = require("../CommandModules/command_error"); const path = require("path"); const fs = require("fs/promises"); const packageJSON = require("../package.json"); module.exports = { name: "info", description: [ "check the bots info. the usages are version, discord, serverinfo, logininfo, uptime, creators", ], aliases: ["information"], trustLevel: 0, async execute(context) { const bot =; const args = context.arguments; // const client = context.client const cmd = { //test.js translate: "[%s] ", bold: false, color: "white", with: [{ color: "gold", text: "Info Cmd" }], }; const buildstring = process.env["buildstring"]; const foundationbuildstring = process.env["FoundationBuildString"]; const source = context.source; switch (args[0]) { case "version": const discordJSVersion = packageJSON.dependencies["discord.js"]; const MinecraftProtocolVersion = packageJSON.dependencies["minecraft-protocol"]; context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `${process.env["buildstring"]}`, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `${process.env["FoundationBuildString"]}`, }); const date = new Date().toLocaleDateString("en-US", { timeZone: "America/CHICAGO", }); context.source.sendFeedback({ text: `Bot Release: 11/22/2022 `, color: "gray", }); context.source.sendFeedback({ text: `BotEngine:Node-Minecraft-Protocol @${MinecraftProtocolVersion}`, color: "gray", translate: "", hoverEvent: { action: "show_text", value: [ { text: "Node-Minecraft-protocol", color: "gray", }, ], }, clickEvent: { action: "open_url", value: ``, }, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ text: `Discord.js @${discordJSVersion}`, color: "gray", translate: "", hoverEvent: { action: "show_text", value: [ { text: "Discord.js", color: "gray", }, ], }, clickEvent: { action: "open_url", value: ``, }, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `Node js Version @${process.version}`, }); // context.source.sendFeedback({color: 'gray', text:`npm Version:@${npmVersion}`}) break; case "thankyou": var prefix = "&8&l&m[&4&mParker2991&8]&8&m[&b&mBOYFRIEND&8]&8&m[&b&mCONSOLE&8]&r "; "bcraw " + prefix + "Thank you for all that helped and contributed with the bot, it has been one hell of a ride with the bot hasnt it? From November 22, 2022 to now, 0.1 beta to 4.0 alpha, Mineflayer to Node-Minecraft-Protocol. I have enjoyed all the new people i have met throughout the development of the bot back to the days when the bot used mineflayer for most of its lifespan to the present as it now uses node-minecraft-protocol. Its about time for me to tell how development went in the bot well here it is, back in 0.1 beta of the bot it was skidded off of menbot 1.0 reason why? Well because LoginTimedout gave me the bot when ayunboom was still a thing and he helped throughout that time period bot and when 1.0 beta came around he he just stopped helping me on it why? because he had servers to run so yeah but anyway back then i didnt know what skidded like i do now so i thought i could get away with but i was wrong 💀. Early names considered for the bot were &6&lParkerBot &4&lDEMONBot &b&lWoomyBot &b&lBoyfriendBot,&r i kept the name &b&lBoyfriendBot&r throughout most of the early development but i got sick and tired of being harassed about the name being told it was gay but people really didnt know what it meant did they? It was referenced to Boyfriend from Friday Night Funkin’ so right around 1.0 released i renamed it to &b&lFNFBoyfriend&4&lBot &rand around 2.0 changed it to &5&lFNF&b&lBoyfriend&4&lBot &rand luckily avoided the harassment when i changed it i love coding and i want to learn how to code more thank you all!", ); break; case "discord": source.sendFeedback({ text: bot.options.discord.invite, color: "gray", translate: "", hoverEvent: { action: "show_text", value: [ { text: "click here to join!", color: "gray", }, ], }, clickEvent: { action: "open_url", value: `${bot.options.discord.invite}`, }, }); break; case "serverinfo": const os = require("os"); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `Hostname: ${os.hostname()}`, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `Working Directory: ${path.join(__dirname, "..")}`, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `OS architecture: ${os.arch()}`, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `OS platform: ${os.platform()}`, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `OS name: ${os.version()}`, }); context.source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `CPU cores: ${os.cpus().length}`, }); /* if (os.platform() !== 'linux'){ source.sendFeedback({text:'cannot find the cpu model are you sure the bot is running on linux?', color:'red'}) } else if (os.platform() === 'linux') { */ source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `CPU model: ${os.cpus()[0].model}`, }); source.sendFeedback({ translate:'%s%s%s', color: "gray", with: [{text:`Server Memory Usage `, color:'gray'},{text:`${Math.floor( os.freemem() / 1048576, )} `,color:'gray'},{text: `MiB / ${Math.floor(os.totalmem() / 1048576)} MiB`, color:'gray'}], }); break; case "logininfo": source.sendFeedback({ text: `Bot Username: "${bot.username}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Bot uuid:"${bot.uuid}"`, color: "gray" }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Minecraft Java Version: "${bot.version}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Server: "${}:${bot.options.port}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Main Prefix: "${bot.options.commands.MainPrefix}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Secondary Prefix: "${bot.options.commands.SecondaryPrefix}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Tertiary Prefix: "${bot.options.commands.TertiaryPrefix}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Discord Prefix: "${bot.options.discord.commandPrefix}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Discord Username: "${bot.discord.client.user.username}#${bot.discord.client.user.discriminator}"`, color: "gray", }); source.sendFeedback({ text: `Discord Channel: ${}`, }); source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `ConsoleServer:"${bot.console.consoleServer}"`, }); const amonger = => + "\n"); const port = => eachBot.options.port); if (amonger.length === 0) { const list = []; for (const host of bots) { if (list.length !== 0) { list.push(; } } } source.sendFeedback({ text: `Servers in Config ${amonger.length}` }); /* if (query.length === 0) { const list = [] for (const host of bots) { if (list.length !== 0) list.push({ text: ', ', color: 'gray' })// list.push( list.push( } context.source.sendFeedback([], false) return }*/ /* if (query.length === 0) { const list = [] for (const info of bots) { if (list.length !== 0) list.push({ text: ', ', color: 'gray' })// list.push( list.push( } context.source.sendFeedback(['Known bots (', bots.length, ') - ', ...list], false) return } */ //real /* const util = fs.readdir('./util') source.sendFeedback({text:`Util Files loaded: ${util.length}`, color:'gray'}) const modules = fs.readdir('./modules') source.sendFeedback({text:`Modules Files loaded: ${modules.length}`, color:'gray'}) const commands = fs.readdir('./commands') source.sendFeedback({text:`Commands Files loaded: ${commands.length}`, color:'gray'}) const CommandModules = fs.readdir('./CommandModules') source.sendFeedback({text:`CommandModules Files loaded: ${CommandModules.length}`, color:'gray'}) const chat = fs.readdir('./chat') source.sendFeedback({text:`Chat Files loaded: ${chat.length}`, color:'gray'}) /* const = '../' fs.readdir(, (err, files) => { source.sendFeedback({text:` Files loaded: ${file.length}`, color:'gray'}) }); */ /*context.source.sendFeedback({ translate: '\n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s', with: [ { color: "gray", text: `Bot Username: "${bot.username}"`}, { color: "gray", text: `Bot uuid: "${bot.uuid}"`, clickEvent: {action:"copy_to_clipboard", value: `${}`}}, { color: "gray", text: `Minecraft Java Version: "${bot.version}"`}, { color: "gray", text: `Server: "${}:${bot.port}"`}, { color: "gray", text: `Prefix: "${bot.options.commands.prefix}"`}, { color: "gray", text: `Discord Prefix: "${bot.options.discord.commandPrefix}"`}, { color: "gray", text: `Discord Username: "${bot.discord.client.user.username}#${bot.discord.client.user.discriminator}"`}, { color: "gray", text: `ConsoleServer:"${bot.console.consoleServer}"`} ] }); */ // clickevent: { action:"open_url", value: `${}`}, break; case "test": // bot.tellraw('test') // const porta = => eachBot.options.port) const amongerus = (eachBot) => + ":" + eachBot.options.port + "\n", ); /* if (amonger.length === 0){ const list = []; for (const host of bots){ if (list.length !== 0) { list.push({text:`Server Count: ${}`}) } } } */ //source.sendFeedback() source.sendFeedback(amongerus); // source.sendFeedback(amonger) break; case "uptime": function format(seconds) { function pad(s) { return (s < 10 ? "0" : "") + s; } var hours = Math.floor(seconds / (60 * 60)); var minutes = Math.floor((seconds % (60 * 60)) / 60); var seconds = Math.floor(seconds % 60); return ( pad(`hours: ${hours}`) + " " + pad(`Mins: ${minutes}`) + " " + pad(`Seconds: ${seconds}`) ); } var uptime = process.uptime(); source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: `Bot Uptime: ${format(uptime)}`, }); break; case "creators": source.sendFeedback({ color: "gray", text: "Thank you to all that helped!", }); source.sendFeedback({ translate: "%s%s", with: [ { color: "dark_red", text: "Parker" }, { color: "black", text: "2991" }, ], hoverEvent: { action: "show_text", value: [ { text: "FNF", color: "dark_purple", bold: true, }, { text: "Boyfriend", color: "aqua", bold: true, }, { text: "Bot ", color: "dark_red", bold: true, }, { text: "Discord", color: "blue", bold: false, }, ], }, clickEvent: { action: "open_url", value: `${bot.options.discord.invite}`, }, }); source.sendFeedback({ text: "_ChipMC_", color: "dark_green", translate: "", hoverEvent: { action: "show_text", value: [ { text: "chipmunk dot land", color: "green", }, ], }, clickEvent: { action: "open_url", value: ``, }, }); source.sendFeedback({ text: "chayapak", color: "yellow", translate: "", hoverEvent: { action: "show_text", value: [ { text: "Chomens ", color: "yellow", }, { text: "Discord", color: "blue", }, ], }, clickEvent: { action: "open_url", value: ``, }, }); source.sendFeedback({ text: "_yfd", color: "light_purple", translate: "", hoverEvent: { action: "show_text", value: [ { text: "ABot ", color: "gold", bold: true, }, { text: "Discord", color: "blue", bold: false, }, ], }, clickEvent: { action: "open_url", value: ``, }, }); source.sendFeedback({ text: "Poopcorn(Poopbob???)", color: "gold" }); /* text:bot.options.discord.invite, color:'gray', translate:"", hoverEvent:{ action:"show_text", value:[ { text:'click here to join!', color:'gray', } ] },clickEvent:{ action:"open_url",value:`${bot.options.discord.invite}` } }) */ /* context.source.sendFeedback({ translate: '\n %s \n %s%s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s \n %s', with: [ { color: 'gray', text: 'Thank you to all that helped!' }, { color: 'dark_red', text: 'Parker' }, { color: 'black', text: '2991' }, { color: 'dark_green', text: '_ChipMC_' }, { color: 'yellow', text: 'chayapak' }, { color: 'light_purple', text: '_yfd' }, { color: 'yellow', text: 'ChomeNS Discord Server:' }, { color: 'aqua', text: 'FNFBoyfriendBot Discord Server:' }, { color: 'green', text: '(sadly chip doesnt have a discord server) _ChipMC_s Website' }, { color: 'light_purple', text: '_yfds discord server:' }, { color: 'yellow', text: 'chayapaks discord username: chayapak' }, { color: 'green', text: '_ChipMC_s discord username: chipmunkmc' }, ] }); */ break; default: context.source.sendError([ cmd, { text: "Invalid action", color: "dark_red", bold: false }, ]); context.source.sendError([ cmd, { text: "the usages are version, discord, serverinfo, logininfo, uptime, creators", color: "gray", bold: false, }, ]); } }, };