2024-03-11 19:09:53 -04:00
Running "sparo clone __GITHUB_HOSTNAME__tiktok/sparo.git --branch build-test":
2024-03-06 20:25:24 -05:00
[1mSparo accelerator for Git __VERSION__ -[22m[36m https://tiktok.github.io/sparo/[39m
Node.js version is __VERSION__ (LTS)
Git version is __VERSION__
Initializing working directory...
[90m--[[39m [1mgit clone[22m [90m]----------------------------------------------------------------[39m
Checking out and updating core files...
[90m--[[39m [1mgit sparse-checkout[22m [90m]------------------------------------------------------[39m
Checking out skeleton...
[90m--[[39m [1mgit sparse-checkout[22m [90m]------------------------------------------------------[39m
Applying recommended configuration...
[90m--[[39m [1mgit maintenance[22m [90m]----------------------------------------------------------[39m
2024-03-07 18:26:07 -05:00
[32mSuccess: Working directory "sparo" was prepared in __DURATION__.[39m
2024-03-06 20:25:24 -05:00
Don't forget to change your shell path:
2024-03-07 18:26:07 -05:00
[36mcd sparo[39m
2024-03-06 20:25:24 -05:00
Your next step is to choose a Sparo profile for checkout.
To see available profiles in this repo:
[36msparo list-profiles[39m
To checkout and set profile:
[36msparo checkout --profile <profile_name>[39m
To checkout and add profile:
[36msparo checkout --add-profile <profile_name>[39m
To create a new profile:
[36msparo init-profile --profile <profile_name>[39m