7cc5c4f330d47060 eb89f9e657 sg.usage": " <message>",
"command.netmsg.desc": "Send a message to all servers the bot is connected to",
	"command.refill.usage": "",
	"command.refill.desc": "Refill core",
	"command.say.usage": " <message>",
	"command.say.desc": "Sends a message to chat",
	"command.serverinfo.usage": "",
	"command.serverinfo.desc": "Get system/bot info",
	"command.stop.usage": "",
	"command.stop.desc": "Restart bot",
	"command.template.usage": " <required> [optional]",
	"command.template.desc": "Does nothing",
	"command.tpr.desc": "Teleport to a random location",
    "command.tpr.usage": "",
	"command.verify.usage": " [args...]",
	"command.verify.desc": "Check the hashing system",
	"command.about.author": "%s - a Minecraft bot made by 77c8f4699b732c11 / a5a06d596f15c7db",
	"command.about.version": "Version %s",
	"command.about.sourceCode": "Source code: %s",
	"command.about.sourceCode.openInBrowser": "Click to o
2024-08-01 20:00:46 -04:00

120 lines
4.4 KiB

const _lang = require('minecraft-data')('1.20.2').language;
const settings = require('../settings.json');
const lang = Object.create(null) // Without constructor function
for (const i in _lang) {
lang[i] = _lang[i]
const _consoleColors = require("./consolecolors.json");
let consoleColors;
let consoleColors24;
} else {
const hexColorParser = (color) => {
if(!consoleColors24.enabled || consoleColors24.bit!==24){ //Non-24bit hex color parsing is not implemented yet
return "";
let out = '\x1B[0;'
const redChannel = Number('0x' + color.slice(1, 3))
const greenChannel = Number('0x' + color.slice(3, 5))
const blueChannel = Number('0x' + color.slice(5, 7))
if (!consoleColors24.lightMode && redChannel < 64 && greenChannel < 64 && blueChannel < 64) {
out += '48;2;220;220;220;'
} else if (consoleColors24.lightMode && ((redChannel > 192 && greenChannel > 192 && blueChannel > 192) || greenChannel > 160)) {
out += '48;2;0;0;0;'
return out + `38;2;${redChannel};${greenChannel};${blueChannel}m`
const processColor = (col, rcol) => {
let out;
if (col === 'reset') {
out = rcol
} else if (col.startsWith('#')) {
out = hexColorParser(col)
} else {
out = consoleColors[col]
return out
const parse = function (_data, l = 0, resetColor = consoleColors.reset) {
if (l >= 12) {
return ['', '', '']
let data
if (typeof _data === 'string') {
data = { text: _data, color: 'reset' }
} else if (typeof _data === 'number') {
data = { text: _data + '', color: 'reset' }
} else if (_data.constructor === Array) {
data = { extra: _data, color: 'reset' }
} else {
data = _data
let nkt = false
const out = {
console: "", // Console formatting using ANSI escape codes for colors
plain: "" // Plain formatting with no colors
if (data['']) {
data.text = data['']
nkt = true
if (data.color) {
out.console += processColor(data.color, resetColor)
} else {
out.console += resetColor
if (data.text) {
let _text = data.text
if (typeof _text === 'number') {
_text = _text.toString()
if (nkt) {
out.console += resetColor
out.console += _text.replaceAll('\x1b', '').replaceAll('\x0e', '') // Remove escape codes and [SO] from console format
out.plain += _text
if (data.translate) {
let trans = data.translate.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123').replaceAll('\x1b', '').replaceAll('\x0e', '') // Remove escape codes from console format
let trans2 = data.translate.replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
if (lang[trans] !== undefined) {
trans = lang[trans].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
trans2 = lang[trans2].replace(/%%/g, '\ue123')
for (const i in data.with) {
const j2 = parse(data.with[i], l + 1, data.color ? processColor(data.color, resetColor) : resetColor)
trans = trans.replace(/%s/, j2.console.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans2 = trans2.replace(/%s/, j2.plain.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans = trans.replaceAll(`%${+i + 1}$s`, j2.console.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
trans2 = trans2.replaceAll(`%${+i + 1}$s`, j2.plain.replace(/%s/g, '\ue124').replace(/\$s/g, '\ue125'))
out.console += trans.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
out.plain += trans2.replace(/\ue123/g, '%').replace(/\ue124/g, '%s').replace(/\ue125/g, '$s')
if (data.extra) {
for (const i in data.extra) {
const parsed = parse(data.extra[i], l, data.color ? processColor(data.color, resetColor) : resetColor)
out.console += parsed.console
out.plain += parsed.plain
out.console += resetColor
return out
const parse2 = function (_data, l, resetColor) {
try {
return parse(_data)
} catch (e) {
return {
console: '\x1B[0m\x1B[38;2;255;85;85mAn error occured while parsing a message. See console for more information.\nJSON that caused the error: ' + JSON.stringify(_data),
plain: 'An error occured while parsing a message. See console for more information. JSON that caused the error: ' + JSON.stringify(_data)
module.exports = parse2